CNN sounds alarm as BLM fails to activate black vote for Biden

Democrats learned nothing from 2016.

Democrats never learn...heck, they learned nothing from their defeat in 1865. "Sanctuary cities" is just Nullification rebranded and their "autonomous zones" are just the first steps toward outright rebellion.

I have to be amused that with the "tear down statues" movement. Democrats going out and tearing down the statues of Democrats that were erected by Democrats in the 1920s and blaming Republicans for it all. The STUPID thing is that people are so ignorant that they don't realize that's what is happening.
Democrats learned nothing from 2016.

Democrats never learn...heck, they learned nothing from their defeat in 1865. "Sanctuary cities" is just Nullification rebranded and their "autonomous zones" are just the first steps toward outright rebellion.

Sanctuary cities is little more than a label put on cities that state they will follow the constitution and leave immigration up to the federal government.

You get pissed at the cities and not the federal government that ignores the problem because politicians there lie to you. How many employers has Trump busted for hiring illegals?

I have to be amused that with the "tear down statues" movement. Democrats going out and tearing down the statues of Democrats that were erected by Democrats in the 1920s and blaming Republicans for it all. The STUPID thing is that people are so ignorant that they don't realize that's what is happening.

"Democrats.....Democrats.......Democrats" I care less.

LMAO! No shit!? Who knew destroying black neighborhoods,burning black owned businesses and killing black kids which the democrats REFUSE to condemn and help stop wouldn't turn out the black support for Biden more!?

Antifa and black lives matter were sent to burn, loot and kill people in Black neighborhoods specifically because of that information.......the polls I saw showed that Trump was doing really well among Black and Hispanic communities...for a the democrat party sent in antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and Black try to blame it on break up his success in reaching out to that community..........
Democrats learned nothing from 2016.

Democrats never learn...heck, they learned nothing from their defeat in 1865. "Sanctuary cities" is just Nullification rebranded and their "autonomous zones" are just the first steps toward outright rebellion.

I have to be amused that with the "tear down statues" movement. Democrats going out and tearing down the statues of Democrats that were erected by Democrats in the 1920s and blaming Republicans for it all. The STUPID thing is that people are so ignorant that they don't realize that's what is happening. was the democrat party firing on a Federal Fort that started the Civil War.......and their attacks on Federal buildings now isn't making things better...

LMAO! No shit!? Who knew destroying black neighborhoods,burning black owned businesses and killing black kids which the democrats REFUSE to condemn and help stop wouldn't turn out the black support for Biden more!?
The latest CNN poll yesterday has Biden winning by 12% overall.
Thread fail

LMAO! No shit!? Who knew destroying black neighborhoods,burning black owned businesses and killing black kids which the democrats REFUSE to condemn and help stop wouldn't turn out the black support for Biden more!?

Posting this just shows how desperate Trumpbots are. From the CNN article:

"Biden leads in those polls by an 83% to 8%, or 75-point, margin."

" Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump by a 79-point margin among Black registered voters "

75-point or 79-point margin doesn't matter much, now does it?


That 5% ..... is massive, you moron.......and could mean the end of biden....

LMAO! No shit!? Who knew destroying black neighborhoods,burning black owned businesses and killing black kids which the democrats REFUSE to condemn and help stop wouldn't turn out the black support for Biden more!?
The latest CNN poll yesterday has Biden winning by 12% overall.
Thread fail should really talk to President Hilary before you post.....

In the first week of July 2016, Reuters/Ipsos had Clinton up 44–33 (in November of that year, the pollster gave Hillary a 90 percent chance of winning.) The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll has Biden up 48–35. The latest New York Times/Siena poll that has Biden up 14 points nationally over Trump.

In the last poll conducted by Siena before the 2016 election (I don’t see any from June–July), Clinton carried a 17-point lead over Trump.

In June of 2016, Fox News had Hillary with a 49–39 lead, and now it shows Biden with a 50–38 lead.

In May 2016, USA Today/Suffolk poll had Hillary’s leading 50–39 percent.

In June 2020, USA Today/Suffolk poll finds Biden leading 53–41 percent.

The Democrats had Donald Trump's head laid out on a silver platter for them.
The entire news and entertainment industry, the entire social media industry - ALL - gave them Trump's head.
It should have been easy.
But what did they do?
They let the lunatic fringe take over the party. And gave them a big fat warm welcome.
And look at them now.
Indeed. The Democratic Party not only learned nothing from 2016, they have doubled and tripled down on the same principle... ignore 80% of your audience, and give favor to the crazies in the back row.

Meanwhile the Blue city mayors that are allowing this mayhem in their cities is turning it's honest citizens that see this vionce into Trump voters.

LMAO! No shit!? Who knew destroying black neighborhoods,burning black owned businesses and killing black kids which the democrats REFUSE to condemn and help stop wouldn't turn out the black support for Biden more!?
Antifa and black lives matter were sent to burn, loot and kill people in Black neighborhoods specifically because of that information.......the polls I saw showed that Trump was doing really well among Black and Hispanic communities...for a the democrat party sent in antifa and black lives matter to burn, loot and Black try to blame it on break up his success in reaching out to that community..........
How's that working for them?

Politico: My, but Trump’s attacks are taking a toll on Black Lives Matter support

The limits of virtue signaling.

Or could it be that the riots are turning off Americans? Or maybe their hardline Marxist agenda, including the destruction of the nuclear-family model, could be off-putting to Americans who like the idea of raising their own children.

Naaah. Must be Trump:

Voters’ favorable views of the Black Lives Matter movement has dropped by 9 percentage points since June per new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

The dip in support for Black Lives Matter, reflected across multiple polls in recent weeks.

The police in Kenosha get majority support (55%).

The Kenosha protesters get 45%.

The messaging from BLM to reduce or eliminate policing goes right up against that support for law enforcement.

Then, take into consideration how respondents feel about BLM’s top policy goal. Only 19% of respondents think policing needs a “complete overhaul,” as BLM advocates and agitates to impose. Almost twice as many (34%) think policing needs only minor reforms or no reforms at all. Given that “defund the police” has been BLM’s banner demand for the last three months, it seems clear that they aren’t winning that argument — and that the demand itself is much more likely a cause for their diminishing support.

Polling on BLM likely overestimates their support, at least in terms of their politics. It’s fashionable at the moment to express support for them in a superficial way, to the point of perhaps having reluctance to express disapproval publicly. The 52% support for the group doesn’t match up well with the 19% support for their top policy goal, which suggests that the support expressed here is of the cheap-virtue-signaling kind. The more that their radical agenda and rhetoric get exposed, the quicker that will burn off, regardless of what Donald Trump has to say about it.

America is no more for the Left's stupid desire for violent revolution than we were 50 years go, the only difference is that some of these bastards have slipped into positions of power where they can neuter law enforcement and criminal justice.

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