CNN Daily Rant: Trump not doing enough to protect us!.... but then there is this...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

They are a political arm of the Democrat Party. Far worse actually, they are an arm of the Global Socialist agenda. That agenda aims to wipe out capitalism, America and her constitution.

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

Immigrants built America
Shutting down immigration does not protect Americans

Fighting COVID does

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

Immigrants built America
Shutting down immigration does not protect Americans

Fighting COVID does

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

Radical leftist "logic" always contradicts itself, always. Find the contradiction, neutralize their position. Works like ten lucky rabbit feet.

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

They know that their audience does not do the compare and contrast thing, at all

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

Immigrants built America
Shutting down immigration does not protect Americans

Fighting COVID does

That one is simply a troll
Doesn't even believe the nonsense he posts himself.

You can't make this shit up.
Daily... nearly every few minutes CNN is providing some story how Trump is not protecting Americans from Covid.
But then.... they also complain about his shutting down immigration to the U.S - to protect Americans.

Immigrants built America
Shutting down immigration does not protect Americans

Fighting COVID does

That one is simply a troll
Doesn't even believe the nonsense he posts himself.
immigrants built America
It was in all the papers
When I played amateur baseball in Baltimore, we played at a field right behind a sanitarium where patients sometime got lose and streaked onto the field, naked. You have to pity those guys. God only knows what crazy circumstances brought them there. But the people at CNN and MSNBC are every bit as disconnected from reality. The only difference is that a bunch of imbeciles think they're authorities, which has made them rich and delusional.

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