Colege Students Say that PResident Obama has been DECEITFUL!

we live in a nation of stoopids.......took 'em 5 years to figure this shit out.......
Colege Students Say that PResident Obama has been DECEITFUL!

for some hidden reason i find this hard to believe..., but !! if true..., thank GOD for the individual to see the truth and make sound decisions for our future.., also VOTE for Constitutional ideals. :up:

Maobama better get control of his college professors, they are not doing their job of indoctrination for the betterment of his totalitarian regime.
Students say the darndest things.

Chalk it up to naivety. :eusa_whistle:
I wonder if Obama will have to sleep on the couch soon....
Women,and black women in particular don't like their "man" to be made to look the fool.
I'm sure there will be a few conversations between Michelle and Valerie Jarrett.

It is Valerie after all who has Obama say what he says when goes out in public.
I can just picture Michelle reminding Barry that the last time he told a lie this big was
Prom night when they were in the back of her Daddy's car and they were doing stuff and the future
President promised he wouldn't do a certain something during an oral act.... if you get my meaning.

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