Trump can't secure the $454 million bond

I asked you why the court would reduce the bond if there was no reason. You said "Perhaps to get this wrapped up knowing that a forfeiture of assets will be required to pay the judgement anyway?"

I asked really? You think reducing the bond makes it easier to collect? That's your reasoning?

You said "Absolutely" because it would leave less to collect after the appeals are done
Two different questions.

Thanks again.
The bank he "defrauded" testified in his defense and said it would love to do business with Trump again.
Then Kirk is an ignorant dumbass, as is anyone who believes him.

First, Trump defrauded more than one bank.

Second, "the bank" did not testify. One man did. "The bank", however, released a public statement stating they would never work with Trump again.

Do yourself a favor and don't listen to that moron. He is making you ignorant.
No genius, the title was accurate, when written. Haha, you guys are so desperate for a lifeline.
Yeah, then reality struck, huh?
Of course, banks and insurance companies were defrauded out of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This talking point didn't work in court, because it's false. In fact, it got laughed out of court.
How? They all got repaid. None of them sued him. You just lied. Typical FFI
One bank. One guy.

Funny thing is, the bank he worked at released a public statement that they would never work with Trump again.

So that talking point is also crap.
Banks may not work with him but they didn’t sue him. I work with banks. There are some banks I d never work with too. You don’t understand how business works.
A good conscience does not give poor advice to shill for a serial fraudster.
you don’t understand how business works

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