Colorado is after this guy.

Me? You're confused again. We're talking about the homophobic baker.

And the baker never promised anything. If he could put up a sign saying "We don't do gay weddings", I'm sure he would. Forced behaviour is not a "promise". Your argument is circular. Take a hike.

Again- He promised a service, he didn't deliver...

He knows what the law is, there's no excuse.
"The Law says it. I believe it. That settles it."

The motto of the fundamentalist authoritarian.

Meh, the Authoritarian is the one who thinks it's okay to abuse people because an imaginary pixie in the sky says so.
"The Law says it. I believe it. That settles it."

The motto of the fundamentalist authoritarian.

Meh, the Authoritarian is the one who thinks it's okay to abuse people because an imaginary pixie in the sky says so.

No, the authoritarian is the one who relies on the State to force people to conform to their wishes, and that would be you, little stalinist.
No, the authoritarian is the one who relies on the State to force people to conform to their wishes, and that would be you, little stalinist.

Funny, guy, you had no problem when the state protects your white male privilege....
Sign on your shop says, "We do Wedding Cakes". I take the time out of my business schedule to go down to your shop, we set down dates and contracts, and then you do backsies when you find out it's two dudes?

Sorry, man, that's exactly what you did. You made a business promise. You didn't keep up your end.

Advertising that one makes wedding cakes does not, by any rational line of thought, constitute agreeing to make cakes or otherwise provide any support for a sick, immoral, homosexual mockery of a wedding.
Meh, the Authoritarian is the one who thinks it's okay to abuse people because an imaginary pixie in the sky says so.

The day will come, when you will stand before that “imaginary pixie in the sky” and be held to account for what you have done with your life. I would certainly not want to be you at that point in time. You have openly denied, defied, and mocked God. You have willfully rebelled against Him, and chosen to promote evil and madness over good and reason. You will be held accountable for this, unless you repent. When you are standing before Him to be judged, it will be too late.
Advertising that one makes wedding cakes does not, by any rational line of thought, constitute agreeing to make cakes or otherwise provide any support for a sick, immoral, homosexual mockery of a wedding.

Again, sick and immoral is Joseph Smith banging 14 year old and telling their parents he could get them into the celestial heaven...

But you know what, if a Mormon comes to my business I'll still provide the services I advertised.

Rational line of thought. Gay marriage is legal. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.
The day will come, when you will stand before that “imaginary pixie in the sky” and be held to account for what you have done with your life. I would certainly not want to be you at that point in time. You have openly denied, defied, and mocked God. You have willfully rebelled against him, and chosen to promote evil and madness over good and reason. You will be held accountable for this, unless you repent. When you are standing before him to be judged, it will be too late.

Okay, I'm going to give you a serious answer here...

The answer I would give for my life is that I served my country when I was asked. I go out of my way to help people and even when given an opportunity to screw over people who've jerked me around in the past I haven't. I've kept every promise I've made. I've never cheated on a relationship, even though I've been cheated on. If the central premise of your religion is to treat people the way you want to be treated, I pretty much do that. Yeah, Im mean to RWers on USMB, and 10 years ago, I was mean to LWers.

But if the Universe is so badly designed that the Vindictive Sky Pixie of the Bible/Book of Mormon is in charge, and his biggest problem in the world is how many people worshipped him, that kind of makes him petty and small,doesn't it.

"You didn't worship Jesus!"

"But I was born in Japan, I never heard of Jesus!"

I simply refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed.
Again, sick and immoral is Joseph Smith banging 14 year old and telling their parents he could get them into the celestial heaven...

But you know what, if a Mormon comes to my business I'll still provide the services I advertised.

The only relevance that your hateful, filthy, malicious lies against my religion have to this discussion is to demonstrate what everyone already knows, that you are, yourself, the very worst possible version of that which you falsely accuse others of being.

Rational line of thought. Gay marriage is legal. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.

There is no such thing as “gay marriage”. There never has been, and there never can or will be.

Marriage is between a man and a woman.

To declare that there can be any such thing as a “marriage between two men, or between two women, is simply meaningless nonsense, at best.

There is no reason why any sane, decent person should feel compelled to give any respect or support to such a mockery.
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The only relevance that yoru hateful, filthy, malicious lies against my religion have to this discussion is to demonstrate what everyone already knows, that you are, yourself, the very worst possible version of that which you falsely accuse others of being.

Joseph Smith had 34 wives. Some of them were as young as 14. What part of that is incorrect?

Your religion was started by a pedophile con-man who scammed less smart people out of their money and capped it off by tapping their teenage daughters. I'm sorry that they didn't tell you this.

There is no such thing as “gay marriage”. There never has been, and there never can or will be.

Marriage is between a man and a woman.

To declare that there can be any such thing as a “marriage between two men, or between two women, is simply meaningless nonsense, at best.

That happens to be your opinion, which with $5.00 will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

But legally, guess what, gay folks can get married now.

I'm all for gay marriage. Why should just the straights have to suffer?

But on a serious note, I've known gay folks who have loving, committed relationships for years. And I've known straight couples where we all said at the wedding, "They'll be divorced in a year!"

There is no reason why any sane, decent person should feel compelled to give any respect or support to such a mockery.

How about because they are people and they deserve respect? That would seem to be a pretty good reason.
The day will come, when you will stand before that “imaginary pixie in the sky” and be held to account for what you have done with your life. I would certainly not want to be you at that point in time. You have openly denied, defied, and mocked God. You have willfully rebelled against him, and chosen to promote evil and madness over good and reason. You will be held accountable for this, unless you repent. When you are standing before him to be judged, it will be too late.

Okay, I'm going to give you a serious answer here...

The answer I would give for my life is that I served my country when I was asked. I go out of my way to help people and even when given an opportunity to screw over people who've jerked me around in the past I haven't. I've kept every promise I've made. I've never cheated on a relationship, even though I've been cheated on. If the central premise of your religion is to treat people the way you want to be treated, I pretty much do that. Yeah, Im mean to RWers on USMB, and 10 years ago, I was mean to LWers.

But if the Universe is so badly designed that the Vindictive Sky Pixie of the Bible/Book of Mormon is in charge, and his biggest problem in the world is how many people worshipped him, that kind of makes him petty and small,doesn't it.

"You didn't worship Jesus!"

"But I was born in Japan, I never heard of Jesus!"

I simply refuse to believe the universe is that badly designed.

It's clear enough—your pathetic whining excuses notwithstanding—that you have willfully chosen to rebel against God, that you have willfully chosen evil over good. You've allowed this evil to distort your perception of God's plan, to twist it into the depraved mockery thereof that you repeatedly verbalize. You've filled yourself with evil, with hatred, with lies and madness. You've chosen to rebel against God, and to try to put forth your own idea of how he ought to have organized the universe. This is exactly the same path that Lucifer himself followed, that took him from being one of the first among the highest of angels, the bearer of light, to the lowly, fallen, lost being that he now is. If you stay on this path, it will lead you to the same fate to which Lucifer is now doomed.
It's clear enough—your pathetic whining excuses notwithstanding—that you have willfully chosen to rebel against God, that you have willfully chosen evil over good. You've allowed this evil to distort your perception of God's plan, to twist it into the depraved mockery thereof that you repeatedly verbalize. You've filled yourself with evil, with hatred, with lies and madness. You've chosen to rebel against God, and to try to put forth your own idea of how he ought to have organized the universe. This is exactly the same path that Lucifer himself followed, that took him from being one of the first among the highest of angels, the bearer of light, to the lowly, fallen, lost being that he now is. If you stay on this path, it will lead you to the same fate to which Lucifer is now doomed.

You do realize the name "Lucifer" does not refer to Satan in the bible, but to the Morning star, right. you are conflating Milton's' Paradise Lost with the Bible.

In fact, none of the stuff you just babbled about Satan is found ANYWHERE in the bible. (I know that there's some pretty crazy stuff in the Book of Mormon, but that was a fraud by a con man.)

Now, yeah, I have to wonder how insecure your God is, and why he would throw unbelievers into the same hell he put Pedophiles and Murderers. That's kind of messed up.

Please let me know if you can come up with a better argument against gay marriage other than, "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad."
You do realize the name "Lucifer" does not refer to Satan in the bible, but to the Morning star, right. you are conflating Milton's' Paradise Lost with the Bible.

In fact, none of the stuff you just babbled about Satan is found ANYWHERE in the bible. (I know that there's some pretty crazy stuff in the Book of Mormon, but that was a fraud by a con man.)

Now, yeah, I have to wonder how insecure your God is, and why he would throw unbelievers into the same hell he put Pedophiles and Murderers. That's kind of messed up.

Please let me know if you can come up with a better argument against gay marriage other than, "I think it's icky" and "My imaginary friend in the sky says it's bad."

I suppose that it is futile, and a waste of effort, to try to reason with one who is so deeply buried in darkness and madness and evil as you obviously are. I guess all there is more for me to say is to sincerely express the wish that before it is too late, that you might find your way back into the light, but I am not optimistic.
I suppose that it is futile, and a waste of effort, to try to reason with one who is so deeply buried in darkness and madness and evil as you obviously are. I guess all there is more for me to say is to sincerely express the wish that before it is too late, that you might find your way back into the light, but I am not optimistic.

And some day soon, I hope you learn to use logic and reason, but really, fear of your magic sky pixie is probably the only thing keeping you people from going on murderous rampages.

Sorry, some of the nicest people I know are gay.

And some of the biggest assholes I've known are Christians, with Mormons being the worst of the lot.
No, the authoritarian is the one who relies on the State to force people to conform to their wishes, and that would be you, little stalinist.

Funny, guy, you had no problem when the state protects your white male privilege....

How does the State do that pray tell?
I suppose that it is futile, and a waste of effort, to try to reason with one who is so deeply buried in darkness and madness and evil as you obviously are. I guess all there is more for me to say is to sincerely express the wish that before it is too late, that you might find your way back into the light, but I am not optimistic.

And some day soon, I hope you learn to use logic and reason, but really, fear of your magic sky pixie is probably the only thing keeping you people from going on murderous rampages.

Sorry, some of the nicest people I know are gay.

And some of the biggest assholes I've known are Christians, with Mormons being the worst of the lot.

I doubt you know anyone who is nice. Birds of a feather flock together as they say, and you are a demonstrably nasty piece of work. My sister is gay, her partner obviously is gay, my daughters God mother is gay, and you know what, not one of them thinks like you. Not one. I showed them one of your posts a few weeks ago and they looked at each other and said at almost the same time "he's a loon!"

They are correct. You don't care about individual Rights, you only care that the State have overarching power and you will destroy anyone who stands in your way. You MUST be related to Heydrich. You two are equally demented.

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