Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

Thank God for OSHA. We'd still have those same conditions if workers weren't able to sue employers. Corporations aren't to be trusted.
The point is, women could not do the work of men until technologies and government laws came to pass. Why you are a fraud is that you live off of people in other nations who are slaves compared to what you typed. What is sickening it that they may be more intelligent than us now.
An equal amount of blame can be thrown at the crap that men watch.

"Traditional values" were rejected because they stopped working for most people, and they were inconvenient for the corporate agenda of more consumption. Less consumption is becoming necessary for survival, but simply retreating to older values won't be adequate. Evolving and developing new values will be necessary for adaptation to a changing world.
Which ‘new values’ usurp personal responsibility and self-reliance?
Which ‘new values’ usurp personal responsibility and self-reliance?
"Making predictions is hard, especially about the future."
I speculate community will become as important as those two. When life is harder for everyone, self-reliance won't be enough. Decades ago, neighbors helping neighbors was a fact of life. Now it's a rarity. We will need more community, more mutual support, as government organizations drop out of the welfare business.
As the world struggles to cope with environmental destruction, living in harmony with the earth may become the primary value. That can be viewed as a type of personal responsibility.
"Making predictions is hard, especially about the future."
I speculate community will become as important as those two. When life is harder for everyone, self-reliance won't be enough. Decades ago, neighbors helping neighbors was a fact of life. Now it's a rarity. We will need more community, more mutual support, as government organizations drop out of the welfare business.
As the world struggles to cope with environmental destruction, living in harmony with the earth may become the primary value. That can be viewed as a type of personal responsibility.
Interesting in that every white community still has mostly mom and dad raising their kids and values of self-reliance and personal responsibility are exemplified, taught and perpetuated and those communities continue to thrive — even though the democrat ones advocate for the opposite and spew idealistic nonsense as you just did.
Bourgeoise norms is the effective term used for those traditional circumstances.
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.
What is a Rom Com?
Is this just a white thing?
Nope, I've seen a lot of videos of women of all colors declaring their man has to be tall, rich and handsome. but then so many of them end up with a baby and no man. Or they have babies from two different men,, and still no wedding ring. So they might talk that game, but keep jumping in the sack with Chad and Tyrone.

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