Clintons All Smiles After Clinton’s Pal Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead

Wouldn't be a surprise, remember this one? From laughing to wiping away a crocodile tear, in about 3 seconds.

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Ol Slick Willy...lives to fight another day.

Can't run from that devil at the end though MFer...Satan gonna have your ass.
While I was spending the entire day on what I did, others spent the entire day going down an entirely different path and Voila! It is not even Epstein on the gurney at all. This surprised me. I figured they'd at least use his face and paste it in where needed, but as it turns out, they did not do that. I don't know where they got the image for the gurney but suspect they killed a lookalike, and used a stock photo to paste the look alike onto, or they used a lookalike to confuse investigation. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:



Let's get another look inside Epstein's ear.PLEASE NOTE: I have noticed some sort of AI is morphing all the Epstein pics to match the guy on the gurney and to circumvent that I looked up court sketches of Epstein (which an AI would not find or modify right, and they match this photo to the left
Yep, that is correct, the confirmed correct ear does not match the guy on the gurney.


Now look at this one Doc Savage posted on the Godlikeproductions forum: - it shows the exact same thing - a mismatched ear and very different facial features. The nose is different, the eyebrows are different, and I'd bet we did not get to see the mouth for a reason.


BOTTOM LINE: Epstein is alive. He got smuggled out of the jail when there was no security for three entire hours and someone else was put in his place, possibly dead. I can't explain why the head on the gurney was the wrong size, but it is obvious this particular story is not even close to what was reported.

So folks? What do you all think?
I think this is typical conspiracy horseshit.
Ask yourself these key questions
-Who would benefit from Epstein living?
-Who would benefit from him dying?

If one weighs greater than the other...then go with that.

I think the latter weighs much greater than the former.
I think he is alive, and agree with Juanita Broaddricks question she tweeted. But if he IS alive..who has him? The feds...or the feds that work for those who want him dead?
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I think he is alive, and agree with Anita Brodericks question she tweeted. But if he IS alive..who has him? The feds...or the feds that work for those who want him dead?

I find it quite suspicious about how the so-called "Suicide" occurred at these "strange timing".
Obviously, when the news broke - only bits and pieces were actually reported. Then everyone all ran with with it - without doing any "investigating" on other sources. IMO
And the Clintons, once again, cover their asses by killing someone. We all predicted it and we all were right.
And the Clintons, once again, cover their asses by killing someone. We all predicted it and we all were right.
Here's where I'd put my money: the people who killed Epstein hope everybody pins the murder on the Clintons. They are washed up anyway, no support, and everyone just wants them to go away.

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