Colon Kaepernick

Pollution of the mind .... distortion of reality ... unwillingness to face the cold, harsh world.
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth

Mulattoes are the most vicious.
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
Youre not rich and youre a worthless POS. Kap does a lot for his community. Thats why we spiritually support him.
Tell the truth --- you pretend to support him because he is a useful tool to advance your agenda --- nothing more, nothing less.
What makes you think I'm not telling the truth? Do you know how much this dude does for Black kids? I dont give my support easily. Kap talks the talk and walks the walk.

NFL players’ union names Colin Kaepernick its Week 1 MVP for his charity work
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How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
You're upset with him because he committed a new n-violent gesture in a form of protest. It is his first amendment right to do so. Do you agree with Trump and his myopic followers when he calls for Kaepernick and other players similarly protesting to be summarily fired without due process?

What about a player who assaults his wife or girlfriend? They enjoy no constitutionally protected right to do that. Should they be summarily fired without due process? Are they too worthless son's of bitches?

Ezekiel Elliot gets suspended, but Kaepernick should be fired?
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
Youre not rich and youre a worthless POS. Kap does a lot for his community. Thats why we spiritually support him.
Tell the truth --- you pretend to support him because he is a useful tool to advance your agenda --- nothing more, nothing less.
What makes you I'm not telling the truth? Do you know how much this dude does for Black kids? I dont give my support easily. Kap talks the talk and walks the walk.
Yep --- that's why he didn't vote, right? Really taking care of all those poor kids, isn't he? Maybe you missed the point where he was "forced to put up or shut up" by public opinion - and, until then, hadn't done a damn thing for anybody - black or white.

You really must be hard up for heroes.
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
You're upset with him because he committed a new n-violent gesture in a form of protest. It is his first amendment right to do so. Do you agree with Trump and his myopic followers when he calls for Kaepernick and other players similarly protesting to be summarily fired without due process?

What about a player who assaults his wife or girlfriend? They enjoy no constitutionally protected right to do that. Should they be summarily fired without due process? Are they too worthless son's of bitches?
Yes, yes, and yes.

Next question.
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
Youre not rich and youre a worthless POS. Kap does a lot for his community. Thats why we spiritually support him.
Tell the truth --- you pretend to support him because he is a useful tool to advance your agenda --- nothing more, nothing less.
What makes you I'm not telling the truth? Do you know how much this dude does for Black kids? I dont give my support easily. Kap talks the talk and walks the walk.
Yep --- that's why he didn't vote, right? Really taking care of all those poor kids, isn't he? Maybe you missed the point where he was "forced to put up or shut up" by public opinion - and, until then, hadn't done a damn thing for anybody - black or white.

You really must be hard up for heroes.
Not voting is personal decision. Obviously your confused. His charity has been around long before he started sitting. What does that have to do with his charity work?

this is in 2014

Colin Kaepernick Continues Charitable Work for Camp Taylor
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
You're upset with him because he committed a new n-violent gesture in a form of protest. It is his first amendment right to do so. Do you agree with Trump and his myopic followers when he calls for Kaepernick and other players similarly protesting to be summarily fired without due process?

What about a player who assaults his wife or girlfriend? They enjoy no constitutionally protected right to do that. Should they be summarily fired without due process? Are they too worthless son's of bitches?
Yes, yes, and yes.

Next question.
Kaepernick should be fired, but Eaikial Elliot gets suspended. Kaepernick,was acting non-violently and protected under the first amendment. Elliot is not constitutionally protected.

Is the first amendment not as important as the second? The fourth?
Yep --- that's why he didn't vote, right? Really taking care of all those poor kids, isn't he? Maybe you missed the point where he was "forced to put up or shut up" by public opinion - and, until then, hadn't done a damn thing for anybody - black or white.

what's the point of voting if the Russians steal your vote anyway?
For as much invective and vitriol as is seen on USMB about freedom of expression, one'd think that not one soul here would countenance any sort of recriminations against Colin Kaepernick.

Because I've already written what I have to say, I'm merely reposting it below.

When you judge others, you do not define them, you define yourself.
-- Earl Nightingale [If you do nothing else with this post, listen to Earl]​

To my mind, a patriot, a genuine one, is a person who looks objectively at his/her country, sees the the reprobate and righteous, and in turn praises the good and denounces and moves to alter the bad.

Colin is clearly not trying to forsake his citizenship; thus he must necessarily see more good than bad about the U.S. He's doing what people of integrity do: bringing to bear the resources at their disposal to try to effect corrections of that which they see as errant.

"Everyday citizens" (people who hold neither formal nor overwhelming economic power) like Kaepernick do not deserve scorn and ridicule for doing exactly that. One need not agree with them or him; however, they and he deserve our respect for...
(a) unlike so many people -- especially some members here [1] -- who think of political discourse and conversation as entertainment,
(b) unlike so many who rail about all they think needs correcting yet won't get off their asses and join in discussions among individuals and organizations whereby one can actually be part of effecting positive change [2],​
Colin Kaepernick is not anonymously sitting before a computer screen typing vulgarities and personal slights at every person and idea that offends him or that doesn't align with the partisan rhetoric he heard on his favorite propaganda show. The man is expressing himself peacefully and quietly.

The U.S. has a long tradition of patriots who in their day "stood and were counted," people who openly spoke up about what they felt was wrong with their country and acted to see the ill(s) ended. Just a very few examples and individuals are noted below.
  • 1668 Quaker Petition against slavery -- Garret Hendricks, Derick de Graeff, Francis Daniel Pastorius and Abraham up Den Graeff
  • Boston Tea Party -- Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty
  • American Revolution - [you had better know enough of the names that I don't need to list any]
  • Civil Rights Movement
    • 1919 Chicago Riots -- 1500+ individuals who lost their lives and/or homes
    • 1939 Lincoln Memorial Concert -- Marian Anderson, Charlie Russel and Eleanor Roosevelt,
    • Montgomery Bus Boycott -- Rosa Parks and thousands of others who daily gave up hours of their lives due to unrecoverable time lost by having to find alternate means of transportation.
    • 1963 March on Washington -- Martin L. King, Jr.
    • 1965 Selma March -- MLK, Jr., Rep. John Lewis, J.L. Chestnut, Stokely Carmichael, Fay Powell, Hosea Williams, and many others.
    • Sit Ins -- I think the Woolworth's Lunch Counter one may be the most famous, but I have no idea of the names of the people who participated in them. I don't know that the things even were formally organized rather than being an organic development.
  • Women's Suffrage and Equal Rights Movement
  • Vietnam Antiwar Movement
  • Anti Globalization/Anti-WTO-IMF Movement
  • Labor Movement
    • 1939 GM Tool and Die Workers Strike -- Walter Reuther
  • Occupy Wall Street Movement
When I consider Colin Kaepernick's actions at a football game, I'm reminded of the "sit in" movement. That man's protest is nothing other than kneeling quietly and waiting for the game to start. Silence is a powerful thing.

  1. If one feels the need, one can scan for posts in the following threads to find an assortment of direct and indirect examples:
  2. Some examples include but are not limited to organizations noted in the following posts:
    -- Policy debate and discussion
    -- You're here...You should consider going there and sharing your ideas where it matters...
How can such a rich man be such a worthless son of a bitch?

Colin Kaepernick Net Worth
What does the financial position of a private citizen who is gainfully employed in the private sector have to do with you and the remaining 320M+ Americans? Nothing. Most especially insofar as he's not trying to purchase your, my or anyone other than his employer's approbation.
Nobody is stopping anyone from kneeling. Just be ready for the consequence that follows.... like empty stadiums

I bet a dollar to your doughnut that most football fans are conservative, thus empty seats. So let the blacks bite the hand that feeds them


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