CNN Fact Checks Biden's 6 Claims - He Lied or Misled in All 6

I'm brain dead? are the one that helped Joe get elected....pat yourself on the back the next time you fill up your car dummy....
And that goes for everyone that didn't vote for Trump....
Like other leftists, still throwing insults around like he has a leg to stand on.

And still carrying on with idiotic vendettas against Donald Trump.
Most likely because you can't compare the last two presidents without seeing how clearly superior Trump has been (Russian collusion hoax and manufactured 1/6 debacle notwithstanding).

Just check our Southern border for one example.

Maybe some people just like inflation and paying more for everything they do. Maybe they just like Merrick Garland carrying water for the left. And maybe they just like an angry thin skinned president who absolutely cannot take responsibility for anything he's done.
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We replaced on idiot with another one. Maybe we can do better next time....doubtful but there is always hope
You can NEVER say anything negative about your BFF Brandon without mentioning Trump.
Your level of childish insanity:
“A year ago, Biden pledged to address Covid, the economy, climate change and racial injustice. And good news — after 12 months of tireless effort, we’re all getting three free masks.” - Jimmy Fallon
Why did he get three free masks? I thought everyone only got one free N95
That's my observation on most NeverTrumpers.

Trump is a lot like my boss. My boss is an arrogant dick a lot of times and a lot of times I wish he would stop talking. But I can't argue that he isnt very good at his job. He may irritate me, but at the end of the day his personality doesn't matter because he gets excellent results.
Why did he get three free masks? I thought everyone only got one free N95

White House officials revealed in a statement to The New York Times on Wednesday that the government will ship N95 masks to pharmacies and health centers at the end of this week, with a plan of making the masks available to the public for free by the end of next week. The program will be full ramped up by early February and the plan is to distribute 400 million nonsurgical N95 masks.

The masks come from the Strategic National Stockpile, which is the country’s emergency reserve. According to NBC News,
there will be three masks distributed per person.
Trump is a lot like my boss. My boss is an arrogant dick a lot of times and a lot of times I wish he would stop talking. But I can't argue that he isnt very good at his job. He may irritate me, but at the end of the day his personality doesn't matter because he gets excellent results.

That is called being pragmatic. Democrats are ANYTHING but pragmatic.
The left loves to fact check Trump's hyperbolic claims as if all his comments are meant literally.

The opposition is childish and petty. And at the end of the day they will leave you naked and penniless, all the while leading the universe in their own hyperbolic bullshit vis the Russian collusion scam and the still emerging
1/6 debacle brought to you by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI.
The left loves to fact check Trump's hyperbolic claims as if all his comments are meant literally.

The opposition is childish and petty. And at the end of the day they will leave you naked and penniless, all the while leading the universe in their own hyperbolic bullshit vis the Russian collusion scam and the still emerging
1/6 debacle brought to you by Nancy Pelosi and the FBI.

Meanwhile when guys like Robert Reich say Sienma should be shown backs of hands, it's us who misinterpret the wording...
We've all known Biden for decades...he has always been a liar and not a very good one anyone could have voted for him is a wonder.....

Yes, but consistent though with my other experiences with the Left, that after a guy being in office jerking off talking smack essentially for half a CENTURY, the average tard on the street still thinks the guy is OK. I mean, even a guy I know who lives in Delaware who had him all their life as their senator thinks he basically did alright by their state, so by logical extension, should as well for the whole country!

If the Left gave 1/10th the scrutiny to their own people as they focus on Trump every day, they might be OK.
I wish I had a dollar for every Biden voter who tried to run away from their vote.

Democrats can't even admit to liking Democrats. Short of AOC, somehow, she attracts the biggest idiots of all, "the dreamers" where things are free, everything is racist and everyday is opposite day.

Nothing like approving of someone you don't like, and worse is hiding from it. It's interesting, because the left claims it's the right who stand for nothing.

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