Cologne_Groping_and_Attack_by_Arabs_on_Germans youtube

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And with the help of Dimocrats and or liberals, this same scene will be played out here.
BUT, you got guns.

So do we darling, so do we. Within 10 months Europa and Mitteleuropa will be at Civil War, even the head of the Swiss Army has now publically stated this.

It will be very damning indeed to watch this mess unfold...I mean what is the answer?
At some point the inevitable is going to happen...draconian measures to deport 100,000 people. It is the ONLY solution.
What else is there? And just where would they be deported to?? Don't ask Obama.

At times like these, only Latin will suffice.

To our European peoples, as Virgil said:

Cur ante tubam tremor occupat artus?

(Why should fear seize the limbs before the trumpet sounds?)

To your draconian measures comment, IF the filthy savages refuse, then deportation isn't the ONLY solution.

bellum internecinum.

(A war of extermination).....their extermination NOT ours.

My guess is over the last few generations, the German male has been feminized to the point that they simply do not know how to physically handle this kind of threat.
This is what years of multiculturalism training creates. Limp wristed males that are afraid to take charge.

100% agree.
Alpha males are becoming a thing of the past. And by Alpha male, I do not mean the bully male or the abusive male - which is the OPPOSITE of an alpha male. I mean men who are dripping with self-confidence, disciplined and protective. I can't believe how pussy footed whiney ass little bitches today's young males are. Cry like girls, whine like toddlers and the only self confidence they have is their video game character. It is pathetic.
So you might have something in your post there.

The male vigilante groups already forming, nearly at 10,000 males in Köln and 8,000 at the moment in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Dresden forming also.

The police cannot be trusted to protect the people, especially the womens, therefore, this is the logical result of that, the males will protect the peoples.

Only the Leftist males are testicle-free.
My guess is over the last few generations, the German male has been feminized to the point that they simply do not know how to physically handle this kind of threat.
This is what years of multiculturalism training creates. Limp wristed males that are afraid to take charge.

100% agree.
Alpha males are becoming a thing of the past. And by Alpha male, I do not mean the bully male or the abusive male - which is the OPPOSITE of an alpha male. I mean men who are dripping with self-confidence, disciplined and protective. I can't believe how pussy footed whiney ass little bitches today's young males are. Cry like girls, whine like toddlers and the only self confidence they have is their video game character. It is pathetic.
So you might have something in your post there.

The male vigilante groups already forming, nearly at 10,000 males in Köln and 8,000 at the moment in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Dresden forming also.

The police cannot be trusted to protect the people, especially the womens, therefore, this is the logical result of that, the males will protect the peoples.

Only the Leftist males are testicle-free.

I truly hope they man-up and do what is necessary to take back their streets.
You're going to have to go all the way and kick these people out.
The single most important thing you must do, is stand up to your liberals. They will try to silence you with their name-calling. They will call you racists, xenophobes, nationalists, etc.
You must stand up and not let them stop your goal of saving your homeland.
They’re not celebrating diversity in Germany quite as enthusiastically as Frau Merkel might prefer.
The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the main investigative authority in Germany, said in a response to Welt newspaper it knows sexual harassment of women in public is widespread in Arab countries, and that this is exactly what happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Collective harassment is translated as “taharrush gamea” (حرش جماعي).
"Such crimes are committed by groups of young men… mostly when there are large gatherings of people, such as demonstrations. They range from sexual harassment to rape," the BKA told Welt.
Charming. Where are the feminist groups on President Obama’s plans to bring young male Arabs and their charming customs from Syria to this country?
Here is what the game looks like when practiced in Egypt:
Hat tip: David Paulin

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My guess is over the last few generations, the German male has been feminized to the point that they simply do not know how to physically handle this kind of threat.
This is what years of multiculturalism training creates. Limp wristed males that are afraid to take charge.

100% agree.
Alpha males are becoming a thing of the past. And by Alpha male, I do not mean the bully male or the abusive male - which is the OPPOSITE of an alpha male. I mean men who are dripping with self-confidence, disciplined and protective. I can't believe how pussy footed whiney ass little bitches today's young males are. Cry like girls, whine like toddlers and the only self confidence they have is their video game character. It is pathetic.
So you might have something in your post there.

The male vigilante groups already forming, nearly at 10,000 males in Köln and 8,000 at the moment in Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Dresden forming also.

The police cannot be trusted to protect the people, especially the womens, therefore, this is the logical result of that, the males will protect the peoples.

Only the Leftist males are testicle-free.

I truly hope they man-up and do what is necessary to take back their streets.
You're going to have to go all the way and kick these people out.
The single most important thing you must do, is stand up to your liberals. They will try to silence you with their name-calling. They will call you racists, xenophobes, nationalists, etc.
You must stand up and not let them stop your goal of saving your homeland.

The name calling is ignored, it means nothing, they are wasting their time thinking that ANY of us give a horsecrap about any name they call our peoples.

This is going to be a fight for survival, the survival of our beautiful Continent that we love, we are Patriots, we are Christian peoples, the Traitor's are God-Less, they hate God and as such God will NOT be with them, but with us....God is the only fear we have and rightly so, we fear and revere Him.

We want to save Europa, the Traitors want to destroy Europa. We will win.
They’re not celebrating diversity in Germany quite as enthusiastically as Frau Merkel might prefer.
The Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the main investigative authority in Germany, said in a response to Welt newspaper it knows sexual harassment of women in public is widespread in Arab countries, and that this is exactly what happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne. Collective harassment is translated as “taharrush gamea” (حرش جماعي).
"Such crimes are committed by groups of young men… mostly when there are large gatherings of people, such as demonstrations. They range from sexual harassment to rape," the BKA told Welt.
Charming. Where are the feminist groups on President Obama’s plans to bring young male Arabs and their charming customs from Syria to this country?
Here is what the game looks like when practiced in Egypt:
Hat tip: David Paulin

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Mr. Lucy a Psychiatrist says that he thinks the Feminists and Co. have the secret fantasy of being raped by gang of Muslim and Black savages.
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