Co-equal Branches of Government


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
How does this work?

What aspects are calculated to balance the branches?

How do we analyze the control settings?

How does this work?

What aspects are calculated to balance the branches?

How do we analyze the control settings?
The control settings were put in place over 200 years ago so they might require some tweaking. Many of the last few Presidents we've had have won office with a minority of voters. I think that would be a good place to start since if the Executive branch is not representative of the electorate, the SCOTUS won't be either.

I'd also like to see gerrymandering made illegal since that too creates unrepresentative state governments. The recent abortion referendums have shown some state legislatures to be out of touch with voters.
Alexander Hamilton thought "Dividing the government into three segments would provide checks and balances to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful, and Hamilton also believed that by working together, the three different branches could centralize their power over the states. 1"

The Presidency held the executive power, the Congress the financial power, and the SCOTUS the power to review and control excesses through the courts by its inherent power of judicial review. The latter has been a real bone in the throat at times for the other two branches.
How does this work?

What aspects are calculated to balance the branches?

How do we analyze the control settings?
You never can, particularly if you accept that your nominally elected Government was( in all probability ) not even actually fairly elected ,

BUT REGARDLESS, AND FAR MORE IMPORTANT , if your country is really run by a Shadow Government in all major respects , the questions are completely redundant..

IMHO , the US is run by a Shadow Government which you can label Deep State if you wish . But by definition you will never know anything much about it because it is beyond Top Secret .
What a joke. If they were co equal, why do they call one the upper house? LMAO.

There are three branches of government.

Legislative, Executive, Judicial.

There is no 'upper or lower house'. Those reside INSIDE the Legislative.

The checks on power and corruption are found in the detailed responsibilities each is supposed to have.

What is amusing is that some people think that the people elect the President and is responsible to the people.

The States elects the President and is the States representative to the world.
What is amusing that is .... that some people think that the people elect the President and is responsible to the people.

The States elects the President and is the States representative to the world

There are three branches of government.

Legislative, Executive, Judicial.

There is no 'upper or lower house'. Those reside INSIDE the Legislative.

The checks on power and corruption are found in the detailed responsibilities each is supposed to have.

What is amusing is that some people think that the people elect the President and is responsible to the people.

The States elects the President and is the States representative to the world.
AI elects the POTUS, What could go wrong? Look at 2020.
How does this work?

What aspects are calculated to balance the branches?

How do we analyze the control settings?

View attachment 859668
The operating system itself is well designed, but in order for it to work properly honorable men must operate it. That's true of government and of corporations.

Sadly, there are insufficient honorable men in leadership positions. Elected politicians are for the most part whores.
The control settings were put in place over 200 years ago so they might require some tweaking. Many of the last few Presidents we've had have won office with a minority of voters. I think that would be a good place to start since if the Executive branch is not representative of the electorate, the SCOTUS won't be either.

I'd also like to see gerrymandering made illegal since that too creates unrepresentative state governments. The recent abortion referendums have shown some state legislatures to be out of touch with voters.
That's the way it was intended to work. The House of Representatives was controlled by the people, the Senate was controlled by the state legislatures and the presidency was controlled by the states. Each of the three branches was accountable to a different group. What screwed the system up in the first place was amending the Constitution to allow direct election of Senators rather than having them appointed by the state governments.
That's the way it was intended to work. The House of Representatives was controlled by the people,
I'm not sure the House is controlled by the people since it is skewed by gerrymandering.

the Senate was controlled by the state legislatures and the presidency was controlled by the states. Each of the three branches was accountable to a different group.
Who exactly in the 'states' control the presidency?

What screwed the system up in the first place was amending the Constitution to allow direct election of Senators rather than having them appointed by the state governments.
That was tried and found wanting by enough people that an amendment was passed, no easy feat that.
I don't know that the Founders ever anticipated a Party as corrupt and determined to destroy the country as the Democrats. The fundamental assumption was that our leaders would at least be working FOR the benefit of America.
I'm not sure the House is controlled by the people since it is skewed by gerrymandering.

Who exactly in the 'states' control the presidency?

That was tried and found wanting by enough people that an amendment was passed, no easy feat that.
State governors generally appointed their senators,

That doe not mean that it works
Professor, I'm sure you know that Utopia is not an option here on earth. Madison and the rest did the best they could in constructing the document. It's not perfect, and they allowed for amending the document.

The document did not fail, the humans administering it failed, as Ben Franklin mentioned in 1787.
Professor, I'm sure you know that Utopia is not an option here on earth. Madison and the rest did the best they could in constructing the document. It's not perfect, and they allowed for amending the document.

The document did not fail, the humans administering it failed, as Ben Franklin mentioned in 1787.
That was because he recognized that the checks and balances are not all accounted for.

Amendments to the subsisting American charters cannot correctly adjust the separation of government. The separation of government is related to the separation of the articles of its charter. This is the untold dilemma the Founders encountered that forced them to abandon their commissions to amend the Articles of Confederation. The Founders could not amend the Articles, because the order of its articles was not compatible with the order needed to deploy the Three-part Separation Theory. The Founders needed Articles One, Two, and Three, to demarcate the three branches of government; subsequently, formatting the charter.
In truth the congress has the lion's share of the Government's power.
Massive portions of the Two houses (house and senate) are completely corrupt or self serving and at a complete 3-way stalemate. Which in turn has caused the current issues we currently have.

These days Senators are elected instead of appointed by the state's governors....which has exacerbated the problem. (Mob rule)

The judges have become political hacks instead of practicing judicial restraint...and have created unfunded mandates and bench legislation.

The senate has over reached their mandates with sentencing guidelines.

The President? His cabinet is definitely where the money is...they all have been selling access to themselves and have been crushing those who do not "kiss the ring" or bribe the person in charge. (Baby formula disaster was all about this but food is much more unsafe than ever before)

The president is nothing more than sign or veto laws....a complete political hack. Actually being in charge? HA!
Chief of Staff has more power than the President...but the Chief of Staff can be fired by the President just like any other cabinet member.

Basically every branch has overstepped or abandoned their powers. That's the problem. Judges can be impeached by the legislature....same as Presidents.

But when the Senate can't pass a budget much less have actual hearings and real questions for members or public that have obviously abused their's over.

It's not a matter of "can it survive?" Anymore but moreso "When is it going to finally fall?" Because the checks and balances have been effectively ignored.

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