Clive Bundy:'god told me to take feds' guns'

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Watch: Cliven Bundy Claims God Told Him to Fight a ?Civil War? | Occupy Democrats

Welfare rancher Cliven Bundy told a crowd recently about his religious inspiration for his armed rebellion against the Federal government.

“The Lord told me… if [the local sheriff doesn’t] take away these arms from federal agents, we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war,” Bundy told members of the socially conservative Independent American Party.

Bundy has been in a 20 year standoff with the federal government for refusing to pay grazing fees for his large cattle herd, and for trespassing on federal land. Earlier this year, Bundy invited self-proclaimed militia members onto his property to aim guns federal agents to keep them away.

The federal government says Bundy owes over $1 million in fees and penalties for trespassing on federal property without a permit for more than 20 years, but Bundy refuses to acknowledge federal authority on federally owned land.

Read the rest, see the video at the link.
How do YOU determine what to do in Life Luddy? Who do YOU look to for Guidance and Inspiration?

Or are you just one of those "Self Propelled Stomachs?"
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy: ‘The Lord told me’ to fight a ‘civil war’ with federal agents

Question: What does God sound like - man or woman?

Remember this crazy fucker? He was a Fox News hero.

Anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy explained to members of the Independent American Party (IAP) over the weekend how God had guided him into a showdown with armed federal agents in Nevada earlier this year.

Bundy, who quit the Republican Party to join the IAP, told members at a summit in St. George that militias and other people had come to support him during his standoff with Bureau of Land Management agents because they had been “spiritually touched” by God, according to The Spectrum.

The lord told us to arrest your sorry ass and throw you in jail
Amazing how they can latch onto hating one of their countrymen and women..and look who it is that keeps STIRRING the hate, OCCUPY folks you see who is trying to bring us and the country down

some frikken grass and this case should be settled in the COURTS. but since they enjoyed him being raided by 200 armed Federal Agents, they just can't let it go

you Occupiers are some sick sob's
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Plenty of Armed Agents to enforce Grazing Rights.

None for Border or Drug Interdiction.

Yeah I see how this works.
Proverbs 28:4
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but those who keep the law resist them.
When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase.

What Bundy and the Militia proved is that Wicked Tyrants like Obama flee when Men no longer hide themselves, and as they fled, the Righteous increased 10-fold around the nation, now we know that the Government is a bunch of chest pounding bullies.

Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to G-d.

The Federal Government has Forsaken the Constitution, the Highest Law of the Land.
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Teapers are now perverting the word of God. Disgusting people, they have no moral compass, they are simply terrorists that already threatened to use women and children as human shields in their support for a tax evading bum and in response to a ****** President.
luddly, you're a pathetic liar. your OP and title are both flat out lies.

“The Lord told me… if [the local sheriff doesn’t] take away these arms from federal agents, we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war,”

Where's the lie, Spurt?

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