CNN poll obama's approval dropping

He had his hooves removed and manages to cover up the 666 on his forehead, which explains his father. They don't give SSN's to jackals.
Good to see bigreb's Dear Leader come back to earth, but I sure wish the GOP ratings would increase.
I wonder what Obama-Phone girl is thinking right now? maybe she doesn't care so long as she has her 2000 free minutes a month, doesn't give a chit about people struggling to get by/losing their homes/can't afford a doctor,,etc.
now wait, I thought he was the third coming of Jesus. or maybe the third coming of Ronald McDonald?

On a point of information: When was the SECOND coming of Jesus? Did I miss it somehow through not paying attention?

(Cue for he massed ranks of the legions of USMB resident religious loonies to descend upon me.)
41% approval to 56% unapproved not that polls matter But just thought those high approval marks some liberals said he had might be wrong

Obama approval rating sinks to new low in CNN poll ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

at this point id does not matter if his approval rating is zero

The approval rating of Congress is 5%. Who really gives a damn? Most will still be there after the 2014 elections.

It's the type of Mubarak "democracy" the US is trying to export around the world.


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