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'Collusion'...'Crimes'...'Impeachment'? Snowflake / Liberal Hypocrisy On Display


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It has been more than a year since the Democrats began launching their false, unsubstantiated accusations of 'Collusion' and 'criminal activity' by President Trump in retaliation for President Trump doing what the Left and their surrogate PARTISAN news agencies declared could not be done - BEAT HILLARY CLINTON!

More than a year, dozens of meetings, hundreds of man-hours, thousands of documents poured over, millions of tax dollars wasted, multiple investigations, and a stacked-deck partisan Special Counsel led by a proven 'colluder/criminal' have succeeded only in exposing crimes committed by Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Koskinen, Hillary, and even Barak Obama himself... Nothing short of sedition has been proven within the FBI and former Obama administration in an attempt to deny Donald Trump his rightful Presidency...without having t9o rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud, and committing crimes, unlike Hillary.

Interesting how Liberals have not been concerned about 'Collusion' or 'Crimes' perpetrated by a President for almost an entire decade ... until now. The only 'rational' explanation for this is the unexpected loss by Hillary Clinton and a much needed justification for why the 'Felon' lost the election. Democrats have since then begun and have continued to conduct a WITCH HUNT that has lasted over a year and produced no evidence, not even any proving a crime warranting an investigation. Their Witch Hunt has,though, exposed a great number of Democrat crimes, sedition within the Obama administration FBI and DOJ, and collusion / crimes committed by the Obama administration. And just like they did for the last 8 years, snowflakes / Democrats continue to turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by their own.

If Democrats / Liberals / snowflakes REALLY, HONESTLY wanted to seek out and punish 'Collusion' and 'Crime' they would have started years ago with their own elected President, Barak Hussein Obama:










This does not scratch the surface of 8 years of:
- Financing, supplying, arming, training, defending, protecting, and aiding terrorists
- 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists
- Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
- Un-Constitutional personal enemy-aiding 'Treaty' with Iran
- Releasing the leaders of the enemy with whom we are at war & fighting to keep a campaign promise
- Protecting terrorist attack-funding ISIS Black Market Oil Industry
- Warning ISIS of a pending Coalition attack rather than joining the attack after *Paris
- Interfering in 4 nation's elections, helping terrorists take over an allied nation
- Using tax dollars to try to overthrow the President of a US ally during an election
- Illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, and USSC Justices
- Illegally using the IRS as a political weapons against Americans
- Illegally leaking classified
- Illegally unmasking Americans
- Protecting criminal / Felon Cabinet Members from prosecution
- Set new US Record for ILLEGAL NON-COMLIANCE with the FOIA and Federal Records Act
- Refused to enforce existing Immigration Law
- Protected illegals / violent Illegals / MS13
- Protected Human Traffickers
- Engaged in Human Trafficking
- Protected criminal Sanctuary Cities

...even all of THIS does not cover all of the violations of Constitution and Rule of Law, sedition, treason, etc....

Liberals / Democrats / snowflakes were not just 'OK' with all of that and more, to this day they STILL incredulously lie, deny, justify, and defend all of it... To them, none of this was worth indictment, prosecution, Impeachment...They are more interested in punishing / taking down the rightful current President for beating Hillary and not being a Democrat.

God help this country....and when the day comes that liberals are able to once and for all tip the scales in this country to ensure they regain control and. God forbid, never again relinquish it...


[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.united-states-flag.com%2Fmedia%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2F2%2Fsmall_image%2F374x%2F9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95%2Fu%2Fs%2Fusa35skp_-00_flag_3ft-x-5ft-american-flag-superknit-polyester_1.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.united-states-flag.com%2Foutdoorflags.html&docid=6G90MDs4ubcf0M&tbnid=79Sj1QmCs673LM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjK_K7XydLYAhUDzWMKHQJYBng4yAEQMwgrKCgwKA..i&w=374&h=374&bih=841&biw=1266&q=will%20the%20last%20american%20out%20please%20bring%20the%20flag%3F&ved=0ahUKEwjK_K7XydLYAhUDzWMKHQJYBng4yAEQMwgrKCgwKA&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]
Good summary post. The dems and libs still cannot get over the fact that Trump beat crooked Hillary and that the American people rejected her, Obama, democrats, and liberalism in general in November 2016. Their little biased minds cannot grasp the concept that anyone could possibly disagree with their socialist Marxist bullshit and want a return to constitutional government.

I find it amusing watching them twist and spin trying to support their failed ideology and their corrupt leaders.
The very 1st POST in this thread is EXACTLY why - not completely - Obama's will be known as THE MOST CRIMINAL / WORST IN US HISTORY.
It has been more than a year since the Democrats began launching their false, unsubstantiated accusations of 'Collusion' and 'criminal activity' by President Trump.....

When the opening sentence and statement to a thread is a falsehood, what follows will probably be misinformation as well. Original accusations were made by US Intelligence agencies and first congressional investigations were launched by a Republican House and Senate.

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