CNN insider on retracted Trump/Russia story:"massive, massive fuck up and people will be disciplined

CNN made a mistake, corrected it, admitted it, and moved on.
The voters decide what matters, not CNN. Something that Democraps can not grasp
Look up non sequitur because you just shat one.
Jake, just because you are a schitzo, does not mean that people will listen to you
bass, only a schizo would make that statement. You think the reality in your head is the reality out here in the world. You are very wrong. CNN admitted and corrected the mistake. What you think about it matters little.
CNN made a mistake, corrected it, admitted it, and moved on.
The voters decide what matters, not CNN. Something that Democraps can not grasp
Look up non sequitur because you just shat one.
Jake, just because you are a schitzo, does not mean that people will listen to you
bass, only a schizo would make that statement. You think the reality in your head is the reality out here in the world. You are very wrong. CNN admitted and corrected the mistake. What you think about it matters little.

did they admit this mistake also? this was 100% misrepresenting the situation.
CNN Is Imposing Strict New Rules On Its Russia Coverage

CNN is imposing strict new publishing restrictions for online articles involving Russia after the network deleted a story and then issued a retraction late Friday, according to an internal email obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The email went out at 11:21 a.m. on Saturday from Rich Barbieri, the CNNMoney executive editor, saying "No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason," a CNN vice president.

"This applied to social, video, editorial, and MoneyStream. No exceptions," the email added. "I will lay out a workflow Monday."

The new restrictions also apply to other areas of the network — not just CNNMoney, which wasn't involved with the article that was deleted and retracted.

CNN didn't immediately return a request for comment and a question about what the previous workflow was.

The deleted and retracted a story that claimed Senate investigators were looking into a Russian investment fund whose chief executive met with a member of President Trump’s transition team.

The now-deleted story was published Thursday and cited a single, unnamed source who claimed that the Senate Intelligence Committee was looking into a "$10-billion Russian investment fund whose chief executive met with a member of President Donald Trump's transition team four days before Trump's inauguration."

A source close to the network, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, told BuzzFeed News earlier that the story was a "massive, massive fuck up and people will be disciplined." The person said CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker and the head of the company's human resources department are "directly involved" in an internal investigation examining how the story was handled.

Know why CNN is retracting-) Not because it is FAKEYJAKEY news, but because people are starting to get arrested, investigated, with more to come.

Imagine if you will, oh say a prominent DEMORAT as a witned---------->

Q. Did you leak?

A. Yes.

Q. To who/whom?

A. CNN reporter.

Q. Was it classified information?

A. No, I lied, so you can't prosecute me for leaking.

Q. Then why did you offer a lie?


The far left, and the MSM have their gonads in a vice. Trump is not laying down like previous Republicans, and is going to hose someone.(s) He won't get Obama, but he will get someone who used to be on high. Go to Vegas and place your bets, hehehehehehehehe. By December, instead of constantly hearing Trump/Russia, we are going to be hearing a totally different narrative----------> Trump chasing conspirators in Washington to drain the swamp! No news agency wants to be part of that.

Trump has done something amazing---------->he has driven a wedge between the far left, and the MSM, as they try to save themselves. He is either the luckiest SOB in the world, or a genius. Either way, it is every entity(person) for themselves on the far left side, and as you can see, BERNIE is also in trouble, lololol. Get the popcorn soon, because their whole mask is coming down, and believe it or not without it, they are actually UGLIER than Bernie, and Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing, NOTHING) Shultz-)
CNN made a mistake, corrected it, admitted it, and moved on.
The voters decide what matters, not CNN. Something that Democraps can not grasp
Look up non sequitur because you just shat one.
Jake, just because you are a schitzo, does not mean that people will listen to you
bass, only a schizo would make that statement. You think the reality in your head is the reality out here in the world. You are very wrong. CNN admitted and corrected the mistake. What you think about it matters little.
CNN is scared shitless because the tide is turning, and fake news is becoming a liability

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