Coal miners…

Bring the buggy industry back?

According to Rustic, yes. Because

Coal miners Buggy whip makers need to keep their jobs because that's what they do, and alternative energy horseless buggy jobs do not pay anywhere near what they do. Fact

THAT is exactly how these rubes "think".
Says the person who thinks that most coal mining is not open pit... lol

Post a link to where I said that.

Why do you ALWAYS have to lie?
Pussy whipped progressives constantly say that coal mining causes black lung... The problem is open pit coal mining causes no such thing Where most coal mining is done...
Who cares? More.people were killed by fucking windmills in the last ten years than coalminers.

I thought you were full of shit but I see

1,500 wind turbine accidents/incidents in the UK alone during the past five years, the London Telegraph reported 1,500 accidents and incidents on UK wind farms. Those included 300 injuries and four deaths—in just one small part of the world.

But I don't know if there are more wind turbine accidents

Thousands of miners die from mining accidents each year, especially from underground coal mining,

Mining accident - Wikipedia

On April 26, 1942 in the Benxihu (Honkeiko) Colliery (coal mine), what is believed to have been the world's worst mining disaster took place, killing 1,549 miners

It could be the less we mine coal and the more we build wind turbines the more accidents that will happen with wind and less with coal.
The coal mining jobs are gone. Obsoleted. They are not coming back. Natural gas is replacing coal. Adapt or perish. That's the American way.
This is another promise he will have to break because it was a lie to begin with.

Now don't get me wrong trump may sell coal to china for the next 4 years but it's only temporary. No coal miner should expect to get 30 years out of that job.
True, but till then an all of the above strategy is the best. Why try and reinvent the wheel using a square

What Trump Misses About Energy Jobs In America

But solar now accounts for some 260,000 energy jobs in the country, the majority of which are held by installers. That's almost four times the number of coal industry jobs, about 70,000, as of May 2015. And that industry has been on a steady and steep decline over the past 30 years.

Power from big solar projects is about 70 percent cheaper today than it was a decade ago. Wind power has also come down.

The problem for Democrats is where those jobs are created. It's not like the coal jobs that faded in West Virginia and Kentucky were replaced by solar. In fact, those two states rank 45th and 41st in solar jobs per capita

In the Democratic states, clean energy is incentivized. In the Republican ones, it's largely not.
Up here in the northern plains they are tearing down those giant windmills because of their efficiency, turns out it has a diminishing return. The bearings do not hold up…

Do you have an article that proves this is happening?
The coal mining jobs are gone. Obsoleted. They are not coming back. Natural gas is replacing coal. Adapt or perish. That's the American way.
This is another promise he will have to break because it was a lie to begin with.

Now don't get me wrong trump may sell coal to china for the next 4 years but it's only temporary. No coal miner should expect to get 30 years out of that job.
True, but till then an all of the above strategy is the best. Why try and reinvent the wheel using a square

What Trump Misses About Energy Jobs In America

But solar now accounts for some 260,000 energy jobs in the country, the majority of which are held by installers. That's almost four times the number of coal industry jobs, about 70,000, as of May 2015. And that industry has been on a steady and steep decline over the past 30 years.

Power from big solar projects is about 70 percent cheaper today than it was a decade ago. Wind power has also come down.

The problem for Democrats is where those jobs are created. It's not like the coal jobs that faded in West Virginia and Kentucky were replaced by solar. In fact, those two states rank 45th and 41st in solar jobs per capita

In the Democratic states, clean energy is incentivized. In the Republican ones, it's largely not.
Up here in the northern plains they are tearing down those giant windmills because of their efficiency, turns out it has a diminishing return. The bearings do not hold up…

Do you have an article that proves this is happening?
I live about 20 miles from where they are doing it as the crow flies… they are switching over to solar.
This is another promise he will have to break because it was a lie to begin with.

Now don't get me wrong trump may sell coal to china for the next 4 years but it's only temporary. No coal miner should expect to get 30 years out of that job.
True, but till then an all of the above strategy is the best. Why try and reinvent the wheel using a square

What Trump Misses About Energy Jobs In America

But solar now accounts for some 260,000 energy jobs in the country, the majority of which are held by installers. That's almost four times the number of coal industry jobs, about 70,000, as of May 2015. And that industry has been on a steady and steep decline over the past 30 years.

Power from big solar projects is about 70 percent cheaper today than it was a decade ago. Wind power has also come down.

The problem for Democrats is where those jobs are created. It's not like the coal jobs that faded in West Virginia and Kentucky were replaced by solar. In fact, those two states rank 45th and 41st in solar jobs per capita

In the Democratic states, clean energy is incentivized. In the Republican ones, it's largely not.
Up here in the northern plains they are tearing down those giant windmills because of their efficiency, turns out it has a diminishing return. The bearings do not hold up…

Do you have an article that proves this is happening?
I live about 20 miles from where they are doing it as the crow flies… they are switching over to solar.

Oh so they like solar better than wind? Ok cool.
US energy sources.


The reality is both sides are once again wrong. Obamanites try to regulate all sources of energy out of existence, other than wind and solar that is. They hate drilling for oil, anything nuclear, fracking for natural gas and of course coal. They actively work against each of them and won't budge.

The GOP support fossils fuel energy sources even ones like coal they have been slipping due in large part to the rise in natural gas. It still has a place worth fighting for, but it is no longer the energy holy grail.

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True, but till then an all of the above strategy is the best. Why try and reinvent the wheel using a square

What Trump Misses About Energy Jobs In America

But solar now accounts for some 260,000 energy jobs in the country, the majority of which are held by installers. That's almost four times the number of coal industry jobs, about 70,000, as of May 2015. And that industry has been on a steady and steep decline over the past 30 years.

Power from big solar projects is about 70 percent cheaper today than it was a decade ago. Wind power has also come down.

The problem for Democrats is where those jobs are created. It's not like the coal jobs that faded in West Virginia and Kentucky were replaced by solar. In fact, those two states rank 45th and 41st in solar jobs per capita

In the Democratic states, clean energy is incentivized. In the Republican ones, it's largely not.
Up here in the northern plains they are tearing down those giant windmills because of their efficiency, turns out it has a diminishing return. The bearings do not hold up…

Do you have an article that proves this is happening?
I live about 20 miles from where they are doing it as the crow flies… they are switching over to solar.

Oh so they like solar better than wind? Ok cool.
Yeah there's about a quarter of the windmills that there was two years ago. The windmills are extremely inefficient...
US energy sources.

View attachment 119165

The reality is both sides are once again wrong. Obamanites try to regulate all sources of energy out of existence, other than wind and solar that is. They hate drilling for oil, anything nuclear, fracking for natural gas and of course coal. They actively work against each of them and won't budge.

The GOP support fossils fuel energy sources even ones like coal they have been slipping due in large part to the rise in natural gas. It still has a place worth fighting for, but it is no longer the energy holy grail.

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Like I said, an all of the above is the right strategy...
That's easy for you to say, you're not losing your job. Working in alternative energy does not pay worth a shit… Every week you here about one or more of them going bankrupt...
Coal mining pay is great and the benefits are top rate vacation is the best there is and profit-sharing is always top Drawer...

growth in alternative energy jobs - Google Search
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
There is nothing wrong with an "all of the above" approach. Like I said there is basically unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states…

So what?

Why dig it out if no one's buying it?
Green Is the Color of Bread Mold

Germany's buying it, and probably a lot of other countries not ruled by GreenHeads.
The free market is killing coal.

Yep. along with fracking.

But don't expect RWNJs to understand that.
Getting rid of stupidly retarded regulations on Coal has been the most harmful…

You can't make people buy coal.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?

Rodham Roadkill

Not as long as we can burn treehuggers for fuel.
Last edited:
Were you "forced" into coal? Do you know what fuel provides your power? Do you know what plant produces your power?
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
First of all renewables don't feel all gaps, till then it's best with an all of the above strategy.

Powder river is up to the standards that Wyoming requires… That's all that is needed
So you're willing to overlook all the imperfections of coal, but demanding perfection from alternatives. Is your position thought out, or part of a political agenda?
well exactly speaking is that the alternatives aren't actually viable. Coal is viable.
No. Coal is plentiful, but not viable in the long run. It's bulky, dirty and ultimately a finite resource. People all around the globe will argue that alternatives are viable. Geothermal, solar, wind are very viable and used to great effect all around the world.
No you can't, but you should not be able to stop people from buying coal too. Like I said there's unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states...

Should we have coal burning cars?
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.
Self-Draining Brains

It all about advances in heating technology that unfortunately don't fascinate escapist Sci-boys. If Alaska had the population density of New Jersey, it would have 700 million people.
No, because it's the only viable source, Powder River coal power plant...
And is Powder River 'perfect'? Where do they dispose of their coal ash? Do they have scrubbers on the stacks? Can they burn high sulfur coal?

How close to the Powder River perfect standard do alternatives have to get?
First of all renewables don't feel all gaps, till then it's best with an all of the above strategy.

Powder river is up to the standards that Wyoming requires… That's all that is needed
So you're willing to overlook all the imperfections of coal, but demanding perfection from alternatives. Is your position thought out, or part of a political agenda?
well exactly speaking is that the alternatives aren't actually viable. Coal is viable.
No. Coal is plentiful, but not viable in the long run. It's bulky, dirty and ultimately a finite resource. People all around the globe will argue that alternatives are viable. Geothermal, solar, wind are very viable and used to great effect all around the world.
You can't put wind in the same category as those other ones, wind is a diminishing return and is unreliable and costly… Fact
Coal may be dirty and not the best or most efficient form of energy but it is the cheapest. There are some people who can't afford higher energy bills and still eat. So some of them freeze to death in northern cities.

Natural gas is cheaper.
After the coal is mined and sold and burned for fuel they may as well pack up and move to another state because the that land can never be used again. Nothing will grow on it.

And since Trump is bringing back manufacturing jobs maybe they can move to where those jobs are.

Or they can go back to school, or start their own business. This is the same advice Republicans gave blue collar workers when Bush sent all their jobs overseas.
Have you ever been to the eastern Wyoming? There's nothing too lose there... lol

Maybe we can give that land back to the Indians and the white man can get out.

You obviously don't understand Indian culture up here. Indian culture does view land as an possession… Dip shit

Yea but they are against ruining that land.

Peoples from Bolivia, Alaska, and throughout Indian country gathered at
the 7th Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum and told the same story:
Uranium mining is a hate crime in Indian country.

"Leave it in the ground," said Native Americans whose parents,
brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles died from cancer, respiratory
diseases, and brain tumors resulting from uranium mining.

Native Americans protest $6bn Arizona copper mine plan in front of US Capitol
More than 100 members of the San Carlos Apaches travelled to Washington DC in hopes that lawmakers will repeal deal to build mine on land sacred to tribe

If I had to point to a segment of the natural resources sector with the lowest investor sentiment right now, it might well be coal.

Coal is thought of as antiquated and brutish, a relic that will soon be excised from the ranks of global energy markets.

It's easy to see why. On the surface, there's a lot to dislike about coal. The biggest strike against the industry is environmental. This month, the news has been rife with stories about record air pollution nearly shutting down a number of cities in northern China.
The vast majority of us Indians up here in the northern plains are all for fossil fuel harvesting... fact
Obstacles Get Removed

Only the Indians who throw off their Stone Age attitudes will survive.
They are finding more oil every day, another fossil fuel. Drill baby drill, Dig baby Dig, burn baby burn

Train, baby train.
For your new job.

No one's going to be building solar plants in the northern plains…

True. There's no one there.
But there's plenty coal and oil and natural gas to harvest…
Alternative does not pollute.
Soylent Green

Up to a certain level, which we still probably haven't reached, "pollution" is antiseptic. It has stopped the plagues that used to wipe out massive numbers of people.
The coal mining jobs are gone. Obsoleted. They are not coming back. Natural gas is replacing coal. Adapt or perish. That's the American way.
Oil, natural gas and coal will always be linked. An all of the above strategy is the best… Fact

Jesus! Just more parroting bullshit from you!

Do you have an original thought in your head?

Coal is being supplanted by natural gas. Fact.

Adapt or perish, rube.
As China leaves America in the dust with developing alternative energy.
But they don't walk their talk...
The Right seems content to allow that to happen in the US.
Silent Spring Must Be Silenced

China had to increase its productivity as quickly as possible. Once it establishes its place as an economic powerhouse, it will only then be able to afford to clean up its act. You spoiled snobs are totally ignorant on how to get things done and what steps must be followed first.

Eco-Eunuchs are the bossy entitled children of the Right Wing who hate their Capitalist fathers, yet still believe what their Daddies told them about their genetic superiority and their hereditary right to rule over the rest of us. They have been toxic from the very beginning. Those who believe in democracy should concede nothing to them and abolish any power they have over our laws.
But that does not solve the problem in areas were mining and drilling are everything to the local economy...

That's why it's important that the producers diversify. As coal slides they should put more in the up and coming alternatives. If you work for coal, I would think ahead to a move.
There is nothing wrong with an "all of the above" approach. Like I said there is basically unlimited coal in Wyoming and surrounding states…

So what?

Why dig it out if no one's buying it?
Green Is the Color of Bread Mold

Germany's buying it, and probably a lot of other countries not ruled by GreenHeads.

Coal has dropped to number three. That means fewer people are buying it. Simply digging up more does nothing to make more people buy it.

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