CNN Refuses to Run Ad Criticizing Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Fake News gotta push Fake News and Fascists gotta Fascist.

“So… their fact-checkers said a prediction is false? How does that work? How do you fact-check something that hasn’t happened yet? You can say a prediction is more likely or less likely to come true, but you can’t fact-check it because it’s not a fact that can be checked. Well, whatever. If they don’t want to take AFA’s money and they can’t come up with a plausible excuse, that’s their business. Literally. In case you’re curious what they’re so worried about, here’s the ad CNN viewers won’t see.”

Fake News gotta push Fake News and Fascists gotta Fascist.

“So… their fact-checkers said a prediction is false? How does that work? How do you fact-check something that hasn’t happened yet? You can say a prediction is more likely or less likely to come true, but you can’t fact-check it because it’s not a fact that can be checked. Well, whatever. If they don’t want to take AFA’s money and they can’t come up with a plausible excuse, that’s their business. Literally. In case you’re curious what they’re so worried about, here’s the ad CNN viewers won’t see.”

We need to execute them too.
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Meh. They could murder conservative children and they still would do nothing. Oh....wait !
5-year-old shot, killed in front yard remembered by community; 25-year-old charged
"You may not have even noticed it if you ever watch the Cable News Network (CNN)"

Counts me out ... commercial media is biased? ... who knew ...
So they don't have any ads for Joe making predictions against 4 more years of TRUMP...
Anyone who watches CNN is a brainwashed liberal dolt anyways. That ad would not have changed one mind. They are the ORANGE MAN BAD crowd.

They are the hypocrites who dont care that Biden and Obama started 5 wars and killed 500,000 brown people.
The problem is this, CNN's audience is shared with CBS, NBC/MSNBC/CNBC, ABC, CBS radio, ABC radio, ect ect ect.... Fox News Tucker Carlson program had 7.9 million tune in for his shocking interview with the whistle-blower, a huge audience and by far the largest single audience of any so-called news vendor.

The problem is that the other networks genuinely operate as one, thus their audiences must be taken as a whole, and that whole dwarfs Fox News, when matched with the print/online social media titans, the reach of the fascists is so vast as to render Fox almost meaningless..... :wink:
The Federal Election Commission needs to investigate how many millions in undeclared contributions the liberal media are donating to Democrat candidates and campaigns in the form of commercials thinly disguised as "news".
Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

Meh. They could murder conservative children and they still would do nothing. Oh....wait !
5-year-old shot, killed in front yard remembered by community; 25-year-old charged

I’m telling that you’ve been really paying attention you’ll learn to hate traditional conservatives as much as I do, they are far and away the most nutless fucks in the nation...We desperately need a NATIONALISTS movement. This NATIONALIST group will defend, protect and preserve all that made this nation everything it is and they won’t give two fucks about being called RACIST while they do it.
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Fake News gotta push Fake News and Fascists gotta Fascist.

“So… their fact-checkers said a prediction is false? How does that work? How do you fact-check something that hasn’t happened yet? You can say a prediction is more likely or less likely to come true, but you can’t fact-check it because it’s not a fact that can be checked. Well, whatever. If they don’t want to take AFA’s money and they can’t come up with a plausible excuse, that’s their business. Literally. In case you’re curious what they’re so worried about, here’s the ad CNN viewers won’t see.”

It's not just CNN.

This liberal co-founder of a news outlet recently resigned because his own organization would not publish one of his articles unless he removed all criticisms of Joe Biden from it.

Kudos to this man.

Fox News should hire him tomorrow!

Greenwald quits publication he co-founded over censorship to protect Joe Biden

The MSM censorship and coddling of the corrupt Ex-Vice President Joe Biden is in overdrive. They are desperate to get a Democrat in the White House. Joe is the Trojan Horse that will (if elected) install radical leftists in his cabinet and other controlling positions throughout his (Kamala's) administration and bring about giant steps toward socialism/Marxism/communism and eventually a bloody civil war. We'll have incompetent assholes like AOC and Ilhan Omar rewarding their friends and fellow supporters of Sharia Law to all sorts of high paying government positions.

If Biden wins, the Democrat Party will have no further need for him to stay alive. He's just their ticket to paradise.

President Trump is absolutely correct: The FAKE NEWS MEDIA is the enemy of the people.
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