CNN: Escape Fire/Healthcare

It appears that a significant portion of the issues raised as major problems in CNN's Escape Fire Documentary could be resolved if 1) Insurance Companies reimburse M.D. visits at the rates billed (i.e. as noted in the segment, the doctor billed $214, United Health Care reimburses $40). This would allow the doctor's practice to stay afloat without having to see 5 pt's an hour (as necessitated when reimbursement is only $40); then they can do preventive care, discuss food/diet/exercise, role of meds.
2) Have competitive bidding for medical supplies -- this is "the American Way," afterall! As noted in the documentary, in tests for this provision, 40% savings were realized. $800 syringes? C'mon -- is this the same supplier that sold the military those $400 toilet seats?? (I think the "savings" difference should be split 50% to patient (going to their deductible/out-of-pocket expenses) and other 50% to provider.

Lastly, I was simply astounded by the profits kept by United Health Care insurance company. 5.1 Billion. Wow. How long can American Businesses subsidize these Health Care Insurance Company Profits?

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