Final Judgment: Trump Org to pay $454 million

From an earlier post (#58 ):
"".... he owes another $60 million in profits for the sale of the lease and management rights to the Ferry Point golf course in New York City, another contract that Engoron found the Trump Organization obtained through deception."

"By presenting the federal agency with a steeply inflated picture of Trump’s finances, he unfairly obtained the lucrative contracts ahead of other candidate..."
Banks do their own research when it comes to valuing properties. Its up to them whether or not to accept a deal. Why wouldnt anyone want it to be otherwise?

You might have conflicting appraisals, but at the end of the day a property is worth whatever you can sell it for. Trump has a long history of negotiating good deals. I see no reason why he cant claim its worth more than what some other guy thinks its worth.
The people who don't know how to spell, and who celebrate brazen injustice, they be the sociopaths shit-bird! I call attention to above cretin, and all others infesting forum just like it, see how it rolls? See that, how it ludicrously asserts Trump a sociopath, and that his proclamations of innocence are gaslighting?

There is no point in engaging the above cretin at any level beyond confronting its utter lack of integrity and honesty, you will never defeat the above because the above contrary to its ludicrous assertion, does not play by the rules, or the law, nor does any creature whose toe's it sucks upon, they know Trump is innocent, they all do, they do not give a shit!

We will be rooting these animals out of our society, and they are animals, there is precious little humanity within them, they are devoid of empathy, or conscience! They are almost uniformly sexually deviant, and when you are sexually deviant they hate and despise all who are not! There is no place in a healthy society for such refuse, indeed there wasn't any prior to the filth and evil brought to America by the Clinton's, and especially the Obama's, prior to them these freaks were properly ensconced in caves and shadow, and its to the shadow they will be returned en masse....
Cult hissy fit

You won"t be doing anything but sitting on your couch and whining, as your orange God learns he is no God.
If i say i think my house is worth 500 trillion dollars and i want a loan from the bank, and the bank accepts the terms of the loan, why the fuck should i be in trouble? Explain why that would ever be a crime or even unethical? Its two consenting parties who were happy to make the deal and they were both happy with the outcome. Where is the crime? Why would anyone want that to be a crime? Why is a democrat judge taking a 350+ million dollars from Trump?
I sure wish somebody would loan me 500 trillion dollars, basically on my name, without charging me of attempted fraud. I kind of doubt it happening. Of course, if everybody did that, the paper for collateral in banks, would be basically worthless and could lead to bank failure across the US, like in 2008-2009, the worst banking collapse since 1929. I think the court wants borrowers to play it straight. Go figure.
I sure wish somebody would loan me 500 trillion dollars, basically on my name, without charging me of attempted fraud. I kind of doubt it happening. Of course, if everybody did that, the paper for collateral in banks, would be basically worthless and could lead to bank failure across the US, like in 2008-2009, the worst banking collapse since 1929. I think the court wants borrowers to play it straight. Go figure.
The banks dont collapse when they make loans to people who pay them back. Trump has more than enough assets to cover any loan he has ever received.

What you guys are doing is wrong and its going to push this country to a very bad place. You dont charge the oppositions presidential pick with crimes that no one in history has been charged with under that same circumstance.
The banks dont collapse when they make loans to people who pay them back. Trump has more than enough assets to cover any loan he has ever received.

What you guys are doing is wrong and its going to push this country to a very bad place. You dont charge the oppositions presidential pick with crimes that no one in history has been charged with under that same circumstance.
Then, why lie on the loan documents? Should lying on loan document applications be legal in banks and other lending institutions across the country?
Then, why lie on the loan documents? Should lying on loan document applications be legal in banks and other lending institutions across the country?
Why is it a lie? Who is to say what a property is really worth? Why cant he have his own number for it and let the bank decide if that works for them? You do realize that banks dont just take the loanees word for their property values, right? They do their own appraisal and then they decide if they want to make the loan or not. They were happy with the agreement, so why would anyone want to punish Trump for it?

Ill tell you why... because this is a political prosecution.
Why is it a lie? Who is to say what a property is really worth? Why cant he have his own number for it and let the bank decide if that works for them? You do realize that banks dont just take the loanees word for their property values, right? They do their own appraisal and then they decide if they want to make the loan or not. They were happy with the agreement, so why would anyone want to punish Trump for it?

Ill tell you why... because this is a political prosecution.
Looks like the court. Live with it.
Bull. He has assets, that he can put up. Big difference between short term liquidity problem and not having the money, unless the whole org is house of cards, everything mortgaged.
Who owns Trump Tower?
You are being dishonest.
Looks like I support the legal system in this country and believe everybody takes their chances when they go outside it, and are brought to the legal system to be judged on their actions. He does nothing by accident, so his situations are by choice, thinking it may not come up, or that he should get special consideration anytime and every time, repeatedly, throughout is life. Problematic, but his problem.

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