Clive Bundy:'god told me to take feds' guns'

you obviously didn't read the link. he never says what luddly claimed he said. show me where said "god told me to take fed guns"....he never said that.

This isn't a court of law, Spurt. Don't take everything so literally.

so lying is cool on a it

You should talk to the teapers about lying on a message forum. :lol:

Clive Bundy and his teaper gang are idiots. No one needs to lie to point out there hypocrisy, hate, and stupidity.
This isn't a court of law, Spurt. Don't take everything so literally.

so lying is cool on a it

You should talk to the teapers about lying on a message forum. :lol:

Clive Bundy and his teaper gang are idiots. No one needs to lie to point out there hypocrisy, hate, and stupidity.

so that makes it ok for luddly to lie?
so lying is cool on a it

You should talk to the teapers about lying on a message forum. :lol:

Clive Bundy and his teaper gang are idiots. No one needs to lie to point out there hypocrisy, hate, and stupidity.

so that makes it ok for luddly to lie?

:lol: Did she/he (did we ever determine the gender) lie or is it her interpretation? Bundy, the terrorist, did refer to God in his latest rant, no?
You should talk to the teapers about lying on a message forum. :lol:

Clive Bundy and his teaper gang are idiots. No one needs to lie to point out there hypocrisy, hate, and stupidity.

so that makes it ok for luddly to lie?

:lol: Did she/he (did we ever determine the gender) lie or is it her interpretation? Bundy, the terrorist, did refer to God in his latest rant, no?

read the thread title again
Bah, hyperbole and headlines to attract...I have no problem with it whether it is a teaper or a fag or a liberal or a ****** or a wetback or a cracker or a kraut...but when a canadian does it, it crosses a line!
Hearing voices is a symptom of schizophrenia.

We need to have Bundy adjudicated as mentally ill… and then take his fucking guns away.
Hell, the moment "God told me" comes out of someone's mouth, you know they are totally around the corner. Bundy is insane, as are his supporters.
Hell, the moment "God told me" comes out of someone's mouth, you know they are totally around the corner. Bundy is insane, as are his supporters.

You would have gotten a thumbs up and some rep...but your disdain for God prevented that. People like Bundy and his teaper supporters pervert the Word of God....there is no doubt. But, God speaks to his TRUE followers. God is good...all the time.
Methinks Spurt is headed towards another major meltdown.

Question for Spurt, aka [MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION]

Are you an attorney? Cuz you sure to act like on on here!
Proverbs 28:4
They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but those who keep the law resist them.
When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase.

What Bundy and the Militia proved is that Wicked Tyrants like Obama flee when Men no longer hide themselves, and as they fled, the Righteous increased 10-fold around the nation, now we know that the Government is a bunch of chest pounding bullies.

Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to G-d.

The Federal Government has Forsaken the Constitution, the Highest Law of the Land.

Obama could have a Janet Reno moment in a mid term election year! After November he'll be free to get his tyranny on again!
Hell, the moment "God told me" comes out of someone's mouth, you know they are totally around the corner. Bundy is insane, as are his supporters.

You would have gotten a thumbs up and some rep...but your disdain for God prevented that. People like Bundy and his teaper supporters pervert the Word of God....there is no doubt. But, God speaks to his TRUE followers. God is good...all the time.

He's right though.

One thing I have learned is that when someone brays and preeeches about what a good christian, that's when you should watch your wallet and your back because they are actually not christian at all.

You can tell a real christian by how they behave - not what they screech at you or how they thump their bible.

Bundy is a froot loop and a common criminal - just a thief who thinks American tax payers should pay his bills.
luddly, you're a pathetic liar. your OP and title are both flat out lies.

Prove it shit for brains.

you obviously didn't read the link. he never says what luddly claimed he said. show me where said "god told me to take fed guns"....he never said that.

You misquote my subject line. At least be honest about what I wrote. Look again. What I wrote is:

'god told me to take feds' guns'

That is VERY different from your version:

"god told me to take fed guns"

But, you are correct that he did not say 'god told me to take the feds' guns'. His actual words:

“The Lord told me… if [the local sheriff doesn’t] take away these arms from federal agents, we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war,”

So, spurt, calm down before you live up to your new nickname.
Oh but if you want to see what a froot loop this jerk really is, watch the video at the link.

Amazing how they can latch onto hating one of their countrymen and women..and look who it is that keeps STIRRING the hate, OCCUPY folks you see who is trying to bring us and the country down

some frikken grass and this case should be settled in the COURTS. but since they enjoyed him being raided by 200 armed Federal Agents, they just can't let it go

you Occupiers are some sick sob's

The case was settled in court. The court said Bundy should pay.

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