Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
By Michelle Malkin • March 30, 2010 02:31 AM They’re baaaaaack in full force. The speech-stifling, original angry mob of Code Pinkos shouted down Karl Rove during a book tour event in Beverly Hills tonight — forcing him to cut his remarks short and leave before attendees could get their books signed. Code Pink co-founder/terror-coddler/Obama funder Jodie Evans pulled her old “citizens’ arrest” prank and stormed right up to Rove with handcuffs. She and other members tried to incite the crowd with shouts of “war criminal.”

October 2008…

[ame=]YouTube - Karl Rove Chased Out of UCSB 2/25/10[/ame]

the rest at.Michelle Malkin Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event
Where are the Democratic elected leaders speaking at Code Pink's events?

Noted at Malkin's blog: No mention of the threats to Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid from the whack job that threatened Cantor.

I love it. Could have happened to a more deserving person. Rove is no longer in govt he is just a joe citizen now.
By Michelle Malkin • March 30, 2010 02:31 AM They’re baaaaaack in full force. The speech-stifling, original angry mob of Code Pinkos shouted down Karl Rove during a book tour event in Beverly Hills tonight — forcing him to cut his remarks short and leave before attendees could get their books signed. Code Pink co-founder/terror-coddler/Obama funder Jodie Evans pulled her old “citizens’ arrest” prank and stormed right up to Rove with handcuffs. She and other members tried to incite the crowd with shouts of “war criminal.”

October 2008…

YouTube - Karl Rove Chased Out of UCSB 2/25/10

the rest at.Michelle Malkin Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

In the last week we have seen two newsworthy occasions in which the left has attempted to shut down the free speech of opponents, Mr. Rove and Ms. Coulter.

Where are our colleagues on the left supporting the first amendment, or at the very least, pointing to similar occasions where right wingers have infracted the Constitution similarly?

And yet, in an earlier thread that suggested that progressives couldn't respect the Constitution, there was a great deal of quibbling.

And the MSM news readers have been demanding that Repub leaders should condemn raucous Tea Party members, yet not a peep from these hypocrites about Democrats condemning these attacks on civility by the left.

Speak up, lefties!
I love it. Could have happened to a more deserving person. Rove is no longer in govt he is just a joe citizen now.

Does he not have the right of free speech then?

Does his audience not have the right to listen to what he has to say?

I find it fascinating that you're ok with the free speech of someone being interfered with, just because you dislike the man.
Where are the Democratic elected leaders speaking at Code Pink's events?

Noted at Malkin's blog: No mention of the threats to Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid from the whack job that threatened Cantor.


If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
Where are the Democratic elected leaders speaking at Code Pink's events?

Noted at Malkin's blog: No mention of the threats to Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid from the whack job that threatened Cantor.


If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.
Ah the difference. No approval from the Left. No attempts at rationalising unacceptable behaviour from a fringe group.
Where is the outrage from our resident lefties condemning Code Pink's behavior?

I'm too, I'll just parrot the typical response from the right:

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa want a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!
aren't the whiners the same people who thought it okay to attend town halls with representatives just to be disruptive morons?

yeah...thought so... :cuckoo:
Where is the outrage from our resident lefties condemning Code Pink's behavior?

I'm too, I'll just parrot the typical response from the right:

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa want a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!

No. Your not lazy. Just a lefty.

If code Pink were a righty organization I'd be willing to be you would have something to say. Probably not much. But something.

Ah Well. You can join the LSM in ignoring the bs of the fringe of the left. LOL
Where are the Democratic elected leaders speaking at Code Pink's events?

Noted at Malkin's blog: No mention of the threats to Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid from the whack job that threatened Cantor.


If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.

Couple of small points:

1. It is totally ignorant to refer to 'you people'. People are individuals.

2. I guess that depends on how you define what is or is not a 'fringe'. Obama most certainly has spoken at 'fringe' meetings. Most politicians have - left and right.... depending on the way you define 'fringe'.
By Michelle Malkin • March 30, 2010 02:31 AM They’re baaaaaack in full force. The speech-stifling, original angry mob of Code Pinkos shouted down Karl Rove during a book tour event in Beverly Hills tonight — forcing him to cut his remarks short and leave before attendees could get their books signed. Code Pink co-founder/terror-coddler/Obama funder Jodie Evans pulled her old “citizens’ arrest” prank and stormed right up to Rove with handcuffs. She and other members tried to incite the crowd with shouts of “war criminal.”

October 2008…

YouTube - Karl Rove Chased Out of UCSB 2/25/10

the rest at.Michelle Malkin Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

What else would one expect from a gaggle of idiots?

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