CNN Producer Caught on Tape Admitting Russia Story is “Bulls**t for Ratings”

WH spokesman Sarah Sanders just encouraged "everyone across the country" to look at the Project Veritas CNN video
I cannot wait to vote out EVERY democrat who peddled the CNN Fake News Russia propaganda. 2018 is coming.
Our president is getting this out to a bigger audience than CNN.

Slowly, the MSM is dying. They're losing all credibility while the Loser Wing Socialist expose themselves for the fools they are as they deny the facts.
Trump:"This is a WITCH HUNT"

Dems:"NOPE! CNN said it's not!"

CNN Producer:"It's a witch hunt"

Dems:*heads explode*
Trump:"This is a WITCH HUNT"

Dems:"NOPE! CNN said it's not!"

CNN Producer:"It's a witch hunt"

Dems:*heads explode*

Not really... more like..

Trump: It's fake news
Dems: That is ridiculous, your fake news
CNN Producer: Yeah, Trump is right it is fake news...all bullshit.
Dems: but...but...Fox News!!

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