CNN has reported Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe to police

Do they have any evidence of a crime?

Recording a call is perfectly legal in Georgia.

It was a private conversation, held out of the public view, and O'Keefe would have had to have the permission of all the parties involved for it to be legal. He is toast.
Wrong again!

Open meeting where anyone could attend by calling in. They had the permission of an authroized participant to listen in. CNN can eat the shit they have been spreading...
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

So uninformed
He was invited in and given the dial in number
By a (wait for it) whistleblower.
then it's not hacking if someone FW'd the invite to him. the invite may or may not include the password for ease of meeting entry. but again, once there, a participant can't record someone elses meeting UNLESS the admin of the meeting set the option to allow it. maybe he recorded it with an external device and not local.

who knows. but it still seems like a ton of risk to prove something everyone already knows.
Democrats don't know how to run a secure teleconference...surprise, surprise. Another 'hot mic' incident, and liberals are pissed they got caught.....again.

No, the default is that only the host can record. In order for anyone else to record, the host has to make that person a co- host, and that doesn't happen accidentally.

You may not know what record means.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

Not if there are many people in the meeting, and it is free to attend by anyone, ie. they may not even know the list of supposed attendees.

For example, if you are a teacher teaching many classes, you may not recall all the student names. All that is needed then is a link.

Does anyone else find it flipping hilarious to picture Veritas listening to that CNN meeting? If he was there under the name James O'Keefe or "CNN is fake news", even more hilarious.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

Project Veritas releases first wave of CNN editorial call recordings (

Looking at this video, it was a phone call, not Zoom.
Why not change the damn channel?I can't stand CNN, so I don't turn to that channel on any of my devices.

I completely agree. I don't know why the left gets their panties in a wad because EVERYPNE does not subscribe to their policies and ideology, why they seek to destroy Conservative media / news / radio, etc.... Don't like it, turn the channel / dial, don't watch, don't listen, agree to disagree. The liberals can't seem to accept this. They have a need to Censor, black-out, ban, and silence instead.
Not according to the linked article. Who is your source?
It is unclear how O'Keefe managed to tap into the conference calls.
And how they were recorded without any permission. Must have been the co-conspirator you call a ''whistleblower."

O'Keefe had to have done something illegal to catch CNN? Really? You even point out that it is 'unclear how' how he 'tapped into' the call. There is no such thing as 'tapping into' and 'listening in on' a teleconference unless you are the CIA/Brennan and/or the FBI/Comey. You DIAL INTO a teleconference, requiring a phone number and pin code, which he seems to have had both.
Yes, anyone can share a meeting invite; he had someone on the inside ? Or he hacked that too, from someone's email. As I already explained, your presence and identity show up immediately on the host's and all participants' screens. I know, from the fact that O'Keefe admits they were secretly recording, that it was not done via any meeting options.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'

What's the problem FingerBoi? You don't like it when CNN calls out right wing liars and assholes as liars and assholes.? Big whoop. Project Veritas, whose name is a lie, should be reported to the police as a fraud and scam agency.

What are you going to do after Trump leaves office and people start treating him as a parriah and an outcast?

We all have 4 years until we have to concern ourselves with that.
Do they have any evidence of a crime?

Recording a call is perfectly legal in Georgia.

It was a private conversation, held out of the public view, and O'Keefe would have had to have the permission of all the parties involved for it to be legal. He is toast.
Wrong again!

Open meeting where anyone could attend by calling in. They had the permission of an authroized participant to listen in. CNN can eat the shit they have been spreading...
This is making no sense to me. If it was an open meeting that anyone, including you and I, could join, why is O Keefe going on as if he's got some big secret to spill? And obviously O'Keefe wasn't authorized or Zuckerberg would have known O'Keefe was listening and recording the conferences all those months. Nice try of submitting a defense for trespassing and who knows what else, but you ought to stick to your day job. I think your legal skills are a little weak.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

So uninformed
He was invited in and given the dial in number
By a (wait for it) whistleblower.
then it's not hacking if someone FW'd the invite to him. the invite may or may not include the password for ease of meeting entry. but again, once there, a participant can't record someone elses meeting UNLESS the admin of the meeting set the option to allow it. maybe he recorded it with an external device and not local.

who knows. but it still seems like a ton of risk to prove something everyone already knows.
Democrats don't know how to run a secure teleconference...surprise, surprise. Another 'hot mic' incident, and liberals are pissed they got caught.....again.

well i am not going to attack anyone for being an idiot if i don't know how he gained access to begin with. given the key zoom generates per meeting, most people use them as reoccuring vs. regenerating them every time. most also put the password in the link so you don't have to include it.

even if not, the password is usually in the invite to type in. secure, huh?

at the end of the day how he gained access to the meeting is 1 issue. recording people without their permission - that's the issue to me. like i said, i hate CNN and all but hating someone is no free card to attack them and break laws because THEY DESERVE IT.

seen it enough against trump and the right and hated it there. so i'll try to be consistent and hate it here too.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.
Why don't you wait until the facts come out rather than just jumping to conclusions?
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

So uninformed
He was invited in and given the dial in number
By a (wait for it) whistleblower.
then it's not hacking if someone FW'd the invite to him. the invite may or may not include the password for ease of meeting entry. but again, once there, a participant can't record someone elses meeting UNLESS the admin of the meeting set the option to allow it. maybe he recorded it with an external device and not local.

who knows. but it still seems like a ton of risk to prove something everyone already knows.
Democrats don't know how to run a secure teleconference...surprise, surprise. Another 'hot mic' incident, and liberals are pissed they got caught.....again.

No, the default is that only the host can record. In order for anyone else to record, the host has to make that person a co- host, and that doesn't happen accidentally.
You can record simply by using an app that records what's on your screen.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

So uninformed
He was invited in and given the dial in number
By a (wait for it) whistleblower.
then it's not hacking if someone FW'd the invite to him. the invite may or may not include the password for ease of meeting entry. but again, once there, a participant can't record someone elses meeting UNLESS the admin of the meeting set the option to allow it. maybe he recorded it with an external device and not local.

who knows. but it still seems like a ton of risk to prove something everyone already knows.
Democrats don't know how to run a secure teleconference...surprise, surprise. Another 'hot mic' incident, and liberals are pissed they got caught.....again.

No, the default is that only the host can record. In order for anyone else to record, the host has to make that person a co- host, and that doesn't happen accidentally.
they can also set the option to let participants record meetings in their profile.

Profile > Settings > Recordings
Allow hosts and participants to record the meeting to a local file

if he set that for a wide based meeting, oops. but still doesn't change the rules of whether or not people can record it without legally saying they are doing so.
CNN has reported Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe to police

Hello, police? This is CNN.

This guy named James O'Keefe is telling the truth about us............
Do they have any evidence of a crime?

Recording a call is perfectly legal in Georgia.

It was a private conversation, held out of the public view, and O'Keefe would have had to have the permission of all the parties involved for it to be legal. He is toast.
Wrong again!

Open meeting where anyone could attend by calling in. They had the permission of an authroized participant to listen in. CNN can eat the shit they have been spreading...
This is making no sense to me. If it was an open meeting that anyone, including you and I, could join, why is O Keefe going on as if he's got some big secret to spill? And obviously O'Keefe wasn't authorized or Zuckerberg would have known O'Keefe was listening and recording the conferences all those months. Nice try of submitting a defense for trespassing and who knows what else, but you ought to stick to your day job. I think your legal skills are a little weak.

If it was an open meeting that anyone, including you and I, could join,

If you had the phone number and the code.......

why is O Keefe going on as if he's got some big secret to spill?

Because it's "objective" journalists being partisan.

And obviously O'Keefe wasn't authorized or Zuckerberg would have known O'Keefe was listening and recording the conferences all those months.

No way for Zucker to know, obviously.

Nice try of submitting a defense for trespassing

Nice definition of trespassing.
These are the same fake news drones who defend the "defund the police" movement. He "spied on them" when he dialed in to a conference.

'Suppression media!': Trump slams CNN over boss Jeff Zucker's hacked conference calls in which he tells staff not to 'normalize Trump's erratic behavior' - as network reports Project Veritas to cops for 'spying on them'
I don't think it was just dialing in to the meeting, Bripat. I use Zoom most every day for conferences, meetings, and for classes I initiate. They all show who else is in the Zoom; uninvited guests are easily booted off. Only the host can give a participant permission to record, and Zuckerberg obviously wouldn't have given it to O'Keefe. So the correct wording here is HACKED. Which last I knew was illegal.

So uninformed
He was invited in and given the dial in number
By a (wait for it) whistleblower.
then it's not hacking if someone FW'd the invite to him. the invite may or may not include the password for ease of meeting entry. but again, once there, a participant can't record someone elses meeting UNLESS the admin of the meeting set the option to allow it. maybe he recorded it with an external device and not local.

who knows. but it still seems like a ton of risk to prove something everyone already knows.
Democrats don't know how to run a secure teleconference...surprise, surprise. Another 'hot mic' incident, and liberals are pissed they got caught.....again.

No, the default is that only the host can record. In order for anyone else to record, the host has to make that person a co- host, and that doesn't happen accidentally.
You can record simply by using an app that records what's on your screen.
you still would need to notify the participants as far as i know. in multi-region meetings you usually must assume 2 party consent and ask for permission.

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