College Professor’s Presentation: Imagine a World WITHOUT WHITENESS (VIDEO)

Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM. whites were involved in fact...the left wing regressives sat back and let the mass murder unarmed civilians...

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rwandan genocide was a genocidalmass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 501,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population.
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM. whites were involved in fact...the left wing regressives sat back and let the mass murder unarmed civilians...

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rwandan genocide was a genocidalmass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 501,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population.

Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
At the end of the day, it was christianity that changed the history of the world.....and jesus was a black jew!!
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
At the end of the day, it was christianity that changed the history of the world.....and jesus was a black jew!!

He was olive skinned, not black ya fecking dope
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
At the end of the day, it was christianity that changed the history of the world.....and jesus was a black jew!!
he was probably kinda brown.....
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM. whites were involved in fact...the left wing regressives sat back and let the mass murder unarmed civilians...

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rwandan genocide was a genocidalmass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 501,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population.


How does that apply to the Mongols, the Aztec, or the Japanese and Africans before there was ocean travel?

(Note that this guy is a professor at a public institution, probably hauling in a six figure salary, wearing nice suits, probably drives a BMW. Oh the oppression!)

I think Steph believes that blacks share his salary, suits and cars
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
At the end of the day, it was christianity that changed the history of the world.....and jesus was a black jew!!

He was olive skinned, not black ya fecking dope

Put it this way, mop head, he wasn't some blonde blue'd devil called whitey.
You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM.

And who ended human sacrifice and cannabilism on this side of the world.......Spain....

the Aztecs....not white guys.....

Aztec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human sacrifice
Main article: Human sacrifice in Aztec culture

Human sacrifice as shown in theCodex Magliabechiano
While human sacrifice was practiced throughout Mesoamerica, the Aztecs, if their own accounts are to be believed, brought this practice to an unprecedented level.

For example, for the reconsecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs reported that they sacrificed 80,400 prisoners over the course of four days, reportedly by Ahuitzotl, the Great Speaker himself. This number, however, is not universally accepted.

Accounts by the Tlaxcaltecas, the primary enemy of the Aztecs at the time of the Spanish Conquest, show that at least some of them considered it an honor to be sacrificed. In one legend, the warrior Tlahuicole was freed by the Aztecs but eventually returned of his own volition to die in ritual sacrifice. Tlaxcala also practiced the human sacrifice of captured Aztec Citizens.
At the end of the day, it was christianity that changed the history of the world.....and jesus was a black jew!!

He was olive skinned, not black ya fecking dope

Put it this way, mop head, he wasn't some blonde blue'd devil called whitey.

Nor were the Aztecs, the Mongols, the Chinese, The Africans, or the Japanes or Arab mass murderers throughout history.....
Yeah because nations consisting of black majority have fared so well....LMAO

We were talking about the what if factor, mop for brains....and had whites left these so called corrupt African nations alone.....who by the way are corrupt due to WHITE PEOPLE EXCLUSIVELY....., these black motherfuckers would be killing each other, back stabbing each other over goat pelts and tribal bullshit, instead of western materalistic shit, such as money, gold etc

Meh, look at Detroit...I rest my case

There are thousands upon thousand of cities in this country and mindless dust balls always want to focus on Detroit. Which goes to show have small and empty that meat is between that head of yaws.
Yeah because nations consisting of black majority have fared so well....LMAO

We were talking about the what if factor, mop for brains....and had whites left these so called corrupt African nations alone.....who by the way are corrupt due to WHITE PEOPLE EXCLUSIVELY....., these black motherfuckers would be killing each other, back stabbing each other over goat pelts and tribal bullshit, instead of western materalistic shit, such as money, gold etc

Meh, look at Detroit...I rest my case

There are thousands upon thousand of cities in this country and mindless dust balls always want to focus on Detroit. Which goes to show have small and empty that meat is between that head of yaws.

Try any city run by democrats for decades....
A world without whiteness or Asians, in other words a black world, would look like Detroit.
Imagine a world or even a country without white people, uhmmmm, lets see, if only the Indians and Hispanics that worship the land were left alone in this country, I suspect this nation would be a sound as a whistle. Had Africa been left free of whites, the gold, the diamonds the wonderful aray of exotic animals would still be free to roam, not to mention the rich land Africa provided. The only thing that would be a stink ho, is Europe!!

You mean except for the human sacrifice, the slavery, the cannibalism.......? You mean except for that...right? And the Chinese......they would still have slavery, the Mongols...dittos....the arabs...dittos...the Japanese...dittos....

Do you leftwing/regressives study actual history...? Ever?

Uh, so what your saying what the white man offered instead......the fuck everybody who isn't rich, kill mf's who are different, enslave people with hanging and shit, was a better alternative? Gotcha!! Uh, you do me a fuckin favor and read up on your damned history....starting with nailing a guy to a cross and ending with BLM. whites were involved in fact...the left wing regressives sat back and let the mass murder unarmed civilians...

Rwandan genocide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Rwandan genocide was a genocidalmass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 501,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population.

Wow, someone fell out of the wrong side of the crib this morning... Meltdown time.
just unbelievable what they are teaching in these colleges/universities. there are 4 or 5 VIDEOS at the site
April 6, 2016 by Michael Strickland

In the continuing saga of “whiteness history month” at Portland Community College, history and humanities professor James Harrison gave a presentation entitled “Imagine A World Without Whiteness”.

Parts of his presentation included passages where he channeled John Lennon’s “Imagine” and said “Imagine everyone living together in peace, a world without conflict…It would be a world without whiteness”

He went on to say that even poor white people have PRIVILEGE. (Note that this guy is a professor at a public institution, probably hauling in a six figure salary, wearing nice suits, probably drives a BMW. Oh the oppression!)

all of it here:
College Professor's Presentation: Imagine a World WITHOUT WHITENESS (VIDEO) - Progressives Today

OMG You are just hilarious.

First, community college teachers/instructors (they are not professors) do not earn six figure salaries. LOL

Second, the world will one day be without whiteness as the races continue to mingle and inter-marry. Genetic skin tones were created by the climate in which people lived (the evolutionary process:muahaha:). Nowadays, people travel all over the world, having sex with people from different parts of the world. One day we will all resemble Tiger Woods, in appearance, who is a mix of Caucasian, Black African, and Asian. The reality is that a purely white skin tone will not be a forever thing....oh, boo hoo.

Third, this community college instructor is simply telling the facts as they are and trying to show people that being hung up on skin tone is ridiculous.

Those are the facts.

You are pitiful. Another fact.
just unbelievable what they are teaching in these colleges/universities. there are 4 or 5 VIDEOS at the site
April 6, 2016 by Michael Strickland

In the continuing saga of “whiteness history month” at Portland Community College, history and humanities professor James Harrison gave a presentation entitled “Imagine A World Without Whiteness”.

Parts of his presentation included passages where he channeled John Lennon’s “Imagine” and said “Imagine everyone living together in peace, a world without conflict…It would be a world without whiteness”

He went on to say that even poor white people have PRIVILEGE. (Note that this guy is a professor at a public institution, probably hauling in a six figure salary, wearing nice suits, probably drives a BMW. Oh the oppression!)

all of it here:
College Professor's Presentation: Imagine a World WITHOUT WHITENESS (VIDEO) - Progressives Today

The entire planet will be like Africa? That's fucked
Liberal white people believe they can encourage this kind of thing without it eventually biting them in the ass. They are wrong...

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