Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that men are suppose to work it has occurred for practically all of humanity only until the recent times like the past 10 years or so and in the west is such a disturbing phenomenon of a stay at home Dad or even worse a stay at home boyfriend existing.

I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that this isn’t about ancient tribes but what has occurred for practically all of humanity. The man should work do you know why that’s why they’re called men… “be a man” you’ve heard that thing before right

And we don’t know about the repercussions for children who grow up with a father as their caregiver. That is really an abomination. It’s not how things are meant to be. I can’t imagine how any man can do. In fact one of my friends from high school is a stay at home. Dad another one is a stay at home boyfriend who does cocaine in the kitchen and drugs all the time. That creates weakness and if we had that type of attitude in abundance and World War II ….we would’ve been crushed by the third Reich.

And I do respect you. But we both have to be honest here this thread is correct in the sense that there are a portion of left-wing white women who believe that they should get all of the best promotions and jobs even some of them except sexist hiring quotas that promote women getting a job even if they’re not as qualified as the man.. They’re the same people who believe in racial hiring quotas for minorities. a lot of those left-wing white women who concentrate on their careers will be burned out in their 40s without a child without any prospects for marriage. This has been blatantly ignored by left-wingers in this thread. Studies show that there’s going to be a problem in the next few years if this trend continues.

And we can’t imagine how terrible it is for a child to be raised by a stay at home father. That is feminizing that child. And that’s not right it’s not responsible. American society needs to do better. Children deserve better. They don’t deserve to be raised by some feminized man.

When I was a kid, the next door neighbor was a "stay at home lazy bastard", he didn't do anything, just didn't work. His family were annoying, some of the kids were sawing through the beams in the roof and things so that when they inherited another house somewhere (thank you God and Allah and Jehovah and the Fonze) they tried selling the house as a specialized house for people who really liked doing up run down houses, and the first people who wanted to buy it, did a survey and walked away because it was so bad. The pond in the back had a satellite dish in it, no fish, no water, just a huge satellite dish.

It happened before. You might just not have seen it.
So women should just expect their men to be total dicks, they should expect to be beaten, should expect verbal abuse, smoking, drinking etc??

The reality is that women can be INDEPENDENT without a man. They can earn money, buy a home, get retirement. They don't need to stick to some knobhead with problems just because he can work while she's looking after the kids.

But let's blame women for men being dicks.
All true. People are becoming more independent. A growing number of men and women are figuring out that's the path for them and for whatever reason some believe nope, you must find a mate and have offspring because well.....the reason they can't really supply.
All true. People are becoming more independent. A growing number of men and women are figuring out that's the path for them and for whatever reason some believe nope, you must find a mate and have offspring because well.....the reason they can't really supply.

I know that I wouldn't just go out with anyone, and wouldn't marry someone without knowing them, and that takes years.

Many people, however, get into relationships they're not ready for, maybe too young (many men get married to young) and after a few years they're like "this isn't how I see my life".

Life's changed and the conservatives still want us living in the 1800s
I know that I wouldn't just go out with anyone, and wouldn't marry someone without knowing them, and that takes years.

Many people, however, get into relationships they're not ready for, maybe too young (many men get married to young) and after a few years they're like "this isn't how I see my life".

Life's changed and the conservatives still want us living in the 1800s
Things have changed and people are feeling more free to luve their lives as they want rather than the old antiqhated expectations. Some people are bothered by the idea that people actually don't choose the old way. Not sure why. Control?
Things have changed and people are feeling more free to luve their lives as they want rather than the old antiqhated expectations. Some people are bothered by the idea that people actually don't choose the old way. Not sure why. Control?

Yeah. Though maybe they just can't cope with the complexity of modern life.

There are men and women, can't be anything else. Can't be gay, lesbian, trans because two is easier to count to than three.

Other times it's religious. Religion tells them how to hate, so they hate because it's what they've been taught since day 1
I know that I wouldn't just go out with anyone, and wouldn't marry someone without knowing them, and that takes years.

Many people, however, get into relationships they're not ready for, maybe too young (many men get married to young) and after a few years they're like "this isn't how I see my life".

Life's changed and the conservatives still want us living in the 1800s
It's being responsible in this era and forcing others to pay for irresponsibility. Technology enabled social agenda advances over time. I would say that women in that 1800's era may be tougher than men in this era. So, let's use early industrial manufacturing as an example. The tools are heavier. There are little OSHA protections, Soot is everywhere, and the air may be harder to breathe. So, tell me how women would do that work when it was tough for men.
It's being responsible in this era and forcing others to pay for irresponsibility. Technology enabled social agenda advances over time. I would say that women in that 1800's era may be tougher than men in this era. So, let's use early industrial manufacturing as an example. The tools are heavier. There are little OSHA protections, Soot is everywhere, and the air may be harder to breathe. So, tell me how women would do that work when it was tough for men.
Thank God for OSHA. We'd still have those same conditions if workers weren't able to sue employers. Corporations aren't to be trusted.
I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that men are suppose to work it has occurred for practically all of humanity only until the recent times like the past 10 years or so and in the west is such a disturbing phenomenon of a stay at home Dad or even worse a stay at home boyfriend existing.

I’m not against women working. But it is simply a fact that this isn’t about ancient tribes but what has occurred for practically all of humanity. The man should work do you know why that’s why they’re called men… “be a man” you’ve heard that thing before right

And we don’t know about the repercussions for children who grow up with a father as their caregiver. That is really an abomination. It’s not how things are meant to be. I can’t imagine how any man can do. In fact one of my friends from high school is a stay at home. Dad another one is a stay at home boyfriend who does cocaine in the kitchen and drugs all the time. That creates weakness and if we had that type of attitude in abundance and World War II ….we would’ve been crushed by the third Reich.

And I do respect you. But we both have to be honest here this thread is correct in the sense that there are a portion of left-wing white women who believe that they should get all of the best promotions and jobs even some of them except sexist hiring quotas that promote women getting a job even if they’re not as qualified as the man.. They’re the same people who believe in racial hiring quotas for minorities. a lot of those left-wing white women who concentrate on their careers will be burned out in their 40s without a child without any prospects for marriage. This has been blatantly ignored by left-wingers in this thread. Studies show that there’s going to be a problem in the next few years if this trend continues.

And we can’t imagine how terrible it is for a child to be raised by a stay at home father. That is feminizing that child. And that’s not right it’s not responsible. American society needs to do better. Children deserve better. They don’t deserve to be raised by some feminized man.

Some people ^^^^^ have something stupid to say and decide it is crucial that they repeat it as often as possible. :rolleyes:
Things have changed and people are feeling more free to luve their lives as they want rather than the old antiqhated expectations. Some people are bothered by the idea that people actually don't choose the old way. Not sure why. Control?
The key point is record levels of depression and drug use among young single people. That’s not what is being acknowledged here by the left. Those young people are essentially controlled by social media, video games, living in a box, pornography… is that freedom?

Or is freedom being able to travel the world, be financially independent, not working in the office every day, Dating different people, and Meeting real people instead of in the cyber world
The key point is record levels of depression and drug use among young single people. That’s not what is being acknowledged here by the left. Those young people are essentially controlled by social media, video games, living in a box, pornography… is that freedom?

Or is freedom being able to travel the world, be financially independent, not working in the office every day, Dating different people, and Meeting real people instead of in the cyber

I see your point....and agree about social media etc. But the genie is out of the bottle now and we live in a cyber world. There's no going back. People will have to figure it out.
The most successful people in our society were more often than not raised in intact families where the wife/mother lived at home. The explosion of extra-curricular, club, and other kid activities are largely a means of acquiring baby-sitting for kids from the time they get off school until the parents (usually the mother) get home from work.

As opined in a recent commencement speech, if you pin down American women - even college grads - and ask them whether they would like to spend their first 20 years out of school building a business career, or keeping house and home for a husband and children, they would choose the latter, in a heartbeat.

THIS is the "lie": that a woman can be "fulfilled" with a business career, placing family obligations on the back burner of their lives. It doesn't generally work that way. When they reach their fifties, they look back and regret all the things they couldn't do with their kids, as well as the perverse socialization that their kids have undergone, led by teachers, tutors, coaches, trainers and babysitters who were merely DOING A JOB FOR PAY. They talk to their adult kids and wonder where they hell they got that perverted view of life and the world. It's no secret.

We Boomers were the last generation where the majority of us were raised with Mom in the home, and look where the fuck we are now...can't really decide or figure out what a WOMAN is, or where MASCULINITY fits into society. Kids having 95% of their social interactions on a fucking computer, girls being BULLIED on line and there's nothing their parents can do about it. Oh yeah, career women are saving the day, aren't they?
...if you pin down American women - even college grads - and ask them whether they would like to spend their first 20 years out of school building a business career, or keeping house and home for a husband and children, they would choose the latter, in a heartbeat.


How do you know?
"Take life seriously". Nope. Huge mistake. Finding the humor in every situation and not taking oneself seriously are keys to happiness. And what defines success? Is being a janitor for life successful?
You can take life seriously and still find humor in situations. That's not the same as being a partying leftwing clown.
How do you know?
Here's how I know. As a married adult I have lived in three large suburban, relatively prosperous communities, and I observe what goes on around me. In each of these communities there has been a tension between the stay-at-home moms and the working moms. Most of the meaningful parent activities (school related) are scheduled at times when the working moms either cannot attend, or can attend only with great inconvenience. Without saying it out loud, the working moms are jealous of the freedom that the stay-at-homes have, and their ability to participate with their kids in everything from homework to field trips to academic extracurricular activities. They often feel trapped in an economic bind, where the household has come to depend on the second income, but they would very much like to have the option to stay at home and actually raise the kids.

I'm not sure how it would be possible to test my observations with any sort of survey. Working women would be very reluctant to admit their true feelings because it would be an admission that they fucked up on the most important decision of their lives.

To get personal for a moment, my wife and I were blessed to have a Grandma who enthusiastically took care of watching the kids (4 in total) while the mothers worked. Had Nana not been there, we would have learned to live on one income, at least until my son was out of HS.
Here's how I know. As a married adult I have lived in three large suburban, relatively prosperous communities, and I observe what goes on around me. In each of these communities there has been a tension between the stay-at-home moms and the working moms. Most of the meaningful parent activities (school related) are scheduled at times when the working moms either cannot attend, or can attend only with great inconvenience. Without saying it out loud, the working moms are jealous of the freedom that the stay-at-homes have, and their ability to participate with their kids in everything from homework to field trips to academic extracurricular activities. They often feel trapped in an economic bind, where the household has come to depend on the second income, but they would very much like to have the option to stay at home and actually raise the kids.

I'm not sure how it would be possible to test my observations with any sort of survey. Working women would be very reluctant to admit their true feelings because it would be an admission that they fucked up on the most important decision of their lives.

To get personal for a moment, my wife and I were blessed to have a Grandma who enthusiastically took care of watching the kids (4 in total) while the mothers worked. Had Nana not been there, we would have learned to live on one income, at least until my son was out of HS.
In other words, you don’t really know. You just have your little imagination, and you are talking out your ass again. In other words, you don’t really know. You just have your little imagination, and you are talking out your ass again.
The key point is record levels of depression and drug use among young single people. That’s not what is being acknowledged here by the left. Those young people are essentially controlled by social media, video games, living in a box, pornography… is that freedom?

Or is freedom being able to travel the world, be financially independent, not working in the office every day, Dating different people, and Meeting real people instead of in the cyber world

And getting married and pumping out kids would solve this problem?
An equal amount of blame can be thrown at the crap that men watch.

"Traditional values" were rejected because they stopped working for most people, and they were inconvenient for the corporate agenda of more consumption. Less consumption is becoming necessary for survival, but simply retreating to older values won't be adequate. Evolving and developing new values will be necessary for adaptation to a changing world.
An equal amount of blame can be thrown at the crap that men watch.

"Traditional values" were rejected because they stopped working for most people, and they were inconvenient for the corporate agenda of more consumption. Less consumption is becoming necessary for survival, but simply retreating to older values won't be adequate. Evolving and developing new values will be necessary for adaptation to a changing world.
Pretty astute post.

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