Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not.
Then why do they need a $12 billion bailout?

So Trump does not lose votes amongst farmers (many of whom did vote for him last time) in November.

I don't hear him giving money to other industries that are hurt by his ridiculous tariffs (not that I would agree with those ones either).
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than the gains with the EU.

Oh, really, the Europeon Union agreed to buy a whole lot more soybeans and Trump is just getting warmed up.
They are not buying more soybeans than have been lost to China. You are just parroting what you have been told to parrot.

Here are the facts:
Soybean Gain Belies EU Purchases Dwarfed by China's U.S. Imports

U.S. soybean exporters have few options other than to target the EU after China imposed an additional 25% tariff on American soy imports. Still, European purchases aren’t likely to make up for reduced Chinese demand. The Asian country is the world’s biggest soybean importer and is forecast to buy more than six times the bloc’s 15.3 million metric tons in 2018-19. Last year, China bought about 33 million tons from the U.S.
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not.
Then why do they need a $12 billion bailout?

Because Democrats sold them out by allowing other countries to punish them on price.
Now they will be held unharmed until the playing field is once again leveled.
You kiss ass. We kick ass...
They are being harmed by Trump's protectionist tariffs. And yes, Trump is a Democrat. That's correct.

And now you pseudocons are okay with government bailouts as well as protectionist tariffs.

Is there NOTHING Trump can do to stop you all from converting to liberalism?
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not.
Then why do they need a $12 billion bailout?

So Trump does not lose votes amongst farmers (many of whom did vote for him last time) in November.

I don't hear him giving money to other industries that are hurt by his ridiculous tariffs (not that I would agree with those ones either).
It's okay to use taxpayer money to buy the votes of hayseeds. It is NOT okay to use taxpayer money to buy the votes of negroes.

That's the TardLogic™ at work here.
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not. The objective is 0 tariffs. Let the product speak for itself.
Trump 2020 because there are still more lopsided Obama deals to get rid of...

I am 100% sure you don’t understand what your Moron did to the farmers or you just refused to understand.

1. The zero tariffs you are talking about has a lots of work that need to be done. Your Moron always open his mouth without a clear view of understanding what he heck he is talking about.

2. You may want to read what all the farmers are talking about how disappointed or disgusted about Trump trade wars. They prefer to sell their products than suddenly they are in ($12b ) welfare.

3. Prices all over will effect every sectors of businesses and daily livelihood that will never come down. That you Mr. President.

I live in the middle of soybean and corn fields. I am 100% sure we were getting a shit show of a deal before someone was willing to stand up and cry foul. Why do you want American's soybeans to be more expensive than Canada's?
This way farmer's may be able to make more than 16 cents an hour for the rest of their lives...
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Meh, who cares. Soft-drinks are garbage.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.
Nevermind the fact that Obama made sure we had to buy the stuff from foreign producers when he attacked steel and aluminum producers in the US.
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not.
Then why do they need a $12 billion bailout?

So Trump does not lose votes amongst farmers (many of whom did vote for him last time) in November.

I don't hear him giving money to other industries that are hurt by his ridiculous tariffs (not that I would agree with those ones either).
It's okay to use taxpayer money to buy the votes of hayseeds. It is NOT okay to use taxpayer money to buy the votes of negroes.

That's the TardLogic™ at work here.

From coke to the plight of the negro. Quite the segue.
Dems pay off negroes with Hud and Snap and abortions on demand.
Trump is concerned about the productive getting a fair shake, not a free one.
Fair competition beats tariff inequality any day. Ask our GDP...:eusa_dance:
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not. The objective is 0 tariffs. Let the product speak for itself.
Trump 2020 because there are still more lopsided Obama deals to get rid of...

I am 100% sure you don’t understand what your Moron did to the farmers or you just refused to understand.

1. The zero tariffs you are talking about has a lots of work that need to be done. Your Moron always open his mouth without a clear view of understanding what he heck he is talking about.

2. You may want to read what all the farmers are talking about how disappointed or disgusted about Trump trade wars. They prefer to sell their products than suddenly they are in ($12b ) welfare.

3. Prices all over will effect every sectors of businesses and daily livelihood that will never come down. That you Mr. President.
The last oil crisis several years ago was an excuse for food suppliers to raise prices.
The price of oil plummeted and yet we’re still paying extortion prices for food.
Fuck ‘em.

That is a big difference bud.
Most farms are owned by major corporations and they’re making a shit load of money.
The Board of Directors can sell one of their 20 homes.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than the gains with the EU.

Oh, really, the Europeon Union agreed to buy a whole lot more soybeans and Trump is just getting warmed up.

You just don't like Trump winning and now we have the upper hand for once in four decades.

Now pay attention. We, America, consume 80% of what we make and have a 700 Billion trade deficit. We are the one with the upper hand. We don't need them and they need us. Pretty simple shit.

Wrong dude. Very wrong.

1. They will buy more soybeans. Why would they buy more soybeans now than before? Did they tell you which European country? If you are buying ( consuming) 2 loaf of bread every week from your grocery. Are you going to buy more than you need because your grocery close down?

2. We are one of the largest consumers in the world that is why trade deficits will always be there.
3. Prove to us where you got your numbers 80% of what we consumed are made in America.
4. Prove to us why you said we don’t need them. Even your fucked up president make his products overseas.

Simple minded lieberals can't do basic math. We exported 2.3 Trillion and imported 2.9 Trillion in 2017 out of a 20 Trillion economy. Sorry to ruin your day but we have the leverage and it's time for fair trade.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than any gains they may get from the EU.
How are those tax payer supported mega corporations that own all the farms going to cope?

The 12 billion Trump is handing them will help I am sure
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs


If there is one thing that we should have all learned by that what Trump says one minute is not necessarily what he will mean in the next.

After the NK meeting - Trump was acting like NK nukes would soon be a thing of the past. We now know that is DEFINITELY not the case. And on and on.

Trump has a habit of exaggerating the results of meetings.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs

Obviously you think tariffs on our stuff is a good thing and tariffs on their stuff is a bad thing.

Good God, man, grow a set and start sticking up for our country. We only sell 2.3 Trillion of our 20 Trillion dollar economy. We don't need them and they need us. So why should we give them a break while they're fucking us?
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs

Obviously you think tariffs on our stuff is a good thing and tariffs on their stuff is a bad thing.

Good God, man, grow a set and start sticking up for our country. We only sell 2.3 Trillion of our 20 Trillion dollar economy. We don't need them and they need us. So why should we give them a break while they're fucking us?

I asked a question dumb fuck, and you ignored it.

You are too stupid to realize that there will never be zero tariffs, and that does not even include subsidies which will never go away either. No country is going to get rid of all of either, no matter what you savior tells you.

Try growing a fucking brain
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs

Obviously you think tariffs on our stuff is a good thing and tariffs on their stuff is a bad thing.

Good God, man, grow a set and start sticking up for our country. We only sell 2.3 Trillion of our 20 Trillion dollar economy. We don't need them and they need us. So why should we give them a break while they're fucking us?

I asked a question dumb fuck, and you ignored it.

You are too stupid to realize that there will never be zero tariffs, and that does not even include subsidies which will never go away either. No country is going to get rid of all of either, no matter what you savior tells you.

Try growing a fucking brain

No, you grow a set of balls and start sticking up for our country instead of China and Europeon Union. You obviously have a defeatist attitude and have already surrendered. They reference that as a chicken shit yellow belly down south.

We're not going to fund Communists and Socialists any more. They can pay for their own free shit. And their security too.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than any gains they may get from the EU.
How are those tax payer supported mega corporations that own all the farms going to cope?

The 12 billion Trump is handing them will help I am sure
Tell me when they didn’t get a hand out.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?

You people are such rubes...all that was agreed upon was that the EU and the US would keep talking about trade. Do you really ever think there will be zero tariffs?

Do you think that Trump is going to get rid of all the tariffs in this nearly 4000 page list of tariffs that the US has on imports? Harmonized Tariff Schedule PDFs

Obviously you think tariffs on our stuff is a good thing and tariffs on their stuff is a bad thing.

Good God, man, grow a set and start sticking up for our country. We only sell 2.3 Trillion of our 20 Trillion dollar economy. We don't need them and they need us. So why should we give them a break while they're fucking us?

I asked a question dumb fuck, and you ignored it.

You are too stupid to realize that there will never be zero tariffs, and that does not even include subsidies which will never go away either. No country is going to get rid of all of either, no matter what you savior tells you.

Try growing a fucking brain

No, you grow a set of balls and start sticking up for our country instead of China and Europeon Union. You obviously have a defeatist attitude and have already surrendered. They reference that as a chicken shit yellow belly down south.

We're not going to fund Communists and Socialists any more. They can pay for their own free shit. And their security too.

you are a lost cause, stick your head back up Trump's ass and wait for your next set of orders.

Let me know when there are zero tariffs by either the US or the EU or China....and please hold your breath while you are waiting for that to happen

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