Cliven Bundy Welfare Cowboy

The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.

Just like he gave political contributions to family members, which happens to be against the law. They must defend their BS and illegal acts..............

Someone dares challenge them. How dare they in the Liberal BS world.

There's been a serious problem with government overreach for a long time now. The government has already harassed and intimidated every other rancher in Clark County out of business. As they put each one under, their ranch became brand new "federal" land. The seizure of private property has become one of the biggest abuses of this government. Especially using bogus environmental laws.

we have no one to blame for this then ourselves

for years and years the people have backed up

and backed up until here we sit backs against the wall
The E. Wayne Hage case took 30 years to fight in the courts and his son won.

Federal Judge Rules for Property Rights, Smacks Down Abusive Feds

Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of racketeering under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, and accused them as well of extortion, mail fraud, and fraud, in an effort “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.”

They did it to all of the Ranchers and Bundy is the last one still fighting.

They are doing it to all of the Western States and the States have had enough of it.
Western states meet, discuss taking land from feds | KTVB.COM Boise

yes bundy is the last man standing in Gold Butte
Mr. Bundy was doing pretty well until the federal government changed the rules and turned him into a "welfare cowboy". Is that what they have in mind for all of us?
"The Constitution is a terrible thing to"
far right reactionary whacks who have had their feathers plucked.

The land belongs to the We the People, not Bundy, not the state.

That is the end of it.
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset.

Government GOOD. State Rights bad.

Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.
He didn't stand up against the feds. He duped a bunch of idiots into defending his stealing from public land and sticking taxpayers with the bill. The wingnut brigade is just too stupid and too blinded by their irrational hatred of the govt to realize it. Or more likely, they just don't care.

Wanting smaller Government that can be managed correctly is not hatred of Government.
You are the one who can't see beyond your love for the Dem's ideology who can't actually see that the Government has abused the western states and Ranchers for over 30 years.
It is both parties who have done this.
Only a true moonbat would consider a rancher who runs a family ranch that has been around since the 1870s and takes a stand to keep the Federal Government from running it out of business as being on "welfare".

If that's the definition, then anyone who pays protection money to organized crime is on "welfare".
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset.

Government GOOD. State Rights bad.

Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.
He didn't stand up against the feds. He duped a bunch of idiots into defending his stealing from public land and sticking taxpayers with the bill. The wingnut brigade is just too stupid and too blinded by their irrational hatred of the govt to realize it. Or more likely, they just don't care.

Wanting smaller Government that can be managed correctly is not hatred of Government.
You are the one who can't see beyond your love for the Dem's ideology who can't actually see that the Government has abused the western states and Ranchers for over 30 years.
It is both parties who have done this.

Our government should be investigated under RICO.

Just sayin'.
You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

It's about the Gov't taking land for decades and trying to stop it. It's about the States right to own the damn property in their own state, without having to ask permission to use it as they see fit.

It's about taking land to save a turtle that the Feds have killed already.

It's about Heritage and tradition of the Cattle Farmer.

It's about the Feds putting Cattle Farmers there out of business.

It's about land grabs for political favors pushing the Mean Green Solar Power machine and taxation.

Spare me Fakey.

It's about the Gov't owning the land in the first place and people like Bundy and Eagle trying to steal it.

The property has always been that of We the People and, yes, the state has to ask for permission to use it and own it.

The issue has nothing to do with turtles, only cowboy welfare cheats.

The cowboys' heritage and tradition recognize the federal government owns the land from which the western states were created.

Those who use federal lands must pay fees or will be put out of business.

It has nothing to do with green energy.

the eagle has been plucked and is now ready for boiling.

And who are We the People...............The Gov' your twisted mind............

We the People are the citizens of this country and the citizens of Nevada. Bundy is part of We the People. The militias are part of We the People. The cattle ranchers put out of business are We the People.

People like you think the Fed is it's OWN ENTITY, instead of SERVANTS of the PEOPLE.

Who do they serve when they take more State land...............

Who do they serve when they do it by executive order..........

Who do they serve when the will of the people in Nevada are mostly against this.......

Who do they serve when they kill turtles they are supposed to protect for their own good .........does Reid want turtle soup or something...............

If it's to protect the turtle then why haven't they rounded up the Wild Mustangs there that are supposed to harm the turtles............Oh, the horses don't pay taxes.........

Why does the Federal Gov't want more land, especially in a State that it owns more than 81.1% of the land already.................

Time to Grab the horns of the Feds and stop their abuse of power.

Time to take the side of STATE RIGHTS over the Fed.

And Statist will never agree to that, which is exactly why this is HOT ASS DISCUSSION. The ASS being a fitting symbol of the Democrat party.
You have to love this coming from someone's rag (the bloomingidiot) who is a billionair..and who has made living being a CAREER politician and living off TAXPAYERS and will for the rest of his pathetic commie life

but you people see no frickin hypocrisy in it you just post away

That IS the typical stance of leftwing Millionaire & Billionaires.

"I got mine; screw the rest of you."
Only a true moonbat would consider a rancher who runs a family ranch that has been around since the 1870s and takes a stand to keep the Federal Government from running it out of business as being on "welfare".

If that's the definition, then anyone who pays protection money to organized crime is on "welfare".

It's something the Dems are good at.

Putting business out of business. They are experts in this field.
The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.

Just like he gave political contributions to family members, which happens to be against the law. They must defend their BS and illegal acts..............

Someone dares challenge them. How dare they in the Liberal BS world.

There's been a serious problem with government overreach for a long time now. The government has already harassed and intimidated every other rancher in Clark County out of business. As they put each one under, their ranch became brand new "federal" land. The seizure of private property has become one of the biggest abuses of this government. Especially using bogus environmental laws.

Bingo. The Feds "own" 84% of Nevada. What purpose does this serve other than to funnel the benefits of that property to politically connected cronies?

The Feds enacted an enormous fake "eminent domain" seizure over much of the western United States. It's time to unwind that and return the land to the states. Then, states can sell much of it to private parties who are much better at managing land. The U.S. government is a terrible land steward.
the left has gone completely mad and insane over this

It's get uglier every day how they hate him and not what this administration/government DID to him and his family...

it's scary to watch and now you see why this government feels it can roll right over us...first it's our park and memorial, then it's an American citizen rancher

people better wake up and keep on your toes
The ugliest thing going on is the collusion to silence political enemies. The new Lerner emails are horrifying.
Only a true moonbat would consider a rancher who runs a family ranch that has been around since the 1870s and takes a stand to keep the Federal Government from running it out of business as being on "welfare".

If that's the definition, then anyone who pays protection money to organized crime is on "welfare".

It's something the Dems are good at.

Putting business out of business. They are experts in this field.

it is what they do
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset. overnment GOOD. State Rights bad. Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.

You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

It's about the Gov't taking land for decades and trying to stop it. It's about the States right to own the damn property in their own state, without having to ask permission to use it as they see fit.

It's about taking land to save a turtle that the Feds have killed already.

It's about Heritage and tradition of the Cattle Farmer.

It's about the Feds putting Cattle Farmers there out of business.

It's about land grabs for political favors pushing the Mean Green Solar Power machine and taxation.

Spare me Fakey.

If the asshole wants to graze his cattle he should buy his own land quit stealing from American taxpayers. Nevada joined the Union and shall abide by the Constitution.
The E. Wayne Hage case took 30 years to fight in the courts and his son won.

Federal Judge Rules for Property Rights, Smacks Down Abusive Feds

Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of racketeering under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, and accused them as well of extortion, mail fraud, and fraud, in an effort “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.”

They did it to all of the Ranchers and Bundy is the last one still fighting.

They are doing it to all of the Western States and the States have had enough of it.
Western states meet, discuss taking land from feds | KTVB.COM Boise

Judge Jones actually referred the Hage case to the Justice Department for investigation into BLM abuse. What do you think Eric Holder did? Nothing. The goal is for the federal government to seize even more land. The goal is to put cattle ranchers completely out of business. The "world" thinks eating meat is bad for you. Pass laws against naturally occurring dust, cow farts, whatever it takes to remove land available for cattle until there is no more. Then you can eat insects which the "world" thinks is much better for you.
If you wonder how the Nazi's could have controlled Germany just look at the modern American left. They can't even think anymore. They make up excuses for government abuse because the like the guy in the White House. The feds entrapped Randy Weaver and changed the rules at Ruby Ridge so that a FBI sniper was ordered to shoot a woman in the head while she was holding a 18 month old child in her arms. The ATF was afraid of Randy Weaver because he was a former Green Beret and they saw the freaking movie "Rambo first blood". The feds never justified their raid on the Branch Dividians who were alleged to have been converting old rusty hunks of WW2 surplus junk to fully automatic weapons. Ironically the same radical lefties who once praised the anarchist "Weatherman movement" for blowing up buildings and corporate headquarters now support the same government abuse that they once rallied against.
You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

It's about the Gov't taking land for decades and trying to stop it. It's about the States right to own the damn property in their own state, without having to ask permission to use it as they see fit.

It's about taking land to save a turtle that the Feds have killed already.

It's about Heritage and tradition of the Cattle Farmer.

It's about the Feds putting Cattle Farmers there out of business.

It's about land grabs for political favors pushing the Mean Green Solar Power machine and taxation.

Spare me Fakey.

If the asshole wants to graze his cattle he should buy his own land quit stealing from American taxpayers. Nevada joined the Union and shall abide by the Constitution.

Get back to me when this administration starts actually obeying there Oath of Office under the Constitution.................
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset. overnment GOOD. State Rights bad. Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.

You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

How can he pay grazing fees when they closed down grazing permits and forbid ranchers to gaze at all on BLM land twenty years ago.

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