CNN: White House preparing emergency order, has identified $7 billion for wall

Will be disappointing if a major part of the money isn't taken from "relief" earmarked for California's state-caused disasters.
Plenty of righties in this thread SHuT HIM DOWN but the leftards among us along with the media like to pretend idiots like this OP are the majority on the right.

It's why they lose elections

Democrats have gained some 400 seats at the state and federal level since Trump became president.
Impressive? How many did they LOSE IN THE DECADE BEFORE?
They lost 1000 in the 8 years before after gaining about 600 during the 4 years before that.

Maybe someday you'll learn that politics is like a pendulum that swings back and forth.

Still, you're actually boasting how Democrats lose elections while they're winning. :mm:
No one is boasting dumbass. You simply lack the maturity to be in this conversation

Sure, focus on the adjective and ignore the fact that you actually claimed Democrats lose elections while they picked up 400 seats over the last 2 years. :lmao:

Well, if you really wanna...........boom!

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