CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

You have yet to make a post that makes any sense. Tell us what you think potential energy is and you will be excoriated.
Of course you can’t. You are afraid aren’t you. I bet you looked it up and couldn’t even understand the explanation.

And there he goes, running away again.

If you can't post your evidence without my help, you're more useless than I first thought.
Wrong illiterate. That’s not what your reference said. There wasn’t one support of an institution one way or another.
Prove it. Just post a study conducted by a consensus number of universities dumbo. You don’t know shit. There was only a difference because they hadn’t seen enough evidence of HOW it could occur. Geesus, you can’t read can you ?
Five institutional supported evidence of continental drift. You can’t produce anything otherwise can you.
My reference didn't say anything about what the institutions said. However, if 100% of geologists said in 1912 that the continents don't move, it's hardly likely that any of the institutions say they do.

The following paragraph indicates it was not accepted for quite a while:

Although now accepted, the theory of continental drift was rejected for many years, with evidence in its favor considered insufficient. One problem was that a plausible driving force was missing.[1] A second problem was that Wegener's estimate of the speed of continental motion, 250 cm/year, was implausibly high.[34] (The currently accepted rate for the separation of the Americas from Europe and Africa is about 2.5 cm/year).[35] Furthermore, Wegener was treated less seriously because he was not a geologist. Even today, the details of the forces propelling the plates are poorly understood.[1]

The English geologist Arthur Holmes championed the theory of continental drift at a time when it was deeply unfashionable. He proposed in 1931 that the Earth's mantle contained convection cells which dissipated heat produced by radioactive decay and moved the crust at the surface.[36] His Principles of Physical Geology, ending with a chapter on continental drift, was published in 1944.[37]
Geological maps of the time showed huge land bridges spanning the Atlantic and Indian oceans to account for the similarities of fauna and flora and the divisions of the Asian continent in the Permian period, but failing to account for glaciation in India, Australia and South Africa.[38]
Dr Heller is correct in his assumptions that CO2 has no ability to adversely impact our atmosphere given its current makeup. That is CO2, by the numbers.
Dr Heller ?
However, if 100% of geologists said in 1912 that the continents don't move, it's hardly likely that any of the institutions say they do.
You start off by making up shit. Really ? IF 100% said that you say ? Where is that stated ? Wikipedia ? How do you know ?
Real science says….we don’t know. Real science practiced back in 1912 without sufficient evidence would NEVER say that. they always give possible hypothesis then look for evidence. Without enough, it’s not even a theory.
Here is what really happened.

“Continental drift describes one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time. Today, the theory of continental drift has been replaced by the science of plate tectonics.”

notice, they NEVER SAID in theory it didn’t move ! It was JUST THE CAUSE THEY WERE NOT SURE OF.

I said that earlier. You should have listened instead of making up shit.
Dr Heller ?

You start off by making up shit. Really ? IF 100% said that you say ? Where is that stated ? Wikipedia ? How do you know ?
Real science says….we don’t know. Real science practiced back in 1912 without sufficient evidence would NEVER say that. they always give possible hypothesis then look for evidence. Without enough, it’s not even a theory.
Come on, thousands of really impressive organizations are all in agreement
and you can't even post their consensus? Maybe because you were lying, eh?
Consensus of WHAT ? In agreement to what ? Be specific.
Are you incapable of a thought ?
No it was not. There are hundreds of relationships the science community generally agree about. Name ONE THING you have a problem with. Just one.



Awww......still begging for my help.

Sorry, not bailing you out. Pussy.
Why even argue with someone like you who is too stupid to know anything about the topic. Your own made up shit dictionary doesn’t even have the term for it. Where you don’t understand physics to begin with, your in a world of shit
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Although now accepted, the theory of continental drift was rejected for many years, with evidence in its favor considered insufficient.
Your own post backs me up. Look up the word “drift”.
Its a term not in agreement with the movement theory used now. The community of scientist did like they always do, not accept a hypothesis until there is sufficient evidence. Evidence that often has to wait for technology to catch up.

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Well, that’s not an institution. So it’s bullshit.

View attachment 746586

Still waiting. What about AGW ? What do you have a problem with ? The A, the G or the W.
The institutions also said the continents don't move, dumbass.
They NEVER SAID THAT. Your own reference doesn’t support that. They did not support the hypothesis of how the author said it did move because there was not enough evidence.
Dr Heller ?

You start off by making up shit. Really ? IF 100% said that you say ? Where is that stated ? Wikipedia ? How do you know ?
Real science says….we don’t know. Real science practiced back in 1912 without sufficient evidence would NEVER say that. they always give possible hypothesis then look for evidence. Without enough, it’s not even a theory.
Here is what really happened.

“Continental drift describes one of the earliest ways geologists thought continents moved over time. Today, the theory of continental drift has been replaced by the science of plate tectonics.”

notice, they NEVER SAID in theory it didn’t move ! It was JUST THE CAUSE THEY WERE NOT SURE OF.

I said that earlier. You should have listened instead of making up shit.
More Circular logic from an idiot... You are totally ignorant of the CAGW Hypothesis.

pythagoras-silnce and ignorance.jpg
Why even argue with someone like you who is too stupid to know anything about the topic. Your own made up shit dictionary doesn’t even have the term for it. Where you don’t understand physics to begin with, your in a world of shit

I know, why should I bother pointing out your idiocy when you only run away?
Well, that’s not an institution. So it’s bullshit.

Still waiting. What about AGW ? What do you have a problem with ? The A, the G or the W.

Well, that’s not an institution. So it’s bullshit.

"all the climate change community" doesn't include ALL the institutions?

Still waiting. What about AGW ?

What about it?

What do you have a problem with ? The A, the G or the W.

I have a problem with your claim.
If they all agree with the consensus, post the consensus with which they all agree.

Be specific.
How can you fault someone else’s explanation in science, when you can’t even understand science ?

You've yet to post any science.
Your uranium idiocy is a perfect example of you not posting science.

And your lack of evidence about the "consensus" is just too fucking funny.

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