College Football Coach Fired for Criticism of Democrat on His Own Time


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Fascism requires your total submission 7/24. You will speak when spoken to, and you will utter no words that do not conform to the State Approved narrative.

When the Left talk about using your money to pay colleges, this is what they really want the money going towards.

An offensive line coach at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (UTC), Chris Malone, was fired just two days after he posted a tweet strongly criticizing failed Democrat candidate for governor Stacy Abrams and her part in what the coach perceived as election fraud in Georgia.

He is now suing the school and the individuals involved in his firing.

Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Based what I saw by looking at the linked article, the coach's tweet wasn't purely political and the personal attack was out of line. I believe it'll cause him trouble with his lawsuit, one can be political without being stupid.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

Great news!!! The people can fire Slow Joe.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The matter is currently before SCOTUS in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. ... this is the young lady who posted an explitive filled post about the school on snapchat from her own home and the school punished her ... this sounds roughly the same as the justices are looking at whether a school can punish a student for behaviors off-campus ...
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The matter is currently before SCOTUS in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. ... this is the young lady who posted an explitive filled post about the school on snapchat from her own home and the school punished her ... this sounds roughly the same as the justices are looking at whether a school can punish a student for behaviors off-campus ...

High school student vs. College employee.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The matter is currently before SCOTUS in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. ... this is the young lady who posted an explitive filled post about the school on snapchat from her own home and the school punished her ... this sounds roughly the same as the justices are looking at whether a school can punish a student for behaviors off-campus ...

There are other considerations here. The student can still be a student. The question here is whether not the guy can still be an effective coach.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.
College coaches commonly have what is known as a "morals clause", or a "personal conduct clause" in their contract. It's just a quick means to dump the coach if he embarrasses the school. The article doesn't say anything about this particular coach's clause.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.

The matter is currently before SCOTUS in Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. ... this is the young lady who posted an explitive filled post about the school on snapchat from her own home and the school punished her ... this sounds roughly the same as the justices are looking at whether a school can punish a student for behaviors off-campus ...
Did the student have a contract with the school that had a "personal responsibility" clause?
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.
College coaches commonly have what is known as a "morals clause", or a "personal conduct clause" in their contract. It's just a quick means to dump the coach if he embarrasses the school. The article doesn't say anything about this particular coach's clause.

I'm sure if we scour the twitter accounts of other employees we would find far worse things said about Trump and Republicans in general, and those people won't lose their jobs.
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.
College coaches commonly have what is known as a "morals clause", or a "personal conduct clause" in their contract. It's just a quick means to dump the coach if he embarrasses the school. The article doesn't say anything about this particular coach's clause.

I'm sure if we scour the twitter accounts of other employees we would find far worse things said about Trump and Republicans in general, and those people won't lose their jobs.
Lots of reasons why a coach might not be able to do his job after a remark like that. Will the team members respond to his coaching after that? How will the other coaches, fans, alumni respond to what many see as an embarrassment? It's possible that he was just on the line already, and anything would b enough to send him out the door. Without MUCH more info, nobody can tell what will or should happen.
AND STILL........

The collective Right did nothing.

"All that was required for the insane Left to destroy the Right...was for the Right to continue to do nothing"

I wonder if the collective Right will make a whimper when the Left begins exterminating them? Nah. Not a peep.

Sooooo easy
Would there be an issue with this being a public school firing someone over something they say? Yes it could be. It become less of an issue based upon what he said. A student would not be permitted to demean someone like he did either.

A student in a college would be able to, they are adults.
Employees often aren't allowed to keep their job if they embarrass their employer.

The employer in this case is a government run school, 1st amendment applies.
College coaches commonly have what is known as a "morals clause", or a "personal conduct clause" in their contract. It's just a quick means to dump the coach if he embarrasses the school. The article doesn't say anything about this particular coach's clause.

I'm sure if we scour the twitter accounts of other employees we would find far worse things said about Trump and Republicans in general, and those people won't lose their jobs.
Lots of reasons why a coach might not be able to do his job after a remark like that. Will the team members respond to his coaching after that? How will the other coaches, fans, alumni respond to what many see as an embarrassment? It's possible that he was just on the line already, and anything would b enough to send him out the door. Without MUCH more info, nobody can tell what will or should happen.

You didn't respond to my statement.
AND STILL........

The collective Right did nothing.

"All that was required for the insane Left to destroy the Right...was for the Right to continue to do nothing"

I wonder if the collective Right will make a whimper when the Left begins exterminating them? Nah.
You obviously aren't paying attention. Right wingers are burning their own house down, and dancing around the flames

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