Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

With divorce more difficult in another era we had fewer of them. Women would get paid from them. So perhaps 20% divorce in the past. Though some fell through the cracks with tougher ways of raising the family. What really happened is that unattractive women and lesbians became much more powerful. Government at the federal level is a dozen times larger than those days in the 1960's and the state and city the same. The tax take is more than any time in history.
We had fewer divorces because women had fewer options. Legal and financial.
Divorce is a necessary entity that should not be a difficult process. If a marriage is beyond repair it should be annulled ASAP. Many divorces happen because people get married to early. They feel pressure to get married have kids ta da ta da. Then they get married in their early or mid 20s. They're not ready by that age but they do. Then later on they figure out this isn't what they want in life so the marriage ends.
With respect, considering your age are you concerned about the fax brought fourth in the various articles which have suggested that in the future unless things change huge numbers of people will go onto never get married. I’m just hoping you can understand that and respond to that.

Marriage and sex is necessary for humanity. Now I’m hoping you can very specifically respond to these points.

If nobody had sex, there would be no more humans. Marriage is also a core component of the human race. The problem today is massive numbers of young men are not having any sex. Along with the many other points listed in this thread that you haven’t responded to.

So far basically you have said “it’s fine if people wait to get married. It’s OK if young people are not having sex.” But that is not responding to the points listed above.
He’s a troll. Ignore him.
Is this just a white thing?

I agree.

Black men have this all figured out.

Just dump and go.

"Mama, who's my daddy?"

Edit- since this is the clean debate zone, figured I better add some evidence that this is not an opinion, but a fact...

Google "percentage of black families without fathers".

AI produces this...


Obviously the facts and the AI are racist.
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More young men and women are seeing the value of waiting until they are financially stable before settling down. Why should a person get married and start a family when they don't have a big chunk of money put away to do so? It only makes sense. Nobody yet has been able to explain the downside to this.
That’s not the issue

More people than ever (mostly young men) are single and sexless…. They don’t have a pathway to marriage.

It’s a result of social media and radical left politics
For many reasons a stay at home bf is wrong

A stay at home dad is different but also not good. It’s against our biological purpose

There is nothing bad about a stay-at-home Dad. Our biological purpose is to thrive and protect our young. If that is best done by the husband staying home, that is what is best for our biological purpose.
There is nothing bad about a stay-at-home Dad. Our biological purpose is to thrive and protect our young. If that is best done by the husband staying home, that is what is best for our biological purpose.
Disagreed…a man should provide and protect’s our nature as humans.

Our ancestors would be shocked by a unemployed stay at home dad or worse a stay at home boyfriend
Disagreed…a man should provide and protect’s our nature as humans.

Our ancestors would be shocked by a unemployed stay at home dad or worse a stay at home boyfriend

Ignorance and self-serving bias are all that are served by the idea we should do things based on what ancient tribes did to survive.

Look at it realistically. Suppose the wife has a bigger income and better benefits. Suppose the wife is a doctor. Should she abandon her career and higher income based on what ancient tribes did?

Each couple makes these decisions.
Disagreed…a man should provide and protect’s our nature as humans.

Our ancestors would be shocked by a unemployed stay at home dad or worse a stay at home boyfriend

Our ancestors would be shocked by a lot of things, from computers & cell phones to the WalMart produce section. I doubt they would bat an eye at a stay-at-home Dad. If the woman could provide for them.
Really? Can you name this character?
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.
In the 1970s, it was the Alan Alda character. Peacenick, leftwing, wise-cracking, selfish, partying, doesn't take life seriously. I tried to be like that guy for a short while, and it was a total failure. I found it was the total opposite of what women really want. Women want serious men who are successful and have a plan. They don't want soft liberal girly-men. I don't care what era it is.
In the 1970s, it was the Alan Alda character. Peacenick, leftwing, wise-cracking, selfish, partying, doesn't take life seriously. I tried to be like that guy for a short while, and it was a total failure. I found it was the total opposite of what women really want. Women want serious men who are successful and have a plan. They don't want soft liberal girly-men. I don't care what era it is.

Then you have nothing to worry about. Just keep breeding manly men and let the girly men fade away.
Ignorance and self-serving bias are all that are served by the idea we should do things based on what ancient tribes did to survive.

Look at it realistically. Suppose the wife has a bigger income and better benefits. Suppose the wife is a doctor. Should she abandon her career and higher income based on what ancient tribes did?

Each couple makes these decisions.
I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that men are suppose to work it has occurred for practically all of humanity only until the recent times like the past 10 years or so and in the west is such a disturbing phenomenon of a stay at home Dad or even worse a stay at home boyfriend existing.

I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that this isn’t about ancient tribes but what has occurred for practically all of humanity. The man should work do you know why that’s why they’re called men… “be a man” you’ve heard that thing before right

And we don’t know about the repercussions for children who grow up with a father as their caregiver. That is really an abomination. It’s not how things are meant to be. I can’t imagine how any man can do. In fact one of my friends from high school is a stay at home. Dad another one is a stay at home boyfriend who does cocaine in the kitchen and drugs all the time. That creates weakness and if we had that type of attitude in abundance and World War II ….we would’ve been crushed by the third Reich.

And I do respect you. But we both have to be honest here this thread is correct in the sense that there are a portion of left-wing white women who believe that they should get all of the best promotions and jobs even some of them except sexist hiring quotas that promote women getting a job even if they’re not as qualified as the man.. They’re the same people who believe in racial hiring quotas for minorities. a lot of those left-wing white women who concentrate on their careers will be burned out in their 40s without a child without any prospects for marriage. This has been blatantly ignored by left-wingers in this thread. Studies show that there’s going to be a problem in the next few years if this trend continues.

And we can’t imagine how terrible it is for a child to be raised by a stay at home father. That is feminizing that child. And that’s not right it’s not responsible. American society needs to do better. Children deserve better. They don’t deserve to be raised by some feminized man.
Our ancestors would be shocked by a lot of things, from computers & cell phones to the WalMart produce section. I doubt they would bat an eye at a stay-at-home Dad. If the woman could provide for them.
They would be in awe of our technological advances, but utterly shocked at and disturbed by a “stay at home dad”. Again, you should acknowledge that there are also “stay at home boyfriends”. Please comment on that. Because that is a sign of laziness and filth to see a man who has no children, take care of the house while his girlfriend does all the work. That’s what one of my friends from high school is doing today.

I have lost friends because of modern day left radicalism, and how it has affected my own friends turning them into weak feminized men. Sometimes I want to see them again, but I realize the negative effect it would have on me surrounding myself with that type of filth of them using cocaine in the kitchen and not working. They let their women do the work.

Most especially our grandparents would be the first type of men to call out those weak feminized stay at home dads and stay at homeboy boyfriends for being a disgrace to the bloodline and just a disgrace to western Christian culture. You do understand that men were probably 98% responsible for the western civilized world we live in specifically Christian European men. Africans and Arabs and Asians were responsible for the productivity in the Eastern world. I’m talking about the western world here.

Although to be fair today, and a number of ways, the western Christian majority world is despicable. Men going into women’s bathrooms, sex change operations for minors, BLM, statues of white Christian heroes of history being destroyed by criminals. Pornography all over the Internet. And much more ie radical feminism, a high divorce rate, a high child born out of wedlock rate, the destruction of the nuclear family.
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.

So women should just expect their men to be total dicks, they should expect to be beaten, should expect verbal abuse, smoking, drinking etc??

The reality is that women can be INDEPENDENT without a man. They can earn money, buy a home, get retirement. They don't need to stick to some knobhead with problems just because he can work while she's looking after the kids.

But let's blame women for men being dicks.
In the 1970s, it was the Alan Alda character. Peacenick, leftwing, wise-cracking, selfish, partying, doesn't take life seriously. I tried to be like that guy for a short while, and it was a total failure. I found it was the total opposite of what women really want. Women want serious men who are successful and have a plan. They don't want soft liberal girly-men. I don't care what era it is.
"Take life seriously". Nope. Huge mistake. Finding the humor in every situation and not taking oneself seriously are keys to happiness. And what defines success? Is being a janitor for life successful?

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