Do you think Trump is a martyr?

He's a warrior for sure. Time will tell whether or not he's a martyr.
A real warrior.....
If you're ever in town during the summer season let me know. I'll take you to one of the outdoor seaside cafes and put a pastry on your plate in front of you. Make sure you wear a diaper.
Trump is the DC Swamp saying don't ever dare interfere with our rigged elections again.

Trump is the American people saying stop running lying criminals who end up facing charges for their corrupt and criminal self-dealing conduct while in office. Trump is the culmination of 40 years of Republicans lying to the American people about Democrats and their policies.

Every Republican Administration since Nixon has had massive criminal corruption, and abuses of power resulting in criminal charges, prosecutions and jail time for Republicans. Watergate, Iran Contra. Self dealing by Cheney and others during the Iraq war who refused to divest their shares in Defence Contractors while in office, and profitted from the war, as a result didn't happen because Obama wanted the nation to heal from partisan divisions.

Trump's Administration was the most criminal and corrupt in American history. Given the steady slide of the Republican Party into authoritarian policies, its takeover by the Trump Family, it appears unlikely that what's left of the party can be salvaged.
God has played jokes on Christians and Jews.

I have long said that as "God's Chosen People", Jews have always gotten the short end of the stick. Their abusers say it's because they killed Jesus, but the Jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did. So that's a lie.

Racism and Xenophobia make no sense to me at all. Tribalism at its worst.
You have been deceived. Trump is a mainstream, faithful Christian religion attendee and practitioner who helps other people improve their prosperity, their faith, and this country. Your negativity is destroying your judgment.
If you testified to that in court, you would be tried, convicted, and sentenced a decade in prison.
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The Truth of the Matter is .....

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I didn't know that angels fucked porn stars and Playmates. But I do know that the Democrats aren't "evil" and that God doesn't give rat's ass about the people on earth, or He would not have allowed things like October 7th, or the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians to happen. He wouldn't have allowed the Jews to be lead into slavery in Egypt, the Holocaust, or any of the other human genocides over the centuries.

Why would He do anything for the human race who rejected and murdered is only Son?

Leviticus 19:18

You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.

Leviticus is an Old Testament book, written by Moses after the Exodus, while they wandered in the dessert. This verse is one that every Christian Church in the USA needs to put up over their doorway.

Jesus was really clear that His Kingdom was NOT of this earth, and that religious leaders who engage in politics, are not doing God's work, or His either.

Romans 13:1

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Luke 20:25

He said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

Romans 13:7

Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.

Notice how ALL of these passages separate Church and State, and demonstrate that their interests are entirely separate. Even God's Word says to obey the law, and the rest is up to you.

My chief objection to the mixing politics and religion, is that politics corrupts religions completely. Witness what has happened to the Religious Right in the USA.

Look at how the Religious Right has been convinced that the Bible bans abortion, when iit does no such thing. Throughout history, men have used religion, not just Christianity, but all religions, as an excuse to violent punish people they don't like.

Looking at how men have twisted the Bible so that the zealots are now passing laws to prevent women from receiving any kind of prenatal or miscarriage care, with threats of felony prosecution for even advising a woman on how to obtain a medical abortion, which are resulting in thousands of women dying, and thousands more being forced to bear the children of their rapists, with girls in middle school now having babies by their rapists.

This is the very definition of evil.
That was only in reciprocation because all 3 wives cheated on him that is a fact.

You will rationalize every vile and/or criminal act that Trump commits. It's always someone else's fault. Trump has never done anything wrong in his life.

Trump's best friend was a convicted sex trafficker, who died under mysterious circumstances in prison, while Trump's DOJ had him in custody awaiting trial. When Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested for child sex trafficking, Trump said he "wished her well".

Half of Trump's staffer and campaign leaders ended up facing criminal charges, and/or in jail. More than 25% of his staff were fired or left the White House in his first year in office - all under some kind of a legal cloud.

What happened to the audit of the Inauguration Fund?

Why are billions missing from the PPP loan fund?

Why was Trump paid for hotel rooms at Mar-a-lago when the resort was closed?

The list of his graft and corruption is endless.

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