CNN: An average of 28% of Americans currently believe the country is on the right track

Trump and Vance are the better candidates. Much better. You see the incompetence of what is in office now and refuse to admit it. If the people in those mountain areas and in the areas of Florida affected acted like the Prog citizens of New Orleans after Katrina, we all would know it.
Does not matter. The electorate can be seen rejecting them.
You are delusional.

Inflation has been very bad during most of Biden’s presidency and Kamala’s policies will make it worse.

What war did Trump instigate?


He lost the Afghan war.

Trump's inflation is under control.

The bottom half is hurting, so we need tax cuts for them at the expense of the rich.

Market's up, fed rate is coming down, jobs are plentiful and good paying.

It's over for MAGA, tbird.
MAGA is on the wrong track.

They say what they say because they are Not Like Us normal Americans.
It's only the Blue Dog Democrats on this board that are defending Biden and Kamala at the moment....

Poll numbers for Trump are climbing higher and higher while Harris's numbers are falling like the attendance at her rallies.

Not looking good for the Democrats this season.
How silly.

20 years ago, the people we called The Blue Dog Democrats were more conservative than the rest of the party.

Why on earth would they support Harris or Biden now that the party has shifted into extreme leftist La La land?
Kamala knows nothing about economics and her policies will bring about disaster.

Look let me set things straight regarding what I believe.

First I agree with you that "price controls" don't work. You do not have to prove that point with me.

Having said that, I believe that all extremes are bad and that we need to walk the "middle road" and control greed to some degree. There is "some" price gouging going on (we all know it) but on the other side of the coin, there are companies that are barely making it and trying to control their prices would mean they would go bankrupt.

What we need to do (and I am 100% convinced that Kamala feels the same way) is to have a policeman (someone that is keeping a close eye on) monitor the situation.
This, for example, is a situation that should have been monitored given that there WAS price gouging that occurred and it affected everything and everyone

Reports of price gouging soon appeared in the media. For example, a 2 L bottle of Purell sold for as much as $250. Amazon has already removed well over half a million of offers from our stores due to coronavirus‐based price gouging.

There is a fine line that needs to be walked but then again, we have the Constitution and the 3 branches of government that prevent any one branch taking control. As such, it is unlikely that Kamala will be able to install such "price controls" that are bad.

On the other side of the coin, Trump wants to change the Constitution and given that the Supreme Court is in his favor, he might just be able to do it and that means that the 3 branches of government would not be able to stop him from doing harm.

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