Clinton's MAIN asset.........Trump !!!


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Since I have long been a Sanders' fan and a critic of the Clintons, I was somewhat disappointed about the FBI's final decision to drop all charges against Hillary......This decision is a double-edged sword...It finds NO culpability against her (which would have allowed Sanders to take the Dems.' helm)......NOR does the decision exonerate Hillary possibly allowing many voters to simply not show up to vote.

There is, however, one MAIN asset that Hillary still holds and will inevitably give her the oval office....and that is our "beloved" Donald Trump......a.k.a. the greatest mistake the GOP has made since Sarah Palin.

The FBI decision has forced many voters like me to now use TWO clothes' pins when casting my vote for Hillary.but when faced with that "other choice", I have no alternative.

Praise for Hillary Clinton



http://[URL=""]Question for Ravi[/URL]
If Clinton was running against almost anyone but Trump, she'd be in trouble.

Donald Trump is a Godsend for Hillary and her chances to be the president .. and Bill Clinton may have had a lot to do with that.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher. Our country faces an existential threat from climate change and the spread of nuclear weapons,” California Gov. Jerry Brown said in an open letter to California Democrats and independents endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. “A new cold war is on the horizon. This is no time for Democrats to keep fighting each other.”

"Clinton’s lead is insurmountable and Democrats have shown — by millions of votes — that they want her as their nominee,” Brown said. “But there is more at stake than mere numbers.”

California Gov. Brown praises Sanders, endorses Clinton

Brown wrote an open letter to California Democrats and independents published Tuesday.
Hillary Clinton's major endorsements

Hillary Clinton has amassed the most endorsements of the 2016 campaign, so far, including several high-profile politicians with sway in key primary states and super delegates...

Here is a sampling of the endorsements the Clinton campaign lays claim to:

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid: “I think the middle class would be better served by Hillary,” the Nevada senator said in February. “I think that my work with her over the years has been something that I have looked upon with awe.”

Sen. Claire McCaskill: “Now, as I look at 2016 and think about who is best to lead this country forward, I’m proud to announce that I am Ready for Hillary,” read a statement from the Missouri Democrat, which was posted at “Hillary Clinton had to give up her political operation while she was making us proud, representing us around the world as an incredible Secretary of State, and that’s why Ready for Hillary is so critical,” McCaskill said in June.

Rep. Jim Clyburn: “A few days ago, I admitted that my head and my heart were in different places relative to this year’s presidential primary," the South Carolina lawmaker said in February. "Today however, my head and my heart are in the same place."

Rep. John Lewis: After switching his support from Clinton to then-Sen. Barack Obama during the 2008 Democratic primary presidential campaign, Georgia Rep. John Lewis not only endorsed Clinton in February but has become a central voice on the campaign trial. He has also helped the campaign rebuff Bernie Sanders talking points on the civil rights movement. During an interview with POLITICO in February, Lewis said: “To be very frank, I never saw him, I never met him. I chaired the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee for three years, from 1963 to 1966. I was involved in sit-ins, in the Freedom Rides, the March on Washington, the March from Selma to Montgomery ... but I met Hillary Clinton.”

Congressional Black Caucus PAC: Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), a former CBC chairwoman, said in February that the former secretary of state is a better candidate for African-Americans on national security and economic security. "It is really, really clear to people who are paying attention at this point that she probably knows more about how to move us forward," said Fudge. "As I look at her history, she has worked with people who are undeserved for her entire career ... she's been talking about this for her entire life. I've only heard about it from Sanders in the last year."

Congressional Hispanic Caucus PAC: The political arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus — CHC BOLD PAC — endorsed Hillary Clinton at a press conference at the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in February, in yet another sign of the presidential front-runner’s strength in Washington and among Hispanic leaders. The PAC is chaired by California Rep. Tony Cardenas, a Clinton backer, and the caucus is led by fellow California Rep. Linda Sanchez, another Clinton endorser.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund: President Cecile Richards said in January: "No other candidate in our nation's history has demonstrated such a strong commitment to women or such a clear record on behalf of women's health and rights. This is about so much more than Planned Parenthood. Health care for an entire generation is at stake."

National Education Association: “This is exactly the right time if you’re going to impact the primaries,” NEA President Lily Eskelsen García said in October, after about 75 percent of the 175-member NEA board voted to endorse Clinton. Eskelsen García called it a resounding endorsement, adding: “If we want to have education’s voice in this primary debate, you get involved now.”

American Federation of Teachers: AFT President Randi Weingarten and Clinton have been longtime friends, dating back to Clinton’s time as a New York senator, when Weingarten was head of the state’s United Federation of Teachers. She said in July that “Clinton is a tested leader who shares our values, is supported by our members and is prepared for a tough fight on behalf of students, families and communities.”

Human Rights Campaign: President Chad Griffin said in January: “We’ve heard the leading Republican presidential candidates repeatedly threaten to block our progress and to revoke, repeal, and overturn the gains we’ve made during President Obama’s two terms. While they fight to take us backward, Hillary Clinton is fighting to advance LGBT equality across our nation and throughout the world. We are proud to endorse Hillary Clinton for president, and believe that she is the champion we can count on in November — and every day she occupies the Oval Office.”

American Nurses Association: "Hillary Clinton has been a nurse champion and health care advocate throughout her career and believes empowering nurses is good for patients and good for the country," Pamela F. Cipriano, president of the 3.4-million-member American Nurses Association, said in a statement.

The New York Daily News: Hailing the former secretary of state as "unsparingly clear-eyed about what’s wrong with America," the paper in April described Clinton as best-suited to take on what it said was the most urgent task of the next president: to "ignite and rebalance the United States economy in favor of the many while also extending an extra helping hand to ease burdens that have grown too heavy for some."

U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: Praising Clinton for her record in the small-business community generating results for Hispanics, chamber President and CEO Javier Palomarez said those views and achievements are "simply far more qualifying than the empty rhetoric and lackluster record of Senator Bernie Sanders."

California Gov. Jerry Brown: The California governor announced his endorsement on May 31, about a week before the California primary. He says Hillary Clinton is the best hope in defeating "dangerous candidacy" of Donald Trump.

The 2016 Endorsement Primary
Latest Endorsements

5/31 Hillary Clinton endorsed by Gov. Jerry Brown, D-Calif. +10
5/29 Hillary Clinton endorsed by Rep. Norma Torres, D-Calif. +1
5/25 Hillary Clinton endorsed by Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J. +5
▼ All 2016 endorsements
2016 endorsements
Candidate Date Endorser Position Pts.
Hillary Clinton

5/31/16 Jerry Brown Gov. (D-Calif.) 10

5/29 Norma Torres Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/25 Robert Menendez Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

5/21 Albio Sires Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

5/21 Sam Farr Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Earl Ray Tomblin Gov. (D-W.Va.) 10

4/26 Brendan Boyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/25 Robert Brady Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/16 Mike Doyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/10 Elijah Cummings Rep. (D-Md.) 1

3/29 Ron Kind Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

3/21 Kate Brown Gov. (D-Ore.) 10

3/7 Gwen Graham Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

2/28 Lloyd Doggett Rep. (D-Texas) 1

2/26 Ben R. Lujan Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

2/24 Harry Reid Sen. (D-Nev.) 5

2/24 Susan Davis Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Raul Ruiz Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Mark DeSaulnier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Eric Swalwell Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/19 James E. Clyburn Rep. (D-S.C.) 1

2/7 Juan Vargas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/5 Jim Costa Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/3 Alma Adams Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

2/1 Chaka Fattah Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

1/30 Ron Wyden Sen. (D-Ore.) 5

1/29 Al Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/26 David Price Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

1/19 Mike Quigley Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/8 Frank Pallone Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

1/7 G.K. Butterfield Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

12/18/15 Earl Blumenauer Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

12/16 Linda Sánchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/15 Brad Ashford Rep. (D-Neb.) 1

12/7 Michael E. Capuano Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/30 Jerry McNerney Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Maxine Waters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Pete Aguilar Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Jackie Speier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Anna G. Eshoo Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/19 John A. Yarmuth Rep. (D-Ky.) 1

11/17 Donna F. Edwards Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Jack Reed Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

11/17 John P. Sarbanes Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Alan Grayson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/16 Ruben Gallego Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/14 Denny Heck Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/14 Jay Inslee Gov. (D-Wash.) 10

11/14 Suzan DelBene Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/13 Bobby L. Rush Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

11/13 Joe Donnelly Sen. (D-Ind.) 5

11/13 Ann Kirkpatrick Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/11 Corrine Brown Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/11 Tony Cárdenas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/11 Gwen Moore Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

11/10 Christopher A. Coons Sen. (D-Del.) 5

11/9 Bennie G. Thompson Rep. (D-Miss.) 1

11/8 Seth Moulton Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/5 Maria Cantwell Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/4 Jay Nixon Gov. (D-Mo.) 10

10/28 Heidi Heitkamp Sen. (D-N.D.) 5

10/28 Jared Huffman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

10/27 Sherrod Brown Sen. (D-Ohio) 5

10/26 Thomas R. Carper Sen. (D-Del.) 5

10/26 John Carney Rep. (D-Del.) 1

10/23 Paul D. Tonko Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/21 Jack Markell Gov. (D-Del.) 10

10/20 Eliot Engel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/19 Joe Courtney Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

10/16 William Keating Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

10/14 Edward J. Markey Sen. (D-Mass.) 5

10/13 Yvette D. Clarke Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/13 Hakeem Jeffries Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/5 John Hickenlooper Gov. (D-Colo.) 10

10/5 Robert C. Scott Rep. (D-Va.) 1

9/17 Maggie Hassan Gov. (D-N.H.) 10

9/13 Ann Kuster Rep. (D-N.H.) 1

9/7 David Loebsack Rep. (D-Iowa) 1

9/7 Cheri Bustos Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

9/1 Zoe Lofgren Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/31 Tammy Baldwin Sen. (D-Wis.) 5

8/28 Timothy J. Walz Rep. (D-Minn.) 1

8/24 Donald Payne Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bonnie Watson Coleman Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bill Pascrell Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 John Garamendi Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/18 Jim Himes Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

8/6 Xavier Becerra Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/5 Scott Peters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Lois Capps Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Marcia L. Fudge Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

7/14 André Carson Rep. (D-Ind.) 1

7/13 Suzanne Bonamici Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

6/27 Niki Tsongas Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

6/26 Don Beyer Rep. (D-Va.) 1

6/26 Brenda Lawrence Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

6/23 William "Lacy" Clay Jr. Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

6/23 Matthew Cartwright Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

6/13 John B. Larson Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Elizabeth Esty Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Tom Wolf Gov. (D-Pa.) 10

6/7 Dannel P. Malloy Gov. (D-Conn.) 10

6/5 Steve Cohen Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

6/4 Christopher Murphy Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

5/27 Katherine Clark Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/20 Peter Shumlin Gov. (D-Vt.) 10

5/14 Joseph P. Kennedy III Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/12 James McGovern Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/5 Michael F. Bennet Sen. (D-Colo.) 5

5/5 Gary Peters Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Sean Patrick Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Patrick Murphy Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jim Cooper Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

5/4 Kathleen Rice Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Rubén Hinojosa Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly Rep. (D-Va.) 1

5/4 Filemon Vela Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Derek Kilmer Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Mike Thompson Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Eddie Bernice Johnson Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Kathy Castor Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jared Polis Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Henry Cuellar Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Brad Sherman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Marc Veasey Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Daniel Kildee Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

5/4 Joyce Beatty Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

5/4 José E. Serrano Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Julia Brownley Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Ed Perlmutter Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Kurt Schrader Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

5/4 Adam Smith Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Adam Schiff Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Emanuel Cleaver Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

4/24 Robert P. Casey, Jr. Sen. (D-Pa.) 5

4/23 Cory A. Booker Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

4/23 Steve Israel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/22 John Conyers Jr. Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/16 Gina M. Raimondo Gov. (D-R.I.) 10

4/15 Jim McDermott Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/14 Rosa L. DeLauro Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

4/13 Tom Udall Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

4/12 Karen Bass Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/12 Diana DeGette Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

4/12 Andrew M. Cuomo Gov. (D-N.Y.) 10

4/12 Rick Larsen Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/12 Debbie Dingell Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/12 Jeanne Shaheen Sen. (D-N.H.) 5

4/11 Jerrold Nadler Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/11 Nydia M. Velázquez Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

2/2 Brian Schatz Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/29 Alcee L. Hastings Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/27 Ami Bera Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mazie K. Hirono Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/27 Ted Lieu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mark Takano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Judy Chu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Tammy Duckworth Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/22 Grace Napolitano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Loretta Sanchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Lucille Roybal-Allard Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/18/14 Bill Nelson Sen. (D-Fla.) 5

12/16 Al Franken Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

12/1 Benjamin L. Cardin Sen. (D-Md.) 5

12/1 Barbara A. Mikulski Sen. (D-Md.) 5

11/14 Terry McAuliffe Gov. (D-Va.) 10

11/10 Charles B. Rangel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/14 Nita Lowey Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

8/5 Mark R. Warner Sen. (D-Va.) 5

7/12 Michelle Lujan Grisham Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

7/12 Martin Heinrich Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

6/21 Patrick J. Leahy Sen. (D-Vt.) 5

6/7 Richard Blumenthal Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

6/6 Robin Kelly Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/6 Bill Foster Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/5 Richard J. Durbin Sen. (D-Ill.) 5

6/4 Amy Klobuchar Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

5/22 Debbie Stabenow Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Mark Takai Rep. (D-Hawaii) 1

5/3 Tim Kaine Sen. (D-Va.) 5

2/7 Ted Deutch Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/31 Joseph Crowley Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/29 Joe Manchin III Sen. (D-W.Va.) 5

1/28 Terri A. Sewell Rep. (D-Ala.) 1

1/28 Sheila Jackson Lee Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Gregory W. Meeks Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Luis Gutierrez Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Janice Hahn Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Lois Frankel Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Mike Honda Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Sander Levin Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

1/28 Danny K. Davis Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Jim Langevin Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 John Lewis Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Jan Schakowsky Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Louise Slaughter Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 David Scott Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Grace Meng Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Gene Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Brian Higgins Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Stephen F. Lynch Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Frederica Wilson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Richard E. Neal Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Sheldon Whitehouse Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

1/28 Joaquin Castro Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 David Cicilline Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 Steny H. Hoyer Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 John Delaney Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 Doris O. Matsui Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Chellie Pingree Rep. (D-Maine) 1

1/28 Cedric Richmond Rep. (D-La.) 1

1/28 Henry C. "Hank" Jr. Johnson Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/13 Chris Van Hollen Rep. (D-Md.) 1

12/12/13 Dianne Feinstein Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

11/17 Kirsten E. Gillibrand Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

11/11 Carolyn Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

11/8 Patty Murray Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/7 Mark Dayton Gov. (D-Minn.) 10

11/5 Tim Ryan Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

11/2 Charles E. Schumer Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

10/30 Barbara Boxer Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

8/18 Dina Titus Rep. (D-Nev.) 1

6/18 Claire McCaskill Sen. (D-Mo.) 5
Yeah, well don't get carried away with endorsements. Trump has Tyson the rapist and Don King the murderer on his side.
Obama rallied the crowd using his signature campaign chant from 2008: "Fired up, ready to go!"

In remarks that highlighted the unique political charisma that helped then-Sen. Obama win the White House, Obama touted the four years Clinton served as his top diplomat as evidence of her tough-nosed grit. He also acknowledged that he became a loyal Clinton convert years ago, and that his 2008 Democratic primary fight against his friend is all in the past.

"I came away from that primary admiring her even more because during that year-and-a-half, I had a chance to see up close, just how smart she was and just how prepared she was, especially since I debated her a couple dozen times," Obama said. "I saw how even when things didn't go her way, she'd just stand up straighter and come back stronger."

Obama never once mentioned Clinton's Republican rival, Donald Trump, by name. But the President appeared to thoroughly enjoy his return to the campaign trail as he repeatedly slammed the billionaire by going after his "tough talk" and "phony bluster."

"I know the other guy talks about making America great again. America's really great," Obama said. "This is a choice between whether we are going to cling to some imaginary past or whether we're going to reach for the future."

In a reference to Trump's past role as host of the realty TV show, "The Apprentice," Obama quipped: "This is not a reality show. This is not entertainment."

When the crowd here began to boo at Obama's mention of Trump's policies, the President urged: "Don't boo. Vote!"

Read President Obama and Hillary Clinton's Remarks From Their First Joint Rally


"I am ready to pass the baton," Obama said. "I know that Hillary Clinton is going to take it and I know she's going to run that race."
2016 endorsements
Date Endorser Position Pts.
Hillary Clinton

5/31/16 Jerry Brown Gov. (D-Calif.) 10

5/29 Norma Torres Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/25 Robert Menendez Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

5/21 Albio Sires Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

5/21 Sam Farr Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Earl Ray Tomblin Gov. (D-W.Va.) 10

4/26 Brendan Boyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/25 Robert Brady Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/16 Mike Doyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/10 Elijah Cummings Rep. (D-Md.) 1

3/29 Ron Kind Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

3/21 Kate Brown Gov. (D-Ore.) 10

3/7 Gwen Graham Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

2/28 Lloyd Doggett Rep. (D-Texas) 1

2/26 Ben R. Lujan Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

2/24 Harry Reid Sen. (D-Nev.) 5

2/24 Susan Davis Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Raul Ruiz Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Mark DeSaulnier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Eric Swalwell Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/19 James E. Clyburn Rep. (D-S.C.) 1

2/7 Juan Vargas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/5 Jim Costa Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/3 Alma Adams Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

2/1 Chaka Fattah Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

1/30 Ron Wyden Sen. (D-Ore.) 5

1/29 Al Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/26 David Price Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

1/19 Mike Quigley Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/8 Frank Pallone Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

1/7 G.K. Butterfield Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

12/18/15 Earl Blumenauer Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

12/16 Linda Sánchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/15 Brad Ashford Rep. (D-Neb.) 1

12/7 Michael E. Capuano Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/30 Jerry McNerney Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Maxine Waters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Pete Aguilar Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Jackie Speier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Anna G. Eshoo Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/19 John A. Yarmuth Rep. (D-Ky.) 1

11/17 Donna F. Edwards Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Jack Reed Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

11/17 John P. Sarbanes Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Alan Grayson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/16 Ruben Gallego Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/14 Denny Heck Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/14 Jay Inslee Gov. (D-Wash.) 10

11/14 Suzan DelBene Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/13 Bobby L. Rush Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

11/13 Joe Donnelly Sen. (D-Ind.) 5

11/13 Ann Kirkpatrick Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/11 Corrine Brown Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/11 Tony Cárdenas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/11 Gwen Moore Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

11/10 Christopher A. Coons Sen. (D-Del.) 5

11/9 Bennie G. Thompson Rep. (D-Miss.) 1

11/8 Seth Moulton Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/5 Maria Cantwell Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/4 Jay Nixon Gov. (D-Mo.) 10

10/28 Heidi Heitkamp Sen. (D-N.D.) 5

10/28 Jared Huffman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

10/27 Sherrod Brown Sen. (D-Ohio) 5

10/26 Thomas R. Carper Sen. (D-Del.) 5

10/26 John Carney Rep. (D-Del.) 1

10/23 Paul D. Tonko Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/21 Jack Markell Gov. (D-Del.) 10

10/20 Eliot Engel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/19 Joe Courtney Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

10/16 William Keating Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

10/14 Edward J. Markey Sen. (D-Mass.) 5

10/13 Yvette D. Clarke Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/13 Hakeem Jeffries Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/5 John Hickenlooper Gov. (D-Colo.) 10

10/5 Robert C. Scott Rep. (D-Va.) 1

9/17 Maggie Hassan Gov. (D-N.H.) 10

9/13 Ann Kuster Rep. (D-N.H.) 1

9/7 David Loebsack Rep. (D-Iowa) 1

9/7 Cheri Bustos Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

9/1 Zoe Lofgren Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/31 Tammy Baldwin Sen. (D-Wis.) 5

8/28 Timothy J. Walz Rep. (D-Minn.) 1

8/24 Donald Payne Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bonnie Watson Coleman Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bill Pascrell Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 John Garamendi Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/18 Jim Himes Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

8/6 Xavier Becerra Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/5 Scott Peters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Lois Capps Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Marcia L. Fudge Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

7/14 André Carson Rep. (D-Ind.) 1

7/13 Suzanne Bonamici Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

6/27 Niki Tsongas Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

6/26 Don Beyer Rep. (D-Va.) 1

6/26 Brenda Lawrence Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

6/23 William "Lacy" Clay Jr. Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

6/23 Matthew Cartwright Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

6/13 John B. Larson Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Elizabeth Esty Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Tom Wolf Gov. (D-Pa.) 10

6/7 Dannel P. Malloy Gov. (D-Conn.) 10

6/5 Steve Cohen Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

6/4 Christopher Murphy Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

5/27 Katherine Clark Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/20 Peter Shumlin Gov. (D-Vt.) 10

5/14 Joseph P. Kennedy III Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/12 James McGovern Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/5 Michael F. Bennet Sen. (D-Colo.) 5

5/5 Gary Peters Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Sean Patrick Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Patrick Murphy Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jim Cooper Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

5/4 Kathleen Rice Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Rubén Hinojosa Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly Rep. (D-Va.) 1

5/4 Filemon Vela Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Derek Kilmer Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Mike Thompson Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Eddie Bernice Johnson Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Kathy Castor Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jared Polis Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Henry Cuellar Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Brad Sherman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Marc Veasey Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Daniel Kildee Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

5/4 Joyce Beatty Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

5/4 José E. Serrano Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Julia Brownley Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Ed Perlmutter Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Kurt Schrader Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

5/4 Adam Smith Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Adam Schiff Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Emanuel Cleaver Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

4/24 Robert P. Casey, Jr. Sen. (D-Pa.) 5

4/23 Cory A. Booker Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

4/23 Steve Israel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/22 John Conyers Jr. Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/16 Gina M. Raimondo Gov. (D-R.I.) 10

4/15 Jim McDermott Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/14 Rosa L. DeLauro Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

4/13 Tom Udall Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

4/12 Karen Bass Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/12 Diana DeGette Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

4/12 Andrew M. Cuomo Gov. (D-N.Y.) 10

4/12 Rick Larsen Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/12 Debbie Dingell Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/12 Jeanne Shaheen Sen. (D-N.H.) 5

4/11 Jerrold Nadler Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/11 Nydia M. Velázquez Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

2/2 Brian Schatz Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/29 Alcee L. Hastings Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/27 Ami Bera Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mazie K. Hirono Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/27 Ted Lieu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mark Takano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Judy Chu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Tammy Duckworth Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/22 Grace Napolitano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Loretta Sanchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Lucille Roybal-Allard Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/18/14 Bill Nelson Sen. (D-Fla.) 5

12/16 Al Franken Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

12/1 Benjamin L. Cardin Sen. (D-Md.) 5

12/1 Barbara A. Mikulski Sen. (D-Md.) 5

11/14 Terry McAuliffe Gov. (D-Va.) 10

11/10 Charles B. Rangel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/14 Nita Lowey Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

8/5 Mark R. Warner Sen. (D-Va.) 5

7/12 Michelle Lujan Grisham Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

7/12 Martin Heinrich Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

6/21 Patrick J. Leahy Sen. (D-Vt.) 5

6/7 Richard Blumenthal Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

6/6 Robin Kelly Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/6 Bill Foster Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/5 Richard J. Durbin Sen. (D-Ill.) 5

6/4 Amy Klobuchar Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

5/22 Debbie Stabenow Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Mark Takai Rep. (D-Hawaii) 1

5/3 Tim Kaine Sen. (D-Va.) 5

2/7 Ted Deutch Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/31 Joseph Crowley Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/29 Joe Manchin III Sen. (D-W.Va.) 5

1/28 Terri A. Sewell Rep. (D-Ala.) 1

1/28 Sheila Jackson Lee Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Gregory W. Meeks Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Luis Gutierrez Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Janice Hahn Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Lois Frankel Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Mike Honda Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Sander Levin Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

1/28 Danny K. Davis Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Jim Langevin Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 John Lewis Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Jan Schakowsky Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Louise Slaughter Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 David Scott Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Grace Meng Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Gene Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Brian Higgins Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Stephen F. Lynch Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Frederica Wilson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Richard E. Neal Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Sheldon Whitehouse Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

1/28 Joaquin Castro Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 David Cicilline Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 Steny H. Hoyer Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 John Delaney Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 Doris O. Matsui Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Chellie Pingree Rep. (D-Maine) 1

1/28 Cedric Richmond Rep. (D-La.) 1

1/28 Henry C. "Hank" Jr. Johnson Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/13 Chris Van Hollen Rep. (D-Md.) 1

12/12/13 Dianne Feinstein Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

11/17 Kirsten E. Gillibrand Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

11/11 Carolyn Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

11/8 Patty Murray Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/7 Mark Dayton Gov. (D-Minn.) 10

11/5 Tim Ryan Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

11/2 Charles E. Schumer Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

10/30 Barbara Boxer Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

8/18 Dina Titus Rep. (D-Nev.) 1

6/18 Claire McCaskill Sen. (D-Mo.) 5
They are all proud to support a criminal and they wonder why dems vote GOP.
2016 endorsements
Date Endorser Position Pts.
Hillary Clinton

5/31/16 Jerry Brown Gov. (D-Calif.) 10

5/29 Norma Torres Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/25 Robert Menendez Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

5/21 Albio Sires Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

5/21 Sam Farr Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Earl Ray Tomblin Gov. (D-W.Va.) 10

4/26 Brendan Boyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/25 Robert Brady Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/16 Mike Doyle Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

4/10 Elijah Cummings Rep. (D-Md.) 1

3/29 Ron Kind Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

3/21 Kate Brown Gov. (D-Ore.) 10

3/7 Gwen Graham Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

2/28 Lloyd Doggett Rep. (D-Texas) 1

2/26 Ben R. Lujan Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

2/24 Harry Reid Sen. (D-Nev.) 5

2/24 Susan Davis Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Raul Ruiz Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Mark DeSaulnier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/24 Eric Swalwell Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/19 James E. Clyburn Rep. (D-S.C.) 1

2/7 Juan Vargas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/5 Jim Costa Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

2/3 Alma Adams Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

2/1 Chaka Fattah Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

1/30 Ron Wyden Sen. (D-Ore.) 5

1/29 Al Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/26 David Price Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

1/19 Mike Quigley Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/8 Frank Pallone Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

1/7 G.K. Butterfield Rep. (D-N.C.) 1

12/18/15 Earl Blumenauer Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

12/16 Linda Sánchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/15 Brad Ashford Rep. (D-Neb.) 1

12/7 Michael E. Capuano Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/30 Jerry McNerney Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Maxine Waters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Pete Aguilar Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Jackie Speier Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/30 Anna G. Eshoo Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/19 John A. Yarmuth Rep. (D-Ky.) 1

11/17 Donna F. Edwards Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Jack Reed Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

11/17 John P. Sarbanes Rep. (D-Md.) 1

11/17 Alan Grayson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/16 Ruben Gallego Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/14 Denny Heck Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/14 Jay Inslee Gov. (D-Wash.) 10

11/14 Suzan DelBene Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

11/13 Bobby L. Rush Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

11/13 Joe Donnelly Sen. (D-Ind.) 5

11/13 Ann Kirkpatrick Rep. (D-Ariz.) 1

11/11 Corrine Brown Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

11/11 Tony Cárdenas Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

11/11 Gwen Moore Rep. (D-Wis.) 1

11/10 Christopher A. Coons Sen. (D-Del.) 5

11/9 Bennie G. Thompson Rep. (D-Miss.) 1

11/8 Seth Moulton Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

11/5 Maria Cantwell Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/4 Jay Nixon Gov. (D-Mo.) 10

10/28 Heidi Heitkamp Sen. (D-N.D.) 5

10/28 Jared Huffman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

10/27 Sherrod Brown Sen. (D-Ohio) 5

10/26 Thomas R. Carper Sen. (D-Del.) 5

10/26 John Carney Rep. (D-Del.) 1

10/23 Paul D. Tonko Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/21 Jack Markell Gov. (D-Del.) 10

10/20 Eliot Engel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/19 Joe Courtney Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

10/16 William Keating Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

10/14 Edward J. Markey Sen. (D-Mass.) 5

10/13 Yvette D. Clarke Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/13 Hakeem Jeffries Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/5 John Hickenlooper Gov. (D-Colo.) 10

10/5 Robert C. Scott Rep. (D-Va.) 1

9/17 Maggie Hassan Gov. (D-N.H.) 10

9/13 Ann Kuster Rep. (D-N.H.) 1

9/7 David Loebsack Rep. (D-Iowa) 1

9/7 Cheri Bustos Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

9/1 Zoe Lofgren Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/31 Tammy Baldwin Sen. (D-Wis.) 5

8/28 Timothy J. Walz Rep. (D-Minn.) 1

8/24 Donald Payne Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bonnie Watson Coleman Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 Bill Pascrell Jr. Rep. (D-N.J.) 1

8/24 John Garamendi Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/18 Jim Himes Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

8/6 Xavier Becerra Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

8/5 Scott Peters Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Lois Capps Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

7/15 Marcia L. Fudge Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

7/14 André Carson Rep. (D-Ind.) 1

7/13 Suzanne Bonamici Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

6/27 Niki Tsongas Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

6/26 Don Beyer Rep. (D-Va.) 1

6/26 Brenda Lawrence Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

6/23 William "Lacy" Clay Jr. Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

6/23 Matthew Cartwright Rep. (D-Pa.) 1

6/13 John B. Larson Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Elizabeth Esty Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

6/13 Tom Wolf Gov. (D-Pa.) 10

6/7 Dannel P. Malloy Gov. (D-Conn.) 10

6/5 Steve Cohen Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

6/4 Christopher Murphy Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

5/27 Katherine Clark Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/20 Peter Shumlin Gov. (D-Vt.) 10

5/14 Joseph P. Kennedy III Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/12 James McGovern Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

5/5 Michael F. Bennet Sen. (D-Colo.) 5

5/5 Gary Peters Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Sean Patrick Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Patrick Murphy Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jim Cooper Rep. (D-Tenn.) 1

5/4 Kathleen Rice Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Rubén Hinojosa Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Gerald E. "Gerry" Connolly Rep. (D-Va.) 1

5/4 Filemon Vela Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Derek Kilmer Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Mike Thompson Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Eddie Bernice Johnson Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Kathy Castor Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

5/4 Jared Polis Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Henry Cuellar Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Brad Sherman Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Marc Veasey Rep. (D-Texas) 1

5/4 Daniel Kildee Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

5/4 Joyce Beatty Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

5/4 José E. Serrano Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

5/4 Julia Brownley Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

5/4 Ed Perlmutter Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

5/4 Kurt Schrader Rep. (D-Ore.) 1

5/4 Adam Smith Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

5/4 Adam Schiff Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/29 Emanuel Cleaver Rep. (D-Mo.) 1

4/24 Robert P. Casey, Jr. Sen. (D-Pa.) 5

4/23 Cory A. Booker Sen. (D-N.J.) 5

4/23 Steve Israel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/22 John Conyers Jr. Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/16 Gina M. Raimondo Gov. (D-R.I.) 10

4/15 Jim McDermott Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/14 Rosa L. DeLauro Rep. (D-Conn.) 1

4/13 Tom Udall Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

4/12 Karen Bass Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

4/12 Diana DeGette Rep. (D-Colo.) 1

4/12 Andrew M. Cuomo Gov. (D-N.Y.) 10

4/12 Rick Larsen Rep. (D-Wash.) 1

4/12 Debbie Dingell Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

4/12 Jeanne Shaheen Sen. (D-N.H.) 5

4/11 Jerrold Nadler Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

4/11 Nydia M. Velázquez Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

2/2 Brian Schatz Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/29 Alcee L. Hastings Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/27 Ami Bera Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mazie K. Hirono Sen. (D-Hawaii) 5

1/27 Ted Lieu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Mark Takano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Judy Chu Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/27 Tammy Duckworth Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/22 Grace Napolitano Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Loretta Sanchez Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/22 Lucille Roybal-Allard Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

12/18/14 Bill Nelson Sen. (D-Fla.) 5

12/16 Al Franken Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

12/1 Benjamin L. Cardin Sen. (D-Md.) 5

12/1 Barbara A. Mikulski Sen. (D-Md.) 5

11/14 Terry McAuliffe Gov. (D-Va.) 10

11/10 Charles B. Rangel Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

10/14 Nita Lowey Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

8/5 Mark R. Warner Sen. (D-Va.) 5

7/12 Michelle Lujan Grisham Rep. (D-N.M.) 1

7/12 Martin Heinrich Sen. (D-N.M.) 5

6/21 Patrick J. Leahy Sen. (D-Vt.) 5

6/7 Richard Blumenthal Sen. (D-Conn.) 5

6/6 Robin Kelly Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/6 Bill Foster Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

6/5 Richard J. Durbin Sen. (D-Ill.) 5

6/4 Amy Klobuchar Sen. (D-Minn.) 5

5/22 Debbie Stabenow Sen. (D-Mich.) 5

5/4 Mark Takai Rep. (D-Hawaii) 1

5/3 Tim Kaine Sen. (D-Va.) 5

2/7 Ted Deutch Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/31 Joseph Crowley Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/29 Joe Manchin III Sen. (D-W.Va.) 5

1/28 Terri A. Sewell Rep. (D-Ala.) 1

1/28 Sheila Jackson Lee Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Gregory W. Meeks Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Luis Gutierrez Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Janice Hahn Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Lois Frankel Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Mike Honda Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Sander Levin Rep. (D-Mich.) 1

1/28 Danny K. Davis Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Jim Langevin Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 John Lewis Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Jan Schakowsky Rep. (D-Ill.) 1

1/28 Louise Slaughter Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 David Scott Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/28 Grace Meng Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Gene Green Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 Brian Higgins Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

1/28 Stephen F. Lynch Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Frederica Wilson Rep. (D-Fla.) 1

1/28 Richard E. Neal Rep. (D-Mass.) 1

1/28 Sheldon Whitehouse Sen. (D-R.I.) 5

1/28 Joaquin Castro Rep. (D-Texas) 1

1/28 David Cicilline Rep. (D-R.I.) 1

1/28 Steny H. Hoyer Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 John Delaney Rep. (D-Md.) 1

1/28 Doris O. Matsui Rep. (D-Calif.) 1

1/28 Chellie Pingree Rep. (D-Maine) 1

1/28 Cedric Richmond Rep. (D-La.) 1

1/28 Henry C. "Hank" Jr. Johnson Rep. (D-Ga.) 1

1/13 Chris Van Hollen Rep. (D-Md.) 1

12/12/13 Dianne Feinstein Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

11/17 Kirsten E. Gillibrand Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

11/11 Carolyn Maloney Rep. (D-N.Y.) 1

11/8 Patty Murray Sen. (D-Wash.) 5

11/7 Mark Dayton Gov. (D-Minn.) 10

11/5 Tim Ryan Rep. (D-Ohio) 1

11/2 Charles E. Schumer Sen. (D-N.Y.) 5

10/30 Barbara Boxer Sen. (D-Calif.) 5

8/18 Dina Titus Rep. (D-Nev.) 1

6/18 Claire McCaskill Sen. (D-Mo.) 5
They are all proud to support a criminal and they wonder why dems vote GOP.

.. and republicans wonder why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority .. then wonder why they lose elections. :0)
I have little doubt that after all the dust settles, Clinton will be the next president.....Hopefully, all her"sins" are behind her...for the good of this country.
This election is one for the history books......

The wife of a former President
The star of a reality show running for the highest office in the land....

And we could have had the second brother and son of a former US President in the mix......

What the hell is going on here?........

We have a candidate Clinton who ran the State department
who could not work in the State department today because she would not be allowed
to handle classified documents....She is someone who can not be trusted...

Paddy Chayefsky could have written an Oscar winning screenplay based on this mess....
.. and republicans wonder why ONLY white men vote for republicans in the majority .. then wonder why they lose elections.

Well, my friend, here's ONE white man who long ago figured out that elected GOPers give whores a bad and undeserved rap....After Rcokefeller, Javitz, Lindsay and a few other decent republicans, the party is now full of selfish, ignorant and sometime outright racist morons.
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