Liberals Praise Jeffrey Epstein For Not Discriminating Against The Disabled


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

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NEW YORK, NY — As previously sealed documents related to Jeffrey Epstein continued to be released, liberals praised the late disgraced billionaire for not discriminating against disabled persons like Stephen Hawking.
Though almost universally vilified for perpetrating unspeakable acts with young women and girls on his private island, recently disclosed information from the unsealed documents earned him high marks from activists who advocate fair treatment for the disabled.
"Look, Mr. Epstein wasn't perfect, but his treatment of that one drooling scientist guy in the wheelchair was quite touching," said Dave Whiggins, who leads a disabled rights think-tank. "Kudos to you, Mr. Epstein, for not discriminating against the physically challenged!"

While many were appalled at the revelation that Hawking was one of Epstein's clients, Whiggins and other advocates for the disabled hailed the discovery as a major milestone in efforts to advance equity. "I'm not here to comment on the specifics or legalities of Mr. Epstein's behavior," Whiggins said. "But it is inspiring to see that even a man of Jeffrey Epstein's status was willing to give equal service to someone who looked and sounded like Professor Hawking. You can call Jeffrey Epstein a lot of things, but you can't call him an ableist! Well done, sir!"
"Turns out, Epstein was a great example to us all," said another activist. "I'm sure if Professor Hawking were alive today, he would say, 'Thank. You. Epstein. For. Having. Me. On. Your. Island. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.'"
At publishing time, liberals were urging Democrat lawmakers to officially honor Epstein by naming all U.S. Capitol ADA parking spaces after him.
There is a theory which claims Hawking was releasing information about the planet and universe the establishment didn’t want to masses knowing. Such as, AGW is total bs and the weakening magnetic field exposes the planet to harm from the sun’s flares and CMEs. So, he needed to be blackmailed.

Hawking did change his tune some years before his death, falling in line with the establishment ’s desires.

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NEW YORK, NY — As previously sealed documents related to Jeffrey Epstein continued to be released, liberals praised the late disgraced billionaire for not discriminating against disabled persons like Stephen Hawking.
Though almost universally vilified for perpetrating unspeakable acts with young women and girls on his private island, recently disclosed information from the unsealed documents earned him high marks from activists who advocate fair treatment for the disabled.
"Look, Mr. Epstein wasn't perfect, but his treatment of that one drooling scientist guy in the wheelchair was quite touching," said Dave Whiggins, who leads a disabled rights think-tank. "Kudos to you, Mr. Epstein, for not discriminating against the physically challenged!"

While many were appalled at the revelation that Hawking was one of Epstein's clients, Whiggins and other advocates for the disabled hailed the discovery as a major milestone in efforts to advance equity. "I'm not here to comment on the specifics or legalities of Mr. Epstein's behavior," Whiggins said. "But it is inspiring to see that even a man of Jeffrey Epstein's status was willing to give equal service to someone who looked and sounded like Professor Hawking. You can call Jeffrey Epstein a lot of things, but you can't call him an ableist! Well done, sir!"
"Turns out, Epstein was a great example to us all," said another activist. "I'm sure if Professor Hawking were alive today, he would say, 'Thank. You. Epstein. For. Having. Me. On. Your. Island. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.'"
At publishing time, liberals were urging Democrat lawmakers to officially honor Epstein by naming all U.S. Capitol ADA parking spaces after him.

The real Hawking died in 1987 or 89 -- that was just his "double" to,push more Fake Science .

I thought OP was referencing the Clintons

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NEW YORK, NY — As previously sealed documents related to Jeffrey Epstein continued to be released, liberals praised the late disgraced billionaire for not discriminating against disabled persons like Stephen Hawking.
Though almost universally vilified for perpetrating unspeakable acts with young women and girls on his private island, recently disclosed information from the unsealed documents earned him high marks from activists who advocate fair treatment for the disabled.
"Look, Mr. Epstein wasn't perfect, but his treatment of that one drooling scientist guy in the wheelchair was quite touching," said Dave Whiggins, who leads a disabled rights think-tank. "Kudos to you, Mr. Epstein, for not discriminating against the physically challenged!"

While many were appalled at the revelation that Hawking was one of Epstein's clients, Whiggins and other advocates for the disabled hailed the discovery as a major milestone in efforts to advance equity. "I'm not here to comment on the specifics or legalities of Mr. Epstein's behavior," Whiggins said. "But it is inspiring to see that even a man of Jeffrey Epstein's status was willing to give equal service to someone who looked and sounded like Professor Hawking. You can call Jeffrey Epstein a lot of things, but you can't call him an ableist! Well done, sir!"
"Turns out, Epstein was a great example to us all," said another activist. "I'm sure if Professor Hawking were alive today, he would say, 'Thank. You. Epstein. For. Having. Me. On. Your. Island. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.'"
At publishing time, liberals were urging Democrat lawmakers to officially honor Epstein by naming all U.S. Capitol ADA parking spaces after him.
It's still adultery so that is a double hypocrisy of theirs.

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