CNN Should Lose Their Press Credentials....

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to James Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.
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CNN always did some Breaking new against Trump for this time they did say that they can't for sure say that it is really true but they bring the information anyway and it is funny that they never bring up so much the story about the e-mail of Hillary what a bunch of assholes.
I have never seen a President treated that way by a reporter....and the damn reporter was on TV whining about how his fucking network was abused...this after Obama spent years trashing Fox News at every turn.

That CNN Reporter ought to be told that if he ever behaves like that at another Press Conference, he is gone.
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I remember how cool it was to have 24 hour news back in the early 80's when Ted Turner turned a little UHF station in Atlanta into a powerhouse on the new fangled cable TV. You didn't have to be around at 5 or 6 to see the news. Up until the early 90's they were the only game in town...fair and balanced. Remember Bernie hiding under a table when the bombing of Iraq began? :lol: And then Hanoi Jane came into Ted Turner's world and turned him into a bumbling idiot who couldn't speak complete sentences anymore much less control his newsroom. It's a pity to see what's happened to that pioneer of cable news.
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There should only be one state-approved media network with access to Trump. That way he can communicate his decrees more clearly to the Anerican people.

That's how you Rats had it until Rush and Fox.....two entities you despise to this day.
Obviously it has an agenda. It's decided it's gonna push Fake News propaganda to destroy Trump's Presidency. And that has nothing to do with 'News' or 'Journalism.' Therefore, it should be stripped of its credentials.
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.

They should have been/should be sanctioned heavily for giving debate questions to Hillary. They are the propaganda wing of the Democrat party operating under the guise of impartiality. EFF THEM.
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to James Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.
Hey...lock 'em up too...and any other members of the press who are not adoring His Royal Orangeness.
There should only be one state-approved media network with access to Trump. That way he can communicate his decrees more clearly to the Anerican people.

I hit "funny and agree" but the RWNJs would go for this in a flash.

Some time back, I read of a poll where more than 75% of the Repubs who answered said they were in favor of some degree of government control over US journalists.

Until I started reading this board, I didn't really believe that.

Now that we have a new prez who has actually said (and done) exactly that, there is no more doubt.

To the OP and other really stooopid RWNJ traitors - Doncha wish you lived in Russia or N Korea where you wouldn't have to put up with opinions that differ from your own? Really - you do not deserve free speech.
There should only be one state-approved media network with access to Trump. That way he can communicate his decrees more clearly to the Anerican people.

I hit "funny and agree" but the RWNJs would go for this in a flash.

Some time back, I read of a poll where more than 75% of the Repubs who answered said they were in favor of some degree of government control over US journalists.

Until I started reading this board, I didn't really believe that.

Now that we have a new prez who has actually said (and done) exactly that, there is no more doubt.

To the OP and other really stooopid RWNJ traitors - Doncha wish you lived in Russia or N Korea where you wouldn't have to put up with opinions that differ from your own? Really - you do not deserve free speech.
Well, you're a Nazi Dudley
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to James Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.
Hey...lock 'em up too...and any other members of the press who are not adoring His Royal Orangeness.
Poor baby from CNN did not have what he want...Fuck him and CNN i hope they never get a response from Trump in the futur.
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to James Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.

What was inaccurate about what they reported?

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