Code Blue Emergency in California


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Code Blue Emergency in California
Post-election hysteria infects the CA medical community.
December 8, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley


The November 8 election prompted medical students at the University of California at Davis to call a “code blue” emergency, normally used for cases of cardiac arrest. As Claudia Buck of the Sacramento Bee noted, the students held a rally to “speak about their fears for health care under the incoming president, Donald Trump.”

In this state of emergency, “African American and Muslim medical students described feeling intimidated and threatened since the election.” Second-year student Zakir Safdar said “he often wears a UC Davis medical school hat or shirt in public, almost as protection against insults or worse from those who dislike his Muslim faith.” Mr. Safdar said there have been more news reports of incidents against Muslims since the election, complaining of “so much racism and bigotry” against Muslims.

As it happened, the code blue came just days before the anniversary of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, in which Muslim jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people and wounded 22.

Other UC Davis students, Buck explained, “were concerned about the potential harm to patients of Trump’s call to replace and repeal the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.” UC Davis preventive medicine professor Stephen McCurdy told Buck “The ACA was a big deal” and “an important step in the right direction.”

In reality, Covered California, the state’s wholly-owned subsidiary of Obamacare, has been responsible for “widespread glitches and widespread consumer misery,” according to Emily Bazar of the Center for Health Reporting. In 2015-16, Covered California automatically dropped 2,000 pregnant women from their plans. Some lost their doctors and missed prenatal appointments. Covered Cal bosses blamed it on the computer system.

As the widespread misery confirms, Obamacare was not so much about health care as submission. In Obamacare, you don’t get what you want. You get only what the government wants you to have. That’s the totalitarian-style transformation the president is trying to impose. Obamacare was also a jobs program for political retreads and incompetents.


She was obviously hired in defiance of state law prohibiting race, ethnic and gender preferences in state employment, education and contracting. Those concerns track back to UC Davis, which during the 1970s twice rejected medical student Allan Bakke, a person of no color, whose scores were “significantly higher” than those of the minorities UC Davis admitted. The anti-Trump rally had some in Davis wondering how many medical students had been admitted on the basis of “diversity.” On the other hand, the code blue alarm suggested there was more to it.

The politically correct are fond of ascribing bogus medical-psychological problems to those who challenge their orthodoxies. Those less than worshipful of same-sex marriage, for example, are automatically filed under “homophobic.” Those who express caution about admitting Muslim refugees whose background cannot be verified get smeared as “Islamophobic.”

This loathsome tactic recalls the Soviet regime, which regarded dissenters as mentally ill. The Communist Party’s quack shrinks charged that Vladimir Bukovsky suffered from an obsession with “the struggle for truth and justice” and banished him to asylums and labor camps for 12 years. California’s politically correct squads, meanwhile, have issues of their own such as memory loss.


Code Blue Emergency in California
Nut And Fruit Land is going berserk.

Davis does not have a very famous medical school however.

It is famous for its veterinary school instead.
The Aids created by the Faggots has been very costly to the health care system
With what an Executive order, rolmao Trump will just rip the fuck out of it...

California Gov. Jerry Brown Seeks Permanent Ban on Oil and Gas Drilling

An end-run at Trump.
December 16, 2016
Katy Grimes

California Gov. Jerry Brown wants President Barack Obama to permanently ban new offshore oil and gas drilling in the state – except of course, on Brown’s personal land.

In an attempt to lock in environmental protections before President-Elect Donald Trump takes office in January, Brown sent a letter this week to the president saying that allowing any new oil and gas drilling would be detrimental to climate change goals and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

President Barack Obama last month released a plan to ban any new drilling off the coasts of California, Oregon or Washington until 2022.

A six-year ban on oil and gas drilling wasn’t enough for California Gov. Jerry Brown, who will be gone from the Governor’s office in 2018.

Brown’s latest ploy is another in a long line of maneuvers to set California apart from the rest of the country on climate change policy, and is an end-run at Trump, who has said he plans environmental policy roll backs at the Environmental Protections Agency.


A Little Local History

Ironically, Gov. Jerry Brown found himself embroiled in his own scandal in 2014 when he was caught directing state oil and gas regulators to research, map and report back oil drilling and mining potential at the Brown family's private property in Colusa County, in Northern California.

The personal request from the governor produced a 51-page historical report and geological assessment, plus a personalized satellite-imaged geological and oil and gas drilling map for the area around Brown's family ranchland near the town of Williams, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Another California Compact

This isn’t the first such illegal compact in California. The California Air Resources Board, a state agency, entered into a compact with Québec to carbon trade. The Air Resources Board original plan was to create a giant climate change coalition with other states and provinces from which carbon trading and taxing would emanate. But one by one, states dropped out, citing the difficult economy and cost to manage such a program. California instead “linked” with Québec, illegally, for cap and trade carbon auctions.

Whether it’s the irrational demand to end oil and gas exploration in California, illegal compacts with other states, illegal treaties with foreign countries, or even the illegal use of state resources on his personal land, Gov. Jerry Brown has never let the law get in the way of his plans.

California Gov. Jerry Brown Seeks Permanent Ban on Oil and Gas Drilling
The Aids created by the Faggots has been very costly to the health care system

They are very very proud and happy about what AIDS has done for them, too; without running around mindlessly infecting and killing each other they wouldn't have been able to generate a big giant Pity Party for themselves among the half-wits and other mentally ill narcissists and nutjob community. The joy was palpable in the Sicko Community when the first stats showing they were finally successful in spreading it to heterosexual women and innocent children via contaminating the blood supply; lots of propaganda radiated from that proud moment in Homosexual history.
Muslims should feel intimidated. Real Americans don't put up with Nazis, or other bigots like Muslims. Islamists aren't welcome and everyone should strive to make them feel that way.
Code Blue Emergency in California
Post-election hysteria infects the CA medical community.
December 8, 2016
Lloyd Billingsley


The November 8 election prompted medical students at the University of California at Davis to call a “code blue” emergency, normally used for cases of cardiac arrest. As Claudia Buck of the Sacramento Bee noted, the students held a rally to “speak about their fears for health care under the incoming president, Donald Trump.”

In this state of emergency, “African American and Muslim medical students described feeling intimidated and threatened since the election.” Second-year student Zakir Safdar said “he often wears a UC Davis medical school hat or shirt in public, almost as protection against insults or worse from those who dislike his Muslim faith.” Mr. Safdar said there have been more news reports of incidents against Muslims since the election, complaining of “so much racism and bigotry” against Muslims.

As it happened, the code blue came just days before the anniversary of the terrorist attack in San Bernardino, in which Muslim jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people and wounded 22.

Other UC Davis students, Buck explained, “were concerned about the potential harm to patients of Trump’s call to replace and repeal the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.” UC Davis preventive medicine professor Stephen McCurdy told Buck “The ACA was a big deal” and “an important step in the right direction.”

In reality, Covered California, the state’s wholly-owned subsidiary of Obamacare, has been responsible for “widespread glitches and widespread consumer misery,” according to Emily Bazar of the Center for Health Reporting. In 2015-16, Covered California automatically dropped 2,000 pregnant women from their plans. Some lost their doctors and missed prenatal appointments. Covered Cal bosses blamed it on the computer system.

As the widespread misery confirms, Obamacare was not so much about health care as submission. In Obamacare, you don’t get what you want. You get only what the government wants you to have. That’s the totalitarian-style transformation the president is trying to impose. Obamacare was also a jobs program for political retreads and incompetents.


She was obviously hired in defiance of state law prohibiting race, ethnic and gender preferences in state employment, education and contracting. Those concerns track back to UC Davis, which during the 1970s twice rejected medical student Allan Bakke, a person of no color, whose scores were “significantly higher” than those of the minorities UC Davis admitted. The anti-Trump rally had some in Davis wondering how many medical students had been admitted on the basis of “diversity.” On the other hand, the code blue alarm suggested there was more to it.

The politically correct are fond of ascribing bogus medical-psychological problems to those who challenge their orthodoxies. Those less than worshipful of same-sex marriage, for example, are automatically filed under “homophobic.” Those who express caution about admitting Muslim refugees whose background cannot be verified get smeared as “Islamophobic.”

This loathsome tactic recalls the Soviet regime, which regarded dissenters as mentally ill. The Communist Party’s quack shrinks charged that Vladimir Bukovsky suffered from an obsession with “the struggle for truth and justice” and banished him to asylums and labor camps for 12 years. California’s politically correct squads, meanwhile, have issues of their own such as memory loss.


Code Blue Emergency in California
So the crybabies who probably don't deserve healthcare paid by taxpayers are afraid they are going to lose it? Hope they do

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