Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

You know this how?
Stats have already been shown I believe in threads you have interacted with.
You know this how?
Among those ages 25 to 54, 59% of Black adults were unpartnered in 2019. This is higher than the shares among Hispanic (38%), White (33%) and Asian (29%) adults. For most racial and ethnic groups, men are more likely than women to be unpartnered

It’s an issue with both races. I’m actually done posting the same stats over and over and over again. I’ve seen people who are interacting in this thread with me. I’ve already seen these stats. The bottom line is American culture is a disaster today. We did not have these issues and the middle 20th century when we also had a better class.

There’s No Huge Gender Gap in Being Single Among Young Adults​

There is according to various sites.. It’s about double. About double the amount of young men are single compared to young women. also pew is one of the strongest polling sites around.

Young men are searching for AI girlfriends at an alarming rate according to researchers.

There is a very growing number of single young women though . So to your point that’s a big problem in this country.

As even / anti Trump liberal professors like Galloway have pointed out this is contributing to loneliness and drug abuse problems among the youth. Hopefully the situation improves before it worsens.
This thread seems to be a cry for help for someone that cannot even get a date, let alone married.
Well, the fact is that a astronomical portion of young men, and a growing number of young women are single in this country. No matter what personal attack you might make. Those are the facts. The question is, will those numbers continue to grow or will they lower.
Well, the fact is that a astronomical portion of young men, and a growing number of young women are single in this country. No matter what personal attack you might make. Those are the facts. The question is, will those numbers continue to grow or will they lower.

Question for you, when you say they are single, does that mean they are not married or just not in any sort of serious, long term relationship?
And yet divorce rates are lower than they were in the 60s.


That number is overcome by the more important fact that today a large portion of young men and a growing number of young women are single. So they won’t be getting married if that trend continues. In fact, the financial times reported that within a few years 40% of women in their 40s will be childless and single.

this reminds me of a conversation I had with a BLM supporter. Talking about the very alarming rate of black men who are absent fathers. The guy came into the thread with some view showing that black men are better fathers compared to white men. That might even be the case but it of course is a very bad way to have a conversation. The overriding important point is the very large number of absent black fathers… it’s like praising these statistics that 90% of one group are violent but the remaining 10% that are not violent are good at doing something. It’s totally dishonest a very poor way of having a conversation. I’m not trying to personally attack you at all I’m simply pointing out the tactics of a BLM supporter I know.

There’s also a lot of absent white fathers. But there’s more absent black fathers. These were not issues in the American past.

Anyway if the trends continue, we won’t have absent fathers. Because most folks won’t have children if we continue on the trends that we are going toward. Which is one of individualism, far, left-wing, fanaticism, pro abortion, anti-American. Not caring about community, church values, family values, respecting our ancestors.

AI girlfriends has become a thing in the USA. Sex styles are being sold at alarming rates. What a dump America has become today in large regard. Again we were not like this. We were a beautiful country in the American past. I am positive for the American future that we will write the wrongs.

That only myself, but so many valid points have been made in this thread that there’s no point of me continuing on in this thread. I’m not reiterating the points anymore.
When not bring some substance to the posts.? I don’t know if you’re going to read my whole post and respond in a polite matter as I respond to you politely. Or if you’re going to use the personal attacks.

Romantic comedies are playing a role in destabilizing American society. other things are as well that’s why 60% of young men in this country are single and why the financial times estimates that something like 40% of women in their 40s in the future will be childless and many of them will experience depression issues.

Do you support the fact that so many young people in the USA are depressed and an huge portion of young white and black men are single. Is that something that you would laugh at? Are you going to label these young black and white men offensive names?

Professor Scott Galloway a liberal Jewish educator, has spoken about these issues. We all know the facts 60% of young men or single in this country. They are democrats they are white they are black you name it.

Scholars know that a young single depressed lonely man is the most dangerous thing around. Some of them have gone on to commit mass school shootings. That’s nothing to laugh at or say stupid stuff toward. It is something for our leaders to address and for Hollywood and the media to bring it up and talk about it.

It’s interesting though that you’re using this word Incel The solution to incels is traditional values and masculinity, but it seems like you’re the exact kind of person who would support BLM. You’re the kind of person that would support radical feminism, and a gay person being able to get naked in front of a child at a gay parade, a man being able to play on a woman’s sports team… you support this stuff right? I don’t know if you’ve read this far into the post or you’re going to respond to any of my points with context or thought.

But yes the solution to the fact that we have incels and mass school shooters in the USA is to bring back traditional values, reject BLM and support equality have a meritocracy. You don’t want that though do you.?

People who support BLM and radical feminism are supporting a terrible social system in this country. They are contributing to the downfall of traditional values and an uprise in individualism, which comes with more depression, loneliness and drug use among young people.
The system demands a person work work work and save save save. Getting got assistance is frowned upon. So how can a young person work like crazy and then have time to foster a relationship. Answer? It simply can't. Young people are working as they should be. But that means other things must give. Relationships are one of those things that must give.
Question for you, when you say they are single, does that mean they are not married or just not in any sort of serious, long term relationship?
I’m porting out what the cites have shown. These are young single people they do not have a partner.

Other sources have shown that a very large portion of young men are sexless in the past year, with a large portion of them never having sex at all in their life. Professor Scott Galloway spoke about this in a podcast with Don Lemon recently. Starts at about the 40 minute mark.

It’s refreshing to see liberals and Trump critics start to acknowledge this very serious issue.
There is according to various sites.. It’s about double. About double the amount of young men are single compared to young women. also pew is one of the strongest polling sites around.

Young men are searching for AI girlfriends at an alarming rate according to researchers.

There is a very growing number of single young women though . So to your point that’s a big problem in this country.

As even / anti Trump liberal professors like Galloway have pointed out this is contributing to loneliness and drug abuse problems among the youth. Hopefully the situation improves before it worsens.
Romantic comedy

Romantic comedy (also known as romcom or rom-com) is a subgenre of comedy and romance fiction, focusing on lighthearted, humorous plot lines centered on romantic ideas, such as how true love is able to surmount most obstacles.

Just how things are nowadays. The USA gals they got now are despicable. This guy did a video about guys going overseas for love and marriage.

View attachment 941478

This is true. To be fair though obesity rates are higher in the USA than any other country in the world.

And a large portion of male Democrats are very much feminine, so they are part of the problem for not wanting to take control and get things done.

Yes, it is 100% true that there are
many beautiful wonderful women in South America and in Asia for example. If a young man is struggling in the USA when it comes to dating, they strongly need to consider going to a different country. What might be holding them back is a drug addiction or they simply don’t have the money to travel.

But I’m positive for the American future. All of the left-wing fanaticism, BLM and radical feminism will be reversed more and more in due course…. We are already starting to see the start of it with cancel culture and wokeism being challenged
And how much respect for you do you think your wife has for you when you're bitching about having to change your own child's diaper. At night even! The horror. :laugh:
I was raised by a strong woman, and a gentleman father, I changed diapers, I help clean the house, I do dishes, my wife, or any woman for that matter won't open a door if I am around, because my wife and I are a team and I do noit see any chore as being masculine or feminine!
It's funny the excuses about everything we see about whites from people on the right. So here white women are being blamed for the problem with white families, but white men just can't be scrubs who can't keep their dicks in their pants who run from responsibility. This is the label black men are given. Black women watch the same rom coms, but they can't have the same unrealistic expectations to use as an excuse. How about the one where the Great Society has messed up white families? Basically what I'm saying is this thread is a bunch of bs.
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It's funny the excuses about everything we see about whites from people on the right. So here white women are being blamed for the problem with white families, but white men just can't be scrubs who can't keep their dicks in their pants who run from responsibility. This is the label black men are given. Black women watch the same rom coms, but they can't have the same uinrealistic expectations to use as an excuse. How about the one where the Great Society has messed up white families? Basically what I'm saying is this thread is a bunch of bs.
Not what anyone said, but the problem is much worse in the black community!
Do people really get their ideas & expectations about relationships from bad movies? If so, the effect is likely much worse for men.
When not bring some substance to the posts.? I don’t know if you’re going to read my whole post and respond in a polite matter as I respond to you politely. Or if you’re going to use the personal attacks.

Romantic comedies are playing a role in destabilizing American society. other things are as well that’s why 60% of young men in this country are single and why the financial times estimates that something like 40% of women in their 40s in the future will be childless and many of them will experience depression issues.

Do you support the fact that so many young people in the USA are depressed and an huge portion of young white and black men are single. Is that something that you would laugh at? Are you going to label these young black and white men offensive names?

Professor Scott Galloway a liberal Jewish educator, has spoken about these issues. We all know the facts 60% of young men or single in this country. They are democrats they are white they are black you name it.

Scholars know that a young single depressed lonely man is the most dangerous thing around. Some of them have gone on to commit mass school shootings. That’s nothing to laugh at or say stupid stuff toward. It is something for our leaders to address and for Hollywood and the media to bring it up and talk about it.

It’s interesting though that you’re using this word Incel The solution to incels is traditional values and masculinity, but it seems like you’re the exact kind of person who would support BLM. You’re the kind of person that would support radical feminism, and a gay person being able to get naked in front of a child at a gay parade, a man being able to play on a woman’s sports team… you support this stuff right? I don’t know if you’ve read this far into the post or you’re going to respond to any of my points with context or thought.

But yes the solution to the fact that we have incels and mass school shooters in the USA is to bring back traditional values, reject BLM and support equality have a meritocracy. You don’t want that though do you.?

People who support BLM and radical feminism are supporting a terrible social system in this country. They are contributing to the downfall of traditional values and an uprise in individualism, which comes with more depression, loneliness and drug use among young people.
You packed a lot into that, didn't you? Yes, I read your entire missive a few times to sort out your wide range of complaints. Seems you are convinced that silly romcoms are the reason Timmy can't get laid. You seem to think that our social structure is based on some mindless TV shows, instead of the other way around where TV shows reflect our social structure. Up to that point, your remarks were absurd, but I at least understood what your point was. Beyond that you just started spouting MAGA mantras as if they had some sort of coherent meaning. Timmy can't get laid because of BLM? That's a stretch, even for a MAGA cult member. I'll remind you that incels proudly chose that name to self-identify just like teabaggers did, and MAGA did.

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