Clock Boy Lawsuit- FAIL


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
His dad with ties to terrorist brought the law suit and it was an


Now they pay the attorney fees

Good News indeed


‘Clock boy’ defamation case explodes in court — ordered to pay attorney fees

DALLAS – Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro did nothing wrong in questioning the motives of Ahmed “Clock Boy” Mohamed, a Muslim student who was detained by police after building a “clock” that resembled a bomb, a Texas court ruled.

A Dallas County District Court judge this week dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed against Shapiro by Mohamed’s father, Mohamed Mohamed, over Shapiro’s comments about the September 2015 incident at MacArthur High School in Irving.

'Clock boy' defamation case explodes in court — ordered to pay attorney fees

They were vetted by Obama, though, and Obama praised them, so it's okay, just let a few million more in.

And forget about collecting a dime in costs from this vermin; the terrorist wannabees already moved back to Islamo-Land a while back, so no way to make them pay, either.
They were vetted by Obama, though, and Obama praised them, so it's okay, just let a few million more in.

And forget about collecting a dime in costs from this vermin; the terrorist wannabees already moved back to Islamo-Land a while back, so no way to make them pay, either.

And the left not to mention the Communist Obama were on their knees for this terrorist

I betcha this little prick will cost American lives in the future

Another 'Obama Son'

He sures has a bunch of fucked up kids

Fat Boy in Furgeson
Freddy Gray
Trayvon Martin

etc, etc

Funny how liberals weren't going on tirades about Obama's insane tweets.

^ note that the above 4 posters have no idea how to build a clock

Freshmen level highschool education eludes them
^ note that the above 4 posters have no idea how to build a clock

Freshmen level highschool education eludes them

Meh, and I can't make a bomb either like the little Muslim bomb boy. He and his old man should be in prison at Guantanamo

^ note that the above 4 posters have no idea how to build a clock

Freshmen level highschool education eludes them

The little shit head purposely made his contraption to look like a bomb. We don't require talents like that - we're not muzzie terrorists in training.
^ note that the above 4 posters have no idea how to build a clock

Freshmen level highschool education eludes them

I can build a clock, and have built them, several in fact, and I can also build and program any kind of digital system I care to, and program them as well. He didn't build shit, he just took one apart, that's all. If you were more advanced in school instead of being stuck in the third grade all those years, you would spotted that immediately from the pictures of this little terrorist's 'project'.

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