Cohen Tapes, or How Trump pwned the democrat Socialist Party yet again


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's absolutely hysterical! First Trump gave Rachel Maddow an old tax return. Progressives got all nipply about it. Even those like Jake, who never actually filled out a tax return. Then it turns out Trump paid a boatload of taxes and the matter was filed down the memory hole.

Now, Trump and Cohen are laughing themselves over how badly they're pwning Progressive democrat Socialists yet again. ErmaGerd!!! Theer's a tape!! Empeach mint!!

And the tape is garbled, but you can hear the work "Check" so that means Trump conspired to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary form the White House.

Sorry I spilled the beans, but I find it hilarious.

That's right everyone, put on those vagina hats, shout down your Trump supporting neighbors and raise signs saying "Black Power"!
Despite the Liberal / snowflake freak-out over the tape...

"There's no indication of any crime being committed on this tape"

The tape story is just the left's newest "outrage of the week." Last week it was Trump's meeting with Putin. The week before that was something else, and something else, all the way back through the "Two Scoops of Ice Cream" outrage and returning the bust of Winston Churchill when Trump first took office.

It's getting so I don't even care anymore. I don't even try to keep up with whatever weekly atrocity the left comes up with from week to week. They never even get any resolution or closure to their last big outrage, all they do is move on to the next one.

Effing idiots.
It's absolutely hysterical! First Trump gave Rachel Maddow an old tax return. Progressives got all nipply about it. Even those like Jake, who never actually filled out a tax return. Then it turns out Trump paid a boatload of taxes and the matter was filed down the memory hole.

Now, Trump and Cohen are laughing themselves over how badly they're pwning Progressive democrat Socialists yet again. ErmaGerd!!! Theer's a tape!! Empeach mint!!

And the tape is garbled, but you can hear the work "Check" so that means Trump conspired to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary form the White House.

Sorry I spilled the beans, but I find it hilarious.

Oh the hypocrisy on the crazy right wing, how droll it is:

"Shall we cast our minds back to the more innocent era of 1992, when the presidential campaign of a young southern governor by the name of Bill Clinton was nearly derailed by claims that he’d had an extramarital affair with a former lounge singer by the name of Gennifer Flowers?

"As it happens, Clinton survived that episode – he and Hillary appeared jointly on 60 Minutes, as Hillary famously explained: “You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette”, but it was a close-run thing.

"Now imagine that a tape emerged in which Clinton and his personal lawyer were heard discussing how best to pay the hush money that would keep Flowers silent, an undeclared payment that would be in violation of campaign finance laws. There can be no doubt: it would have destroyed Clinton as a candidate, and it would have been seized on as (further) grounds for his impeachment as president."

The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other president | Jonathan Freedland

Grow up Frank, your president has clay feet and his suit is empty. Why do you hate America?
It is important to note this conversation took place at the time Trump's pussy grabbing tape was all over the news, and had placed his candidacy in jeopardy.

While Trump was parading Clinton's women for the cameras, if this conversation with Cohen had been made public at that time, Trump would have lost the election. Trump would not have been able to wash the hypocritical, fetid stench of McDougal and Daniels off of himself.

In the November election, we had a choice between a turd and a maggot.

Let this be a lesson to the pseudocons who chose a New York liberal huckster over several actual conservatives in the primaries. You are forever stained by Trump.
Analysis | The Trump-Michael Cohen tape transcript, annotated

COHEN: Even after that, it’s not ever going to be opened. There’s no, there’s no purpose for it. Um, told you about Charleston. Um, I need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend, David, you know, so that — I’m going to do that right away. I’ve actually come up and I’ve spoken —

TRUMP: Give it to me and get me a [UNINTELLIGIBLE].

COHEN: And, I’ve spoken to Allen Weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with …

TRUMP: So, what do we got to pay for this? One-fifty?

COHEN: … Funding . . . Yes. Um, and it’s all the stuff.

TRUMP: Yeah, I was thinking about that.

COHEN: All the stuff. Because — here, you never know where that company — you never know what he’s —

TRUMP: Maybe he gets hit by a truck.

COHEN: Correct. So, I’m all over that. And, I spoke to Allen about it, when it comes time for the financing, which will be —

TRUMP: Wait a sec, what financing?

COHEN: Well, I’ll have to pay him something.

TRUMP: [UNINTELLIGIBLE] pay with cash ...

COHEN: No, no, no, no, no. I got it.

TRUMP: ... check.

[Tape cuts off abruptly. Separate recording begins.]
It is important to note this conversation took place at the time Trump's pussy grabbing tape was all over the news, and had placed his candidacy in jeopardy.

While Trump was parading Clinton's women for the cameras, if this conversation with Cohen had been made public at that time, Trump would have lost the election. Trump would not have been able to wash the hypocritical, fetid stench of McDougal and Daniels off of himself.

In the November election, we had a choice between a turd and a maggot.

Let this be a lesson to the pseudocons who chose a New York liberal huckster over several actual conservatives in the primaries. You are forever stained by Trump.
It all seems irrelevant to me, in terms of who got elected and the depressing performances by both parties in 2016. But Me Too would not have happened without Trump. Imo it will be interesting going forward. Will individual candidates be unacceptable in the new social mores? Al Franken was seen as a potential candidate at one time.
It is important to note this conversation took place at the time Trump's pussy grabbing tape was all over the news, and had placed his candidacy in jeopardy.

While Trump was parading Clinton's women for the cameras, if this conversation with Cohen had been made public at that time, Trump would have lost the election. Trump would not have been able to wash the hypocritical, fetid stench of McDougal and Daniels off of himself.

In the November election, we had a choice between a turd and a maggot.

Let this be a lesson to the pseudocons who chose a New York liberal huckster over several actual conservatives in the primaries. You are forever stained by Trump.
It all seems irrelevant to me, in terms of who got elected and the depressing performances by both parties in 2016. But Me Too would not have happened without Trump. Imo it will be interesting going forward. Will individual candidates be unacceptable in the new social mores? Al Franken was seen as a potential candidate at one time.
So here's a funny thing. This topic does not get bumped to the top of the Politics section when a new post is added to it.

Something funny going on.
I fear the dems may not nominate anyone who can appeal to working class whites. If so, will enough people stick with an admitted groper and frequenter of prostitutes to get him reelected. And I don't see anything wrong with being a prostitute if that's all you got, but using them is preying upon people who have less bargaining power than you do.

Well it bumped up with my post.
It is important to note this conversation took place at the time Trump's pussy grabbing tape was all over the news, and had placed his candidacy in jeopardy.

While Trump was parading Clinton's women for the cameras, if this conversation with Cohen had been made public at that time, Trump would have lost the election. Trump would not have been able to wash the hypocritical, fetid stench of McDougal and Daniels off of himself.

In the November election, we had a choice between a turd and a maggot.

Let this be a lesson to the pseudocons who chose a New York liberal huckster over several actual conservatives in the primaries. You are forever stained by Trump.

Sure, Jake
The main difference between Trump and BJ Clinton is that one said, quite recently too, that the "Norms of ‘What You Can Do to Someone Against Their Will’ Have Changed" the other is currently President.

Clinton also spend a lot of time, away from Secret Service, on Epsteins Lolita Island.
None of this has anything to do with Russia. Nor does it have anything to do with the case against Cohen which is all about illehal taxi medallions. There is no legal purpose behind these tapes. They are simply to make Trump look bad. They are only political theater and that's why they won't work either.
It's absolutely hysterical! First Trump gave Rachel Maddow an old tax return. Progressives got all nipply about it. Even those like Jake, who never actually filled out a tax return. Then it turns out Trump paid a boatload of taxes and the matter was filed down the memory hole.

Now, Trump and Cohen are laughing themselves over how badly they're pwning Progressive democrat Socialists yet again. ErmaGerd!!! Theer's a tape!! Empeach mint!!

And the tape is garbled, but you can hear the work "Check" so that means Trump conspired to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary form the White House.

Sorry I spilled the beans, but I find it hilarious.

Oh the hypocrisy on the crazy right wing, how droll it is:

"Shall we cast our minds back to the more innocent era of 1992, when the presidential campaign of a young southern governor by the name of Bill Clinton was nearly derailed by claims that he’d had an extramarital affair with a former lounge singer by the name of Gennifer Flowers?

"As it happens, Clinton survived that episode – he and Hillary appeared jointly on 60 Minutes, as Hillary famously explained: “You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette”, but it was a close-run thing.

"Now imagine that a tape emerged in which Clinton and his personal lawyer were heard discussing how best to pay the hush money that would keep Flowers silent, an undeclared payment that would be in violation of campaign finance laws. There can be no doubt: it would have destroyed Clinton as a candidate, and it would have been seized on as (further) grounds for his impeachment as president."

The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other president | Jonathan Freedland

Grow up Frank, your president has clay feet and his suit is empty. Why do you hate America?
Clinton was governor of Arkansas and used his office against his victims.

Trump was a rich playboy gadding about New York.
The tape story is just the left's newest "outrage of the week." Last week it was Trump's meeting with Putin. The week before that was something else, and something else, all the way back through the "Two Scoops of Ice Cream" outrage and returning the bust of Winston Churchill when Trump first took office.

It's getting so I don't even care anymore. I don't even try to keep up with whatever weekly atrocity the left comes up with from week to week. They never even get any resolution or closure to their last big outrage, all they do is move on to the next one.

Effing idiots.
That's a good point. God help us all, if they should somehow stumble onto serious legitimate threat, and try to warn us all. They've flushed their own credibility down the shitter, and no one listens to them cry "wolf!" anymore...

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