CNN is very sad about Joe Biden's terrible polling results

This thread is about Joe Biden's terrible polling numbers. Like I tell my daughter, you don't have to talk about your boyfriend in EVERY conversation.
No shit Rowdy. :) Not much gets by you.
People were hawking polls and playing up the savior's great poll numbers a year out from the election..and looky what happened! :)
So Biden's poll numbers 14 months out, terrible or not..mean nothing.

Like I told my sons, those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. :auiqs.jpg:
No shit Rowdy.
No garage neither.

So Biden's poll numbers 14 months out, terrible or not..mean nothing.
Because things look to get so much BETTER for Biden in the coming year, HUH, Jack.
  • Biden will be a year older and more senile.
  • Another 4 million illegals will have flooded into Biden's overwrought sanctuary cities.
  • Crime will have gone up more.
  • Fuel, rent, utilities will be higher.
  • We will be in another Covid crisis.
  • Support for Trump just keeps going UP.
If I were you, I'd start packing now for Turkmenistan, or whatever foreign shithole you are really from.

This is almost as good as watching it dawn on them that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton.

However, I do appreciate that "news" outlets like CNN no longer pretend they're anything other than the PR arm of the DNC. Honesty really is the best policy.

the fags are about to dump Biden and sidestep the even more unpopular 1st Black female VP to nominate a rich white soyboy elitist bitch disaster of a governor Gavin Newsom .. Biden will announce he isnt running again in a few months.
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The american people are sick and tired of being sick and tired…the demafasict lead by Joey Xiden have brought nothing but pain.

This dark chapter of American history, that is the xiden regime, will go down much like slavery and Jim Crow, as blemishes on our nation
the fags are about to dump Biden and sidestep the even more unpopular 1st Black female VP to nominate a rich white soyboy elitist bitch disaster of a governor Gavin Newsom .. Biden will announce he isnt again running in a few months.
No question... if yuo were so inclined you can find numerous post I made months ago saying towards the end of this year the left media will start turning against him to prepare for Newsom.
Arguably the most disastrous governor in the history of the U.S. Every single measure California is worse since he took office - all of them. Not one thing better.
Yay! Let's make him President!!
And the sheep will line up to vote for him... and you think our nation is declining now..
Are CNN correspondents upset over this? Likely so but I saw them do nothing but report the facts of the situation.
Ok…nobody claimed they didn’t report the correct poll numbers in this story.

Congrats…so why do you think the American people dislike xiden so much and believe he has taken us in the wrong direction?
No question... if yuo were so inclined you can find numerous post I made months ago saying towards the end of this year the left media will start turning against him to prepare for Newsom.
Arguably the most disastrous governor in the history of the U.S. Every single measure California is worse since he took office - all of them. Not one thing better.
Yay! Let's make him President!!
And the sheep will line up to vote for him... and you think our nation is declining now..
the left will nominate Newsom because of optics alone ... if one new nothing about him one would think he's a Kennedy esc type of politician ... the real question is can the left do this without appearing to violating their own identity politics style of running and is their voting base stupid and uniformed enough to fall for it ...for good reason the dnc believes their voting base really is that stupid .
the left will nominate Newsom because of optics alone ... if one new nothing about him one would think he's a Kennedy esc type of politician ... the real question is can the left do this without appearing to violating their own identity politics style of running and is their voting base stupid and uniformed enough to fall for it ...for good reason the dnc believes their voting base really is that stupid .
And they are correct..
73% of DEMOCRATS are worried about Biden's cognitive decline
78% of DEMOCRATS believe he is likely not to live through a 2nd term.
But they would vote for him anyway.
I mean... for fucks sake.. they are willing to vote for a man who literally cannot put two sentences together without losing his train of thought... and will likely DIE.. why wouldn't they vote for a snake like Newsom?
And they are correct..
73% of DEMOCRATS are worried about Biden's cognitive decline
78% of DEMOCRATS believe he is likely not to live through a 2nd term.
But they would vote for him anyway.
I mean... for fucks sake.. they are willing to vote for a man who literally cannot put two sentences together without losing his train of thought... and will likely DIE.. why wouldn't they vote for a snake like Newsom?
dims are okay with the skyrocketing cost of living so long as they get to gloat ... its really very sad ...
No shit Rowdy. :) Not much gets by you.
People were hawking polls and playing up the savior's great poll numbers a year out from the election..and looky what happened! :)
So Biden's poll numbers 14 months out, terrible or not..mean nothing.

Like I told my sons, those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. :auiqs.jpg:
and it looks like poor old Joey is HISTORY
Ok…nobody claimed they didn’t report the correct poll numbers in this story.

Congrats…so why do you think the American people dislike xiden so much and believe he has taken us in the wrong direction?

For the same reasons they have said this for years.

Debt, war, growing wage gap, lies, corruption.

Plus sized CNN spokesmodel expresses concern over Biden's low poll numbers. Color me not surprised.
"Oof" is not a fact.
It's a size.

I'm killing it in the real world. I've never been that invested in who wins or doesn't because I'm out here winning either way. People that get deeply emotionally entrenched in politics need to get their lives right.
Do you work in the Defense industry? They are killing people in the real world.

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