College Protestors Call for Intifada; Don't Know What It Is

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

The Hamas protest events of late, made me question what little respect I ever had for NYers. Here is a city that lost 3K of their citizens and residents to a sneak attack much like what happened on Oct. 7 and they are tolerating the protests of those who carried it out. SMFH. Must be something in the water.
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

They think an Intifada is something on the menu at Taco Bell
I'm pretty sure they all know that they are protesting the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Americans were a little late in coming again but it's definitely picking up.

Genocide os a LIE , Israelis are fighting a war against an enemy who wants to kill its people.
Genocide is the extermination of a people. You know every time Hamas begins to lose badly, they scream genocide.
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

Nice to see the leftists exposed for what they are, either violent anti semites, or ignorant morons.
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

Most of these kids will look for any excuse to get out of studying or taking exams.
Too many people on this board are suggesting that University age Americans are incapable of having any compassion for people who are being murdered by the Zionist regime.

I disagree. Some Americans are compassionate and decent people.

The number can still be at question. But the deliberate spammers shouldn't be taken seriously.

Can the members tell us truthfully if Americans are decent and compassionate people?
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

Act like children?

Maybe ponder on it a minute longer,
people saying "the west is next" is not another slogan...

Too many people on this board are suggesting that University age Americans are incapable of having any compassion for people who are being murdered by the Zionist regime.

I disagree. Some Americans are compassionate and decent people.

The number can still be at question. But the deliberate spammers shouldn't be taken seriously.

Can the members tell us truthfully if Americans are decent and compassionate people?

Hey snake,

what's next,

"compassionate" rape?

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Genocidal Jap's parents or grandparents immigrated to America... a country they had never been to, a country they could never called their homeland.

Now 50 years later, Genocidal Jap denies the right of the Palestinian people to live in their homeland and support the jewish supremacist state that keeps them herded in a small enclave under the threat of instantaneous death.

It's obvious to the point of being silly that the people of Gaza have infinitely more right to live in Jerusalem, Askhelon or Jaffa than Genocidal Jap's ancestors to live in America.

Genocidal Jap will forever remain an enigma to me.
Genocidal Jap's parents or grandparents immigrated to America... a country they had never been to, a country they could never called their homeland.

Now 50 years later, Genocidal Jap denies the right of the Palestinian people to live in their homeland and support the jewish supremacist state that keeps them herded in a small enclave under the threat of instantaneous death.

It's obvious to the point of being silly that the people of Gaza have infinitely more right to live in Jerusalem, Askhelon or Jaffa than Genocidal Jap's ancestors to live in America.

Genocidal Jap will forever remain an enigma to me.

What homeland?
Judea and Samaria?
Or Saudi Arabia?
This sums up the average college protestor pretty well. They really don't have any indepth grasp of the issues nor any understanding of what it is they are "fighting" for. They are simply caught up in a movement they see as rebellious, allowing them to act out like children under the guise of pretending they are helping some oppressed group they likely can't find on a map.

They're morons.

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