CNN Should Lose Their Press Credentials....

There should only be one state-approved media network with access to Trump. That way he can communicate his decrees more clearly to the Anerican people.

And Trump should start wearing an ostentatious madeup generalissimo's uniform in the style of a South American strongman, just so there's no doubt where he's coming from.
They've demonstrated they have ZERO interest in accurate reporting and are openly engaging in sedition and scurrilous propaganda. Such a move isn't unprecedented and only a minor punishment (although a costly one for them), given what Obama and Holder did to James Rosen from Fox. They warned of indicting him for ESPIONAGE for a story he did on the North Koreans. Holder got a subpoena for Rosen's emails under a flimsy reading of the 1912 Espionage Act and leaked it to the MSM as a warning to others. The shield-laws that protect a journalist's sources would have gotten Holder laughed out of court if they'd proceeded with an indictment but he tried nonetheless. So there is ample precedent to remove CNN from any and all contact with Trump and his administration and I hope they consider doing that and moving legislation to SUE both journalists and their company for publishing stories they know are lies.

What was inaccurate about what they reported?

Just like Meryl Streep - Nothing but facts.

But, in this New World Order, there is no more guarantee of freedom of speech and the RWNJ traitors are in agreement with that.
There should only be one state-approved media network with access to Trump. That way he can communicate his decrees more clearly to the Anerican people.

And Trump should start wearing an ostentatious madeup generalissimo's uniform in the style of a South American strongman, just so there's no doubt where he's coming from.

Hey, it would go very well with his orange face paint, bright yellow hair and big fat hanging belly. Add to that his bobby pins and taped tie. If you're RWNJ, it doesn't get more presidential than that.
Hey...lock 'em up too...and any other members of the press who are not adoring His Royal Orangeness.

If you oppose Trump, you're a racist ... it's so obvious.


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