Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

According to the name-caller.
You? Let's establish the record again about who called who a name. I addressed your argument. You haven't been able to stop talking about me since.

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

You can name-call all day? Clearly that is your intention. Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism.

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

Why not start a thread right now and have a real discussion without all of your usual name-calling?
The Rom-Com is destroying womens' ability to keep stable relationships with men because they build up unrealistic expectations.

The "right man" in these movies are tall, handsome, have good careers making lots of money, well dressed, gentlemanly, kind, careful of a woman's feelings, always willing to cook and change diapers and take care of a baby late at night, always put their woman's interests above his own, and understand that the woman is always right and admits he's wrong every time.

Do such men exist in real life?

Oh, I forgot, one more thing: the "right man" is great in bed.

I think marriages were more stable before the Rom-Com was invented.

Why because they want control of their bodies, to paid the same wages a man?
Is this just a white thing?
Well, sort of. It is a White, Hispanic, Asian, and Pacific Islander thing.

Those races don't always succeed in finding the ideal lifetime monogamous spouse to have a stable family with, but that is the goal of the overwhelming majority of them.
Look at all the name-calling.
Yes. Let's look at it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, for as long as you want to pretend. :laugh:

What matters to people at any given point in time is entirely subjective. Yours is an immature argument where what you make believe what matters to you is also coincidentally what actually matters, objectively. Maybe to this imaginary person their happiness is all that matters to them. So what? :dunno:

Spoken like a self-centered child.

You mean when you were name calling?

So, when you were name-calling.

Because you depend on name-calling.

Was that while you were name-calling?

There's more of that name-calling.

Still name-calling today?

What is with you and the constant name-calling? Can't you say anything about the topic?

More name-calling...

So you have nothing to say about the actual thread topic?

Says the pathological name-caller. :rolleyes:

According to the name-caller ^^^^^.

You can name-call all day? Clearly that is your intention. Too bad you can't discuss the thread topic. I wonder if you could link to any post of yours actually related to a thread topic NOT about racism.

By name-calling?

Says the name-caller AGAIN.

According to the name-caller.

If you enjoy being a name-caller.

Now we've established that you enjoy being a name-caller. You might want to try something else, though. You know, like discussing a topic?

Why not start a thread right now and have a real discussion without all of your usual name-calling?

Well done. Now if the right one comes along you're stable and know what you want. Please describe the downside to your situation because I can't find one.
With respect, considering your age are you concerned about the fax brought fourth in the various articles which have suggested that in the future unless things change huge numbers of people will go onto never get married. I’m just hoping you can understand that and respond to that.

Marriage and sex is necessary for humanity. Now I’m hoping you can very specifically respond to these points.

If nobody had sex, there would be no more humans. Marriage is also a core component of the human race. The problem today is massive numbers of young men are not having any sex. Along with the many other points listed in this thread that you haven’t responded to.

So far basically you have said “it’s fine if people wait to get married. It’s OK if young people are not having sex.” But that is not responding to the points listed above.
If a woman is doing all that without help from her spouse, he spouse is a piece of shit and she could do much better
are you talking about Stay at home dad’s or stay at home husbands/boyfriends? . That is the very existence that left-wing BLM radical feminism has created and even celebrated.

Modern day Hollywood celebrates that type of lazy stay at home dad/boyfriend thing. But of course it’s not a part of the real world in most cases. In the USA most people reject this left-wing fanaticism of the mass media and Hollywood.
With respect, considering your age are you concerned about the fax brought fourth in the various articles which have suggested that in the future unless things change huge numbers of people will go onto never get married. I’m just hoping you can understand that and respond to that.

Marriage and sex is necessary for humanity. Now I’m hoping you can very specifically respond to these points.

If nobody had sex, there would be no more humans. Marriage is also a core component of the human race. The problem today is massive numbers of young men are not having any sex. Along with the many other points listed in this thread that you haven’t responded to.

So far basically you have said “it’s fine if people wait to get married. It’s OK if young people are not having sex.” But that is not responding to the points listed above.
If you're so concerned about the human race then tell us how many children you've had for the cause. Aren't you in Cambodia or something trying to find an agreeable wife? How's that going? :dunno: :laugh:
are you talking about Stay at home dad’s or stay at home husbands/boyfriends? . That is the very existence that left-wing BLM radical feminism has created and even celebrated.

Modern day Hollywood celebrates that type of lazy stay at home dad/boyfriend thing. But of course it’s not a part of the real world in most cases. In the USA most people reject this left-wing fanaticism of the mass media and Hollywood.

So you think a stay-at-home Dad is lazy? LMAO!!

But stay-at-home Moms are not?
With respect, considering your age are you concerned about the fax brought fourth in the various articles which have suggested that in the future unless things change huge numbers of people will go onto never get married. I’m just hoping you can understand that and respond to that.

Marriage and sex is necessary for humanity. Now I’m hoping you can very specifically respond to these points.

If nobody had sex, there would be no more humans. Marriage is also a core component of the human race. The problem today is massive numbers of young men are not having any sex. Along with the many other points listed in this thread that you haven’t responded to.

So far basically you have said “it’s fine if people wait to get married. It’s OK if young people are not having sex.” But that is not responding to the points listed.
More young men and women are seeing the value of waiting until they are financially stable before settling down. Why should a person get married and start a family when they don't have a big chunk of money put away to do so? It only makes sense. Nobody yet has been able to explain the downside to this.
I think the rise of child free married couples has been interesting. What's happening is the nation is breaking its grip from the graduate, get married, and have kids in one's early 20s, wash rinse repeat. We ask young adults to work work work and they are. Some don't want to add raising kids to their already hectic life. So they are free to focus on other things. And I believe they should feel no responsibility to have or raise kids if they don't want kids.
With divorce more difficult in another era we had fewer of them. Women would get paid from them. So perhaps 20% divorce in the past. Though some fell through the cracks with tougher ways of raising the family. What really happened is that unattractive women and lesbians became much more powerful. Government at the federal level is a dozen times larger than those days in the 1960's and the state and city the same. The tax take is more than any time in history.

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