Young people are rejecting the left's pro-abortion propaganda

Yea… like they weren’t going after Roe. They swore up and down that it was stare decisis … until it wasn’t

Those abortion freaks will try to kill it on every state on the nation. They’ll focus their money and resources on taking over state legislatures in EVERY state

And they will also try to kill it on a national level.

These freaks do not stop and can not be trusted
But will they?
What does that have to do with abortion? Can You stay on topic?

Between Trump, Biden or Haley, I’d vote Haley but I will still go 3rd party.
The former fuckup just claimed in a speech that it was her failure to call the guard on J6.
The former fuckup just claimed in a speech that it was her failure to call the guard on J6.
I don’t give a flip what he says, I don’t watch or listen to his tripe, I’m not voting for him, why do I care what he says? That is just stupid. He is an embarrassment as I have stated in this thread over and over, you people are not good readers are you?
I don’t give a flip what he says, I don’t watch or listen to his tripe, I’m not voting for him, why do I care what he says? That is just stupid. He is an embarrassment as I have stated in this thread over and over, you people are not good readers are you?
Who is the libertarian that you're voting for?
What? They don't have one yet.
When I stopped voting for the two parties I started to do research and learn about candidates an their stand on issues that concerned me, Iadmit some of those third party candidates were crazy but I look for fiscal conservatives and go from there.
When I stopped voting for the two parties I started to do research and learn about candidates an their stand on issues that concerned me, Iadmit some of those third party candidates were crazy but I look for fiscal conservatives and go from there.
Where can we find a successful libertarian state in the last 100 years.
yeah states rights which gave us slavery.
…. and gay marriage and legalization of marijuana as well.

Are you anti- States Rights or selectively against States Rights when you get an outcome you don’t like.
…. and gay marriage and legalization of marijuana as well.

Are you anti- States Rights or selectively against States Rights when you get an outcome you don’t like.
States don't have the right to violate anyone's rights. If Alabama wants to bring back Jim Crow segregation, should people just accept it, because the racist Hillbillies want it back? I don't think so.
States don't have the right to violate anyone's rights. If Alabama wants to bring back Jim Crow segregation, should people just accept it, because the racist Hillbillies want it back? I don't think so.
False equivalence. With Jim Crow, they were specifically denying rights to certain people. With an abortion ban, where in the constitution does it say a person has a right to an abortion? Why and how is an abortion a right?
False equivalence. With Jim Crow, they were specifically denying rights to certain people. With an abortion ban, where in the constitution does it say a person has a right to an abortion? Why and how is an abortion a right?
Due to more advanced medical technology, women today can easily end their pregnancies early before the life in their wombs develops into a viable fetus. Being that our society is structured differently today than it was 200 years ago, with so many women in the workforce, who are supporting themselves and are single, why not allow them to have sovereignty over their uteruses, at least early in pregnancy? There are medical procedures now that can easily end a pregnancy, why deprive women of that, forcing them to remain pregnant for nine months and give birth to a child they don't want or cannot raise?

The people who push the government to criminalize abortion, don't at least provide financial support or government services to the women they're forcing to remain pregnant and give birth. The infrastructure has to be in place to allow single mothers to support themselves and their children. If that support isn't there women will run to the underground, illegal abortion clinic the moment they discover they're pregnant or travel to another state, and abortion rates will increase.
Due to more advanced medical technology, women today can easily end their pregnancies early before the life in their wombs develops into a viable fetus. Being that our society is structured differently today than it was 200 years ago, with so many women in the workforce, who are supporting themselves and are single, why not allow them to have sovereignty over their uteruses, at least early in pregnancy? There are medical procedures now that can easily end a pregnancy, why deprive women of that, forcing them to remain pregnant for nine months and give birth to a child they don't want or cannot raise?

The people who push the government to criminalize abortion, don't at least provide financial support or government services to the women they're forcing to remain pregnant and give birth. The infrastructure has to be in place to allow single mothers to support themselves and their children. If that support isn't there women will run to the underground, illegal abortion clinic the moment they discover they're pregnant or travel to another state, and abortion rates will increase.
They can run to other states where abortion is legal. Abortion will never be banned across the Land because of States Rights. States Rights is actually your friend in this debate that you are making it your enemy.,
States don't have the right to violate anyone's rights. If Alabama wants to bring back Jim Crow segregation, should people just accept it, because the racist Hillbillies want it back? I don't think so.
Abortion is not a right.
…. and gay marriage and legalization of marijuana as well.

Are you anti- States Rights or selectively against States Rights when you get an outcome you don’t like.
Are you pro-slavery?

Also, why did the Articles of Confederacy fail.
Correct. But letting each state decide is what you want correct? That's what happened when Roe was struck down. Is there more you want?
I have posted in this thread numerous times what needs to happen, I’m not going to repeat myself over and over in the same thread. Don’t you read the thread or do you knee jerk a lot?
I have posted in this thread numerous times what needs to happen, I’m not going to repeat myself over and over in the same thread. Don’t you read the thread or do you knee jerk a lot?
Dude, how would abortion be illegal in a libertarian state.

Is the state not using force to force the girl/woman to birth a baby.
People who support abortion are now the old codger sitting on his porch yelling “get offa my yard”.

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