CNN: Gigapixal Photo Proves Huge Inauguration Crowds "All The Way Back To Washington Monument"

You do realize it is that camera angle that makes the crowd look full right? Jesus... film crews do that kind of stuff all the time to make their work look better. The other angles are high and from the back... where you can see how empty it really was. :lmao:
You do realize it is that camera angle that makes the crowd look full right? Jesus... film crews do that kind of stuff all the time to make their work look better. The other angles are high and from the back... where you can see how empty it really was. :lmao:

You do realize it is that camera angle that makes the crowd look full right? Jesus... film crews do that kind of stuff all the time to make their work look better. The other angles are high and from the back... where you can see how empty it really was. :lmao:
Yeah, so high you can't tell it's been photoshopped or it it's even the same event.
You do realize it is that camera angle that makes the crowd look full right? Jesus... film crews do that kind of stuff all the time to make their work look better. The other angles are high and from the back... where you can see how empty it really was. :lmao:
Nope, there are other photos proving the corrupt media was lying. The crowds were massive. It filled up the whole mall all the way back to the Washington Monument.
Take the 360 degree view and there are no crowds to speak of. The lawns around the steps of the Capitol Building are empty, as are the roadways leading to it. There are pictures of Trump's limousine going down Pennsylvia Avenue, and the bleachers are empty. There are no people lining the streets at all.
Take the 360 degree view and there are no crowds to speak of. The lawns around the steps of the Capitol Building are empty, as are the roadways leading to it. There are pictures of Trump's limousine going down Pennsylvia Avenue, and the bleachers are empty. There are no people lining the streets at all.
The weather got bad plus it was a Friday.
Take the 360 degree view and there are no crowds to speak of. The lawns around the steps of the Capitol Building are empty, as are the roadways leading to it. There are pictures of Trump's limousine going down Pennsylvia Avenue, and the bleachers are empty. There are no people lining the streets at all.
The weather got bad plus it was a Friday.

You just refuted your own position with an excuse. That's about as dumb as dumb gets.

The original photos were sent out by the National Parks Service... on a Tweet unedited. :lmao:
Take the 360 degree view and there are no crowds to speak of. The lawns around the steps of the Capitol Building are empty, as are the roadways leading to it. There are pictures of Trump's limousine going down Pennsylvia Avenue, and the bleachers are empty. There are no people lining the streets at all.

What part of inaugural ceremony and parade confuses you? Here to help.
Poor Trumpaloompa snowflakes.
This is really important to you isn't it?
Take the 360 degree view and there are no crowds to speak of. The lawns around the steps of the Capitol Building are empty, as are the roadways leading to it. There are pictures of Trump's limousine going down Pennsylvia Avenue, and the bleachers are empty. There are no people lining the streets at all.

Y'all know, don't you, that arguing about crowd sizes is just a distraction? Trump is moving ahead on multiple fronts, and by the time you catch up, he'll be long gone onto something else.
It doesn't matter. Look this is a game of attention span, the MSM know this. So they spew a lie and repeat it for the short period America is paying attention. By the time they are forced to fess up its too late, most are no longer paying attention. So for years now many will remember only the lie, not the retraction.
You do realize it is that camera angle that makes the crowd look full right? Jesus... film crews do that kind of stuff all the time to make their work look better. The other angles are high and from the back... where you can see how empty it really was. :lmao:
Then why didn't it work at Hillary's rallies. She couldn't fill a high school auditorium. Lol
CNN fesses up and changes their tune providing evidence how huge the Trump inauguration attendance was that glorious day in American history. See for yourself my fellow natural born Citizen Americans.

Few dimocrap scum are going to stick around and defend their lies.

Here's how it works with dimocrap scum...... They tell a lie, defend it, lie about the lie, call you names for pointing out that it's a lie and generally make a big fuss about it.

Then they move on. Because they KNOW that their lie is going to be proven to be a lie, they move on to their next lie.

Any attempt to bring up the old lie is regarded as 'Old News' and mocked or ignored.

People -- You're not dealing with normal humans -- You're dealing with the scum of the Earth -- dimocraps.

They couldn't care less about facts or truth -- They only care about getting the lie 'out there'

At some point in the distant future, they'll refer to the lie again. But while the lie has been proven to be a lie -- Right now. They'll ignore the facts.

A year or two from now, they'll refer back to it like it's the Word of God.

And they''' do the same thing all over again. And again.

dimocraps are scum


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