Colorado is after this guy.

I doubt you know anyone who is nice. Birds of a feather flock together as they say, and you are a demonstrably nasty piece of work. My sister is gay, her partner obviously is gay, my daughters God mother is gay, and you know what, not one of them thinks like you. Not one. I showed them one of your posts a few weeks ago and they looked at each other and said at almost the same time "he's a loon!"

Ah, when they start citing Imaginary friends to rip you, that's kind of sad.

Okay, I showed one of your posts to one of my friends, and he says,' "Boy, he's compensating for something".

But most sensible people realize that no one is like they are here in IRL. We all throw elbows...

They are correct. You don't care about individual Rights, you only care that the State have overarching power and you will destroy anyone who stands in your way. You MUST be related to Heydrich. You two are equally demented.

Funny, your side is the one sending Children off to camps. Making a baker actually do what he promised to do is a long way from throwing someone into a camp.
Also, this isn't an issue of "rights". It's an issue of policy.

Mr Homophobic baker can hate gays all day long. He just can't discriminate...
I doubt you know anyone who is nice. Birds of a feather flock together as they say, and you are a demonstrably nasty piece of work. My sister is gay, her partner obviously is gay, my daughters God mother is gay, and you know what, not one of them thinks like you. Not one. I showed them one of your posts a few weeks ago and they looked at each other and said at almost the same time "he's a loon!"

Ah, when they start citing Imaginary friends to rip you, that's kind of sad.

Okay, I showed one of your posts to one of my friends, and he says,' "Boy, he's compensating for something".

But most sensible people realize that no one is like they are here in IRL. We all throw elbows...

They are correct. You don't care about individual Rights, you only care that the State have overarching power and you will destroy anyone who stands in your way. You MUST be related to Heydrich. You two are equally demented.

Funny, your side is the one sending Children off to camps. Making a baker actually do what he promised to do is a long way from throwing someone into a camp.

Oh? obummer didn't do that too? Do tell.
Also, this isn't an issue of "rights". It's an issue of policy.

Mr Homophobic baker can hate gays all day long. He just can't discriminate...

I don't think he hates them at all. If he did he wouldn't serve them at all. The only hateful person i see is you, not him.
Also, this isn't an issue of "rights". It's an issue of policy.
First thing you've said right in the thread. And it's exactly the problem. This is government dictating the policy of a private business.

Mr Homophobic baker can hate gays all day long. He just can't discriminate...

Sure he can. As long as the discrimination isn't targeted as a "protected class" he can discriminate all he wants. And even when it does involve a protected class, he can still discriminate, as long as he doesn't say why.
Oh? obummer didn't do that too? Do tell.

wow,okay, you are using that debunked argument.

"but, but, but... Obama!"

The Obama program detained minors suspected of smuggling

I don't think he hates them at all. If he did he wouldn't serve them at all. The only hateful person i see is you, not him.

Funny, I missed the part where I spent thousands of dollars trying to avoid admitting the basic humanity of other people like this guy did.

First thing you've said right in the thread. And it's exactly the problem. This is government dictating the policy of a private business.

yes, they are... as they should

Hey, like the fact that the place you bought that food from actually had it's policies dictated by a mean old government agency!!! Why those evil fascist bastards, taking away your right to buy food infected with botulism and salmonella!

In short, government decided that your right to not get poisoned outweighed the butcher's shop right to do slipshod work.

Sure he can. As long as the discrimination isn't targeted as a "protected class" he can discriminate all he wants. And even when it does involve a protected class, he can still discriminate, as long as he doesn't say why.

If a class doesn't need protection, it probably isn't experiencing discrimination.

Here's the thing... in my 56 years, I've never received any discrimination for being white, straight or male. Quite the contrary, I never encountered any discrimination until I hit a certain age and started encountering age discrimination.

Correct. And the law is on his side.

Well, no, it really isn't. It's against the law to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in that state.
Oh? obummer didn't do that too? Do tell.

wow,okay, you are using that debunked argument.

"but, but, but... Obama!"

The Obama program detained minors suspected of smuggling

I don't think he hates them at all. If he did he wouldn't serve them at all. The only hateful person i see is you, not him.

Funny, I missed the part where I spent thousands of dollars trying to avoid admitting the basic humanity of other people like this guy did.

First thing you've said right in the thread. And it's exactly the problem. This is government dictating the policy of a private business.

yes, they are... as they should

Hey, like the fact that the place you bought that food from actually had it's policies dictated by a mean old government agency!!! Why those evil fascist bastards, taking away your right to buy food infected with botulism and salmonella!

In short, government decided that your right to not get poisoned outweighed the butcher's shop right to do slipshod work.

Sure he can. As long as the discrimination isn't targeted as a "protected class" he can discriminate all he wants. And even when it does involve a protected class, he can still discriminate, as long as he doesn't say why.

If a class doesn't need protection, it probably isn't experiencing discrimination.

Here's the thing... in my 56 years, I've never received any discrimination for being white, straight or male. Quite the contrary, I never encountered any discrimination until I hit a certain age and started encountering age discrimination.

Correct. And the law is on his side.

Well, no, it really isn't. It's against the law to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in that state.

He doesn't deny anyones basic humanity. Do you always resort to bullshit lies like that? Oh wait, it's you, of course you do, that's all you have. And once again he doesn't. He won't do special contracted creative work for the LGBTQ community. Big difference. The government can't compel a Jewish artist to paint a a picture extolling the virtues of the gas chambers.

Funny how that works.
He doesn't deny anyones basic humanity. Do you always resort to bullshit lies like that? Oh wait, it's you, of course you do, that's all you have. And once again he doesn't. He won't do special contracted creative work for the LGBTQ community. Big difference. The government can't compel a Jewish artist to paint a a picture extolling the virtues of the gas chambers.

Funny how that works.

that argument would only hold water if he regularly did art extoling the virtues of gas chambers, but not for those guys.

The fact you have to use such an extreme comparison to rationalize your hate for gay folks says an awful lot.

Again, I know people who've been fired for being gay, I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay. Having to make a cake you will be paid a lot of money for making JUST DOESN'T SEEM THAT BAD.

yes, by refusing to bake their cake, he is denying their basic humanity. He is saying, "Screw the law, I don't think you are entitled to this very human event."

This makes him kind of an awful person.
He doesn't deny anyones basic humanity. Do you always resort to bullshit lies like that? Oh wait, it's you, of course you do, that's all you have. And once again he doesn't. He won't do special contracted creative work for the LGBTQ community. Big difference. The government can't compel a Jewish artist to paint a a picture extolling the virtues of the gas chambers.

Funny how that works.

that argument would only hold water if he regularly did art extoling the virtues of gas chambers, but not for those guys.

The fact you have to use such an extreme comparison to rationalize your hate for gay folks says an awful lot.

Again, I know people who've been fired for being gay, I've known people who've been beaten up for being gay. Having to make a cake you will be paid a lot of money for making JUST DOESN'T SEEM THAT BAD.

yes, by refusing to bake their cake, he is denying their basic humanity. He is saying, "Screw the law, I don't think you are entitled to this very human event."

This makes him kind of an awful person.

As usual you are completely and totally wrong. Give it up little statist. Your stalinist ideas will work fine in pootins russia, but not here.
Duly noted your "argument" is specious, thus it needs no counter.

Actually, I made a pretty clear argument.

You can't discriminate because you feel like it.
You can't disobey other laws because of religion.
Therefore- you can't disobey Public Accommedation Laws because of religion.
Actually, I made a pretty clear argument.

You can't discriminate because you feel like it.

Your argument is clear. And it's clearly wrong. You can, in fact, discriminate "just because you feel like it". As long as you don't cop to of one the "protected classes", you're golden. But if you make a statement out of out it, if you dare to protest the state's latest social engineering agenda, you will be persecuted, and prosecuted, for your defiance.
Your argument is clear. And it's clearly wrong. You can, in fact, discriminate "just because you feel like it". As long as you don't cop to of one the "protected classes", you're golden. But if you make a statement out of out it, if you dare to protest the state's latest social engineering agenda, you will be persecuted, and prosecuted, for your defiance.

As well you should be.

S let's agree, if someone put up a sign that said, "No (N-words) allowed", the state would come down on them and they should.

The argument being made by your side is that as long as you pretend that your imaginary friend in thesky says so, you can discriminate.

Okay, Have a simple solution to that. Next time some asshole says that, we call God to the Stand to back him up. My guess is that he doesn't show up.
Your argument is clear. And it's clearly wrong. You can, in fact, discriminate "just because you feel like it". As long as you don't cop to of one the "protected classes", you're golden. But if you make a statement out of out it, if you dare to protest the state's latest social engineering agenda, you will be persecuted, and prosecuted, for your defiance.

As well you should be.

S let's agree, if someone put up a sign that said, "No (N-words) allowed", the state would come down on them and they should.

Well, no. That's exactly where we disagree. Letting government limit speech in this way is dangerous.

The argument being made by your side is ...

That's neither my "side", nor my argument. My argument is that we're giving government too much power. A government with the power to force businesses to accommodate gay weddings has the power to force them to accommodate Alex Jones.
Well, no. That's exactly where we disagree. Letting government limit speech in this way is dangerous.

Isn't a matter of speech, it's a matter of commerce.

That's neither my "side", nor my argument. My argument is that we're giving government too much power. A government with the power to force businesses to accommodate gay weddings has the power to force them to accommodate Alex Jones.

And when crazy racist liars are an endangered group, you might have a point of them needing protection.
Well, no. That's exactly where we disagree. Letting government limit speech in this way is dangerous.

Isn't a matter of speech, it's a matter of commerce.

It's both. It's an attempt to violate free speech under the guise of the Commerce Clause.

That's neither my "side", nor my argument. My argument is that we're giving government too much power. A government with the power to force businesses to accommodate gay weddings has the power to force them to accommodate Alex Jones.

And when crazy racist liars are an endangered group, you might have a point of them needing protection.

Joe, you don't even understand the law you're defending. Protected classes aren't "endangered" groups. They're traits, traits we all have, that (according to the law) can't be used as justification for discrimination. In theory, everyone is protected from discrimination based on a "protected class". eg. everyone is protected from discrimination based on gender, race, religion etc.... White people are protected from racial discrimination the same way black people are. If a business puts up a No Whitey sign, they'll be busted just the same as the business that puts up a No Blacks sign. Anything less would be an obvious violation of equal protection.

Anyway, Trump's goons are currently pushing to add political affiliation to the protected classes list. They want to use it to force Facebook, and other web platforms, to host their propaganda. This is the kind of shit that happens when we allow bad laws to become precedent.
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