Coincidence? I think not... MSM donates 90% to Biden in 2021 your tax payments to fund $1.3 billion MSM bailout!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
You won't read this or see it on the MSM outlets but here are the facts:
A)per the attached the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and she lost...they spent 90% of negative news Trump, then donated 90% to Biden!
B) Biden paying them back with $1.3 billion bailout. See the facts...

Buried at the back of the 2,465-page spending behemoth is the program by which Democrats in Congress want the federal government to subsidize journalism.
Beginning on page 2,326, Section 138517 of the bill provides a payroll tax credit for “compensation of local news journalists.”
The program would provide a credit of up to $50,000 annually for each “local news journalist” on staff, subsidizing half of wages in the first year and 30 percent for four years thereafter. The bill defines “local news journalist” as someone who works “at least 100 hours” each quarter, “during which time such individual regularly gathers, collects, photographs, records, writes, or reports news or information that concerns local events or other matters of local public interest.”

The spending spree that has not happened? Yeah, I thought so.

As far as those that give money to rich politicians, they're idiots but, the US has been a nation that allows lobbyist to influence laws, I don't think it's right but it is what has been done for many years so we are stuck with a plutocracy.
Why would journalists contribute to someone who mocks them as Fake News?
Good point! So why did he mock them?

Because he is not a politician. He is like me and millions like me that read/think and use facts instead of suppositions!
I don't like Trump personally as I've said many times. But I'm evidently more realistic. More sophisticated. MORE knowledgeable to understand the simple fact. Trump is a doer. A braggart for sure. But he gets things done!
These are just two MAJOR impacts Trump had as a doer, not a politician. Not politically correct. A braggart who didn't
believe the MSM. Didn't trust the MSM. And for good cause. The MSM is suppose to be objective. Not personal.
YET you identified a major reason for not believing the MSM... the poor MSM definitely wouldn't donate BUT to protect their donations, they DIDN"T write/show news without BIAS! Obviously!
You name a president over the last 62 years that:

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

Name a president that REDUCED the truly wasteful Federal Rules and Regulations?
Plain and simple Trump had nearly 30% fewer new rules and regulations.
Now just in case you don't comprehend what the cost is to the economy for compliance with Federal R&Rs...

Federal Regulations Cost an Estimated $1.9 Trillion per Year: Many Rules Hinder Virus Response, Economic Recovery​

Good point! So why did he mock them?

Because he is not a politician. He is like me and millions like me that read/think and use facts instead of suppositions!
I don't like Trump personally as I've said many times. But I'm evidently more realistic. More sophisticated. MORE knowledgeable to understand the simple fact. Trump is a doer. A braggart for sure. But he gets things done!
Why does Trump mock the media and call them Fake News?

Because a Free Press is a check on Presidential power.
How do you deal with a press that constantly fact checks your wild claims and misinformation campaigns?

You convince your followers that they are not to be trusted
Why does Trump mock the media and call them Fake News?

Because a Free Press is a check on Presidential power.
How do you deal with a press that constantly fact checks your wild claims and misinformation campaigns?

You convince your followers that they are not to be trusted
Have you ever had any journalism courses like I had in college?

My experiences during the 60s in college taught me a lot especially about today's Editors/publishers of the news.
You obviously never heard of SDS/Weathermen/Bernadine Dorn, Bill Ayers and their continued to this day glorification
of Communism and hatred of the country. This same couple original members of SDS hosted Obama's first announcement in Chicago for his running for Illinois senate. The same Obama that said and made policies like the attached.
You tell me that the MSM has since the 60s when my journalism classmates were also members of SDS and are now
Editors/publishers have changed? Nope they are worse and fewer and fewer people believe in the MSM as you do.

FACTS: Fewer Americans Than Ever Before Trust The Mainstream Media
Fifty-six percent of Americans, for example, said they agreed with the following statement:
"Journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations."
The results go on to show that 59% of Americans said they agree with this statement: That “most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.”
And 61% of Americans think that “The media is not doing well at being objective and non-partisan.”

So you tell me you are part of the minority of Americans is that right??
Why does Trump mock the media and call them Fake News?

Because a Free Press is a check on Presidential power.
How do you deal with a press that constantly fact checks your wild claims and misinformation campaigns?

You convince your followers that they are not to be trusted

Here is the CNN technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies about trump in trying to get him out of office.

Good point! So why did he mock them?

Because he is not a politician. He is like me and millions like me that read/think and use facts instead of suppositions!
I don't like Trump personally as I've said many times. But I'm evidently more realistic. More sophisticated. MORE knowledgeable to understand the simple fact. Trump is a doer. A braggart for sure. But he gets things done!
These are just two MAJOR impacts Trump had as a doer, not a politician. Not politically correct. A braggart who didn't
believe the MSM. Didn't trust the MSM. And for good cause. The MSM is suppose to be objective. Not personal.
YET you identified a major reason for not believing the MSM... the poor MSM definitely wouldn't donate BUT to protect their donations, they DIDN"T write/show news without BIAS! Obviously!
You name a president over the last 62 years that:

The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957​

Name a president that REDUCED the truly wasteful Federal Rules and Regulations?
Plain and simple Trump had nearly 30% fewer new rules and regulations.
Now just in case you don't comprehend what the cost is to the economy for compliance with Federal R&Rs...

Federal Regulations Cost an Estimated $1.9 Trillion per Year: Many Rules Hinder Virus Response, Economic Recovery​

View attachment 545590

It is sad how many idiots blindly follow the lying media.
They are not giving away your money they are giving journalist a tax break just like they do many trades and conditions of employment to draw in more candidates and to get companies to hire more.
One piece that hasn’t received much attention yet is a special journalism “tax credit” equal to 50% of the salary of each journalist—up to $50,000 per journalist annually.

You are right...Yes, that’s correct, your tax dollars would be paying 50% of the salary of many journalists, whether you like their reporting or not.
Remember...this $1.3 billion credit will be payback by Biden/Demos for the following:
Here is the CNN technical director admitting on camera they created propoganda and spread lies about trump in trying to get him out of office.

More Project Veritas highly edited and out of context propaganda.
Chester's role at CNN (Technical Director) puts him in charge of video equipment and as such means he has zero editorial input.
And 61% of Americans think that “The media is not doing well at being objective and non-partisan.”
Proving that Trump’s and the Conservative media’s attempt to delegitimize the American media in favor of their lies and misinformation
You won't read this or see it on the MSM outlets but here are the facts:
A)per the attached the MSM donated 96% to Hillary and she lost...they spent 90% of negative news Trump, then donated 90% to Biden!
B) Biden paying them back with $1.3 billion bailout. See the facts...

Buried at the back of the 2,465-page spending behemoth is the program by which Democrats in Congress want the federal government to subsidize journalism.
Beginning on page 2,326, Section 138517 of the bill provides a payroll tax credit for “compensation of local news journalists.”
The program would provide a credit of up to $50,000 annually for each “local news journalist” on staff, subsidizing half of wages in the first year and 30 percent for four years thereafter. The bill defines “local news journalist” as someone who works “at least 100 hours” each quarter, “during which time such individual regularly gathers, collects, photographs, records, writes, or reports news or information that concerns local events or other matters of local public interest.”
View attachment 545580
View attachment 545581

You won't read it on the MSM because it isn't true. Another bullshit article from a Questionable Source. If conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to post:

More Project Veritas highly edited and out of context propaganda.
Chester's role at CNN (Technical Director) puts him in charge of video equipment and as such means he has zero editorial input.
Who said anything about his editorial input.

The point is he has an inside perspective. He has access to know all the things he states happened.

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