CNN and Fox News


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
If it wasn't so sad, it would be comical.
Over the past week I have looked at and Fox News... the difference is as if there are two alternate universes.

CNN --- Trump is guilty as f*ck...and on stand by... he might have pressured Australian President too just in case.

Fox News --- Biden is guilty as f*ck. And look - a photo of him and a Croatian oil man is playing golf together in the know the man he "never met".

CNN -- Trump is in full panic mode.

Fox -- Democrats are scrambling after learning Barr is overseas investigating.

CNN -- Many Republicans on board with impeachment

Fox -- Republicans beginning investigations on Schiff's relationship with supposed secret whistleblower.

oh? guess enough folks turned them off that they're spamming the ascii-sphere now?

Not TV... their websites
Both CEO's meet at the CFR with all the ruling class journalists and heads of different corporations to control their different constituents world views.

It is a manufactured reality.

Could it be. . . THEY ARE BOTH RIGHT?


The problem is that NBC/MSNBC (Comcast), CBS, ABC, PBS and all the others are totally ALIGNED with CNN. So people hear 98% of the Media bash Trump and the Republicans while promoting the entire Democrat agenda.

Fox News is nothing compared to the rest of the Media. Then add NYT, Washpo, AP and the other print Media to the Democrat cabal.
The problem is that NBC/MSNBC (Comcast), CBS, ABC, PBS and all the others are totally ALIGNED with CNN. So people hear 98% of the Media bash Trump and the Republicans while promoting the entire Democrat agenda.

Fox News is nothing compared to the rest of the Media. Then add NYT, Washpo, AP and the other print Media to the Democrat cabal.
Fox News is controlled by the same folks. It is controlled opposition.
oh? guess enough folks turned them off that they're spamming the ascii-sphere now?

I had a member actually tell me he wasn't going to accept a source I cited because it WASN'T connected to the CFR?!

It is an independent source that has won multiple journalism awards, and a forum member doesn't think that is good enough?

That is how low our society has fallen, THEY NEED TO BE TOLD HOW TO THINK, from the establishment.

Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy

Heroes, Villains & Establishment Hypocrisy

". . . . What I find deeply reprehensible in all the BBC coverage is their failure to report the facts of the case, and their utter lack of curiosity about why Joe Biden’s son Hunter was paid as much as $50,000 a month by Burisma, Ukraine’s largest natural-gas producer, as an entirely absent non-executive director, when he had no relevant experience in Ukraine or gas, and very little business experience, having just been dishonorably discharged from the Navy Reserve for use of crack cocaine. Is that question not just little bit interesting?

That may be the thin end of it – in 2014-15 Hunter Biden received $850,000 from the intermediary company channeling the payments. In reporting on Trump being potentially impeached for asking about it, might you not expect some analysis – or at least mention – of what he was asking about?

As far as I am aware, the BBC have not reported at all the other thing Trump was asking Zelensky about – CrowdStrike. Regular readers will recall that CrowdStrike is the Clinton linked “cyber-security” company which provided the “forensic data” to the FBI on the alleged Russian hack of the DNC servers – data which has been analyzed by my friend Bill Binney, former technical director of the NSA, who characterizes it as showing speeds of transfer impossible by internet and indicating a download to an attached drive.

The FBI were never allowed access to the actual DNC server and never tried to gain access. Instead they took the word of the DNC’s consultants about the contents, which itself is sufficient proof of the bias of the “investigation.”


CrowdStrike also made the claim that the same Russia hackers – “Fancy Bear” – who hacked the DNC, hacked Ukrainian artillery software causing devastating losses of Ukrainian artillery. This made large headlines at the time. What did not make any MSM headlines was the subsequent discovery that none of this ever happened and the artillery losses were entirely fictitious.

Significantly, CrowdStrike had claimed that it was the use of the same coding in the DNC hack as in the preceding (non-existent) Ukraine artillery hack that proved Russia hacked the DNC. Trump was questioning Zelensky about rumors the “hacked” DNC server was hidden in the Ukraine by CrowdStrike. The media has no interest in reporting any of that at all.

It is plain in that case that Trump is the media’s villain and the Bidens, father and son, are therefore heroes being protected by the Establishment media.. . . . "

The two networks pretty much represent the competing realities we're in.

Not sure how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizens can't even agree on what is real.
Perhaps the folks that are running things don't want it too? :dunno:

They have a larger, more, shall we say, ah. . . . global vision?

I'm of the opinion that none of this is a mistake.
The two networks pretty much represent the competing realities we're in.

Not sure how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizens can't even agree on what is real.
Perhaps the folks that are running things have don't want it too? :dunno:

They have a larger, more, shall we say, ah. . . . global vision?

I'm of the opinion that none of this is a mistake.
Well, my impulse is to think that's just conspiracy theory stuff.

But honestly, this has gotten so bizarre that I guess anything is possible, y'know?
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

What we have are double standards for different politicians and different parties. The ruling elites, are, at this point, I think, doing it on purpose to see how much they can piss off the white guys. I don't think the Bundies, Branch Dividians, and folks at Ruby Ridge are quite ready yet to go full bore cray. But that is what they want. :71: Shit, we see it daily with the whiny posts on here, don't we?

People that aren't partisan and look at facts only, can clearly see the corruption that existed when Obama and Biden were in office. Yet when they were there? Nothing was done to sanction what Biden did.

Now, when the shoe is on the other foot and Trump is doing the EXACT SAME TYPE OF THING? :dunno:

The American public is expected to believe that we should have a squeaky clean administration?


Again, it is the same type of double standards we have come to expect.

Hillary gets away with all sorts of shit, let her roll . . .

Obama has questionable scandal after scandal, well, he makes for good leads in the nightly news, so let it go. . .

Trump is a little sleazy, ruin his first term.

It is an abomination.
The two networks pretty much represent the competing realities we're in.

Not sure how a republic is supposed to survive when its citizens can't even agree on what is real.
Perhaps the folks that are running things have don't want it too? :dunno:

They have a larger, more, shall we say, ah. . . . global vision?

I'm of the opinion that none of this is a mistake.
Well, my impulse is to think that's just conspiracy theory stuff.

But honestly, this has gotten so bizarre that I guess anything is possible, y'know?

If you have a better explanation. . . I'm all ears.

I certainly don't think it is a mistake.
The problem is that NBC/MSNBC (Comcast), CBS, ABC, PBS and all the others are totally ALIGNED with CNN. So people hear 98% of the Media bash Trump and the Republicans while promoting the entire Democrat agenda.

Fox News is nothing compared to the rest of the Media. Then add NYT, Washpo, AP and the other print Media to the Democrat cabal.
Fox News is controlled by the same folks. It is controlled opposition.

Murdoch sons. Globalist Progressives.

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