CNN cuts off female Arabic guest from the Middle East for speaking against their narrative.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?



  • upload_2019-3-18_14-54-0.png
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WOW!! They love Republicans. FXN need to get her on frequently!!
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?


The humanity!!!!

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?

You are so desperate to find someone, anyone to say they like Trump that you don't even post who this woman is, what her qualifications are and where she works. For all you know, she works for Donald Trump and just like everyone else who works for him, she's prepared to say anything he tells her to.

Trump is not "beloved" anywhere other than Saudi Arabia.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yeah, a lot of European whiners didn't like Reagan either, even as he was
winning the Cold War for the good guys.

Probably the same twats whining now.
What I saw on the video was a woman able to finish a complete thought without interruption from the interviewer. A pleasant change from the Tucker Carlson clip somebody posted this morning.
I’m not so sure that radical Muslims like Trump or Republicans, but that’s not a bad thing
?? - was this a different video?
She was allowed to say what she wanted,and it was complete.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yes and every one of those graphs show the bullshit/uninformed mindless opinions of our allies.
F*ck them. And do it hard,
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?

What video did you watch? She was never interrupted or cut off. The CNN commentator thanked her.


Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yeah, a lot of European whiners didn't like Reagan either, even as he was
winning the Cold War for the good guys.

Probably the same twats whining now.
Yeah, a lot of European whiners didn't like Reagan either, even as he was
winning the Cold War for the good guys.

Probably the same twats whining now.
Reagan thought men like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who threw acid in the faces of unveiled women were good guys

Sounds like someone Trump would like, too.

Artists & Celebries & Entertainment: USA's Jihad - Afghanistan 1979-1992 by William Blum .

"His followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. CIA and State Department officials I have spoken with call him 'scary', 'vicious', 'a fascist', "definite dictatorship material'. 1

"This did not prevent the United States government from showering the man with large amounts of aid to fight against the Soviet-supported government of Afghanistan.

"His name was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

"He was head of the Islamic Party and he hated the United States almost as much as he hated the Russians. His followers screamed "Death to America" along with "Death to the Soviet Union", only the Russians were not showering him with large amounts of aid.2"
?? - was this a different video?
She was allowed to say what she wanted,and it was complete.

you do not think he actually watched the video do you? He got the link as part of his talking points email and posted it on the board like he was instructed .

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yes and every one of those graphs show the bullshit/uninformed mindless opinions of our allies.
F*ck them. And do it hard,
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.
American taxpayers are responsible for the starvation/murder/maiming/displacement of millions of innocent human beings across much of the Middle East today and Africa tomorrow, and the toll is rising since CIC Bone Spurs took over:

Afghanistan: Civilian deaths hit record high, says UN
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?

The fuck are you talking about? Nobody cut her off, nobody interrupted her. She spoke her mind freely.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yes and every one of those graphs show the bullshit/uninformed mindless opinions of our allies.
F*ck them. And do it hard,
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.

American taxpayers aren't supporting ANYTHING. You just spend money on the military and put it on the credit card.
The woman calmly destroys CNNs narrative, so they refuse to let her speak her mind. She informed them that Trump as well as other Republican presidents are very well liked in some areas of the Middle East. Also, why does it seem that the banner under every single CNN news broadcast always has some anti-Trump rhetoric?

“CNN cuts off female Arabic guest from the Middle East for speaking against their narrative.”

This is a lie.

The fact is that the OP is trying to propagate a lie in an effort to advance his own false narrative.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yes and every one of those graphs show the bullshit/uninformed mindless opinions of our allies.
F*ck them. And do it hard,
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.

As for the "uninformed, mindless opinions", I would say that people outside the USA are far better informed about what is going on in the world than Trump voters who keep insisting that Trump is the only one telling them the truth, when the exact opposite is true.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yeah, a lot of European whiners didn't like Reagan either, even as he was
winning the Cold War for the good guys.

Probably the same twats whining now.
Yeah, a lot of European whiners didn't like Reagan either, even as he was
winning the Cold War for the good guys.

Probably the same twats whining now.
Reagan thought men like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who threw acid in the faces of unveiled women were good guys

Sounds like someone Trump would like, too.

Artists & Celebries & Entertainment: USA's Jihad - Afghanistan 1979-1992 by William Blum .

"His followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil. CIA and State Department officials I have spoken with call him 'scary', 'vicious', 'a fascist', "definite dictatorship material'. 1

"This did not prevent the United States government from showering the man with large amounts of aid to fight against the Soviet-supported government of Afghanistan.

"His name was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

"He was head of the Islamic Party and he hated the United States almost as much as he hated the Russians. His followers screamed "Death to America" along with "Death to the Soviet Union", only the Russians were not showering him with large amounts of aid.2"

What are you, an islamophobe?

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key Allies

"America’s global image plummeted following the election of President Donald Trump, amid widespread opposition to his administration’s policies and a widely shared lack of confidence in his leadership.

"Now, as the second anniversary of Trump’s election approaches, a new 25-nation Pew Research Center survey finds that Trump’s international image remains poor, while ratings for the United States are much lower than during Barack Obama’s presidency."

I suppose rich investors in Muslim countries support Trump, but there isn't much indication of majority support for his self-serving Islamophobia.

Yes and every one of those graphs show the bullshit/uninformed mindless opinions of our allies.
F*ck them. And do it hard,
They have no appreciation for what WE the AMERICAN TAXPAYERS support worldwide every single day. Take America out of the picture and millions will die of starvation/murder.

As for the "uninformed, mindless opinions", I would say that people outside the USA are far better informed about what is going on in the world than Trump voters who keep insisting that Trump is the only one telling them the truth, when the exact opposite is true.


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